
Chapter 1005 Late Night Pranks

When they returned to their lodgings, and Kat stepped out of the carriage, sleeping Sue in hand. She saw Hromdir doing the same thing with a sleeping Bodeir and got a fantastic idea. Walking over to Hromdir she said, "Hey Hromdir… I have an idea that I'd like to run by you. See it's like this why don't we put them both in bed, take most of their clothes… and act like we all know they slept together? They'd never admit that they don't remember it. I bet. Especially if we play them off each other," 

Hromdir listened to the plan, nodding in the appropriate places, a smile growing on his face. "You think that will work?" 

"They'd never admit to not remembering what happened, I'm certain it'll work," returned Kat. 

Hromdir, "Ok, I'm in," said Hromdir with a nod, and a light chuckle.