
Chapter 163 So… What now?

Everyone started nodding along to this. The contestants could easily believe that Thyme had set up traps specifically in order to increase the chances that the next group to arrive would come while the fight was already in full swing.

"So what now" asked Ryo

"Well, I guess we should discuss who we want to send to the next round. We are only allowed the one from each team after all" said Grace

Gareth nodded "I suppose in that case we should probably discount myself and Ryo then"

Ryo glared at Gareth and tried not to pout "Hey, that's not fair, why can't I go to the finals"

Grace sighed. "It's because there is a good chance that the traps you triggered won't be cleaned off. Sure it's about as likely as Thyme fully restoring you, but we can't count on that"

"Oh" said Ryo

"So that leaves us with, Estelle, and Grace on your side, and Kat, Nixilei and Green on our" said Gareth