

Yukinowa · Fantasy
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8 Chs

To What?

Now that I think about it I haven't seen master these past few days. Where could he be? Since he's not here I should train by myself.

-1 week passed-

Ah, it's so much fun to train with big brother L. I get to learn new things from him. I even learned how to use flight magic but master hasn't returned yet. What is he doing at this point?

-2 more weeks passed-

1 month already? Time does fly by really fast. I still haven't heard a word from master yet. Does the quest he took really that hard? I wouldn't have done it if master took this long to do it. Maybe I should write a letter to him.

Hmm, what should I tell in the letter? I'll just tell him everything then.

Dear Mister Wanderer/Master,

These past few weeks I was really worried about you since you haven't said a word since then. Now that I am writing this letter I should tell you that I didn't neglect my training since you left. I have increased my mana drastically and learned new things from big brother L.

From Ian

This should be enough then. Oh yeah how am I gonna give this to him? I'll ask mister bartender if he can do anything.

"Sure let's see what I can do."

"Thank You mister bartender"

???: "Haven't you heard another Noble Family got massacred"

??? 2: "Are you serious? Aren't all Nobles heavily guarded by magicians"

???: "I don't know the details but I know that boss came there and hadn't come back"

Another Noble family huh? It's been a month and 3 Noble families were massacred. If it was my family I wouldn't even bother anymore. After realizing my mistakes, my decisions doesn't even bother my parents. They always want me to listen to them. I wouldn't even want to leave this guild.

??? 2: "You mean boss can't handle the quest?"

???: "Probably"

Boss? So master really had gone to a quest. I wouldn't know that such quest would keep him for a long time.

??? 3: "Boss is here!"

Master? He's back isn't he? Time to greet him.

Everyone shouted "Welcome back boss" as I cheerfully said to him "Welcome back master".

Master said "I'm back" with a smile on his face.

He does his routine of ordering food that can satisfy his hunger.

"There's nothing good of eating after 30 days"

What? What does he mean? He didn't eat for 30 days?

"Um, master didn't you eat for 30 days?"

If he didn't eat for 30 days he must have been really distracted by something. Is that quest really that hard for even a guild boss.

"Yeah I haven't eaten anything. One more thing the one I have fought left me a scar at my back wanna see it?"

*gulp* A scar? It doesn't hurt to look right?

*master lift up his shirt from the back*

*gasp* Why is it so big? It is like a treasure mark on his back.

"Can I touch it"

"Sure go ahead but don't touch it too hard"

The scars look fresh. From the looks of it, it looks like shadow slashes were used since a dark mark is left from the flesh. Maybe I can heal this.


"Don't push yourself I already used healing but his shadow magic was absorbing my-"

"It's done but the mark is still there I'm sorry"

"No, don't apologize. How did you do that even my divine magic can't bypass the shadow magic. Ian have you ever tried of doing the boulder test?"

"No, not yet"

"Okay let's go"

-Proceeds to the training field along with everyone in the guild-

"Okay Ian I want you to use your most offensive attack"

My most offensive attack? Oh, black flame but wouldn't that just obliterate the boulder. I don't know what master's thinking but I'll just do it.

"Black Flame"

Black flame emerged from the tip of my index. As the energy focused a small black fireball shot and obliterated the boulder but it doesn't end there. It passed through it and destroyed the house aligned with the boulder.

"What? How did i do that?"

MW(Mister Wanderer): "That shows how much you grew your mana. Now you're one step close to becoming a Magic Saint. Congrats"

Is that all my hard work? I hope I can surpass most magicians in the future. I may not be ready right now but I will continue training until I can defeat master.

"Oh, before I forgot Ian go inside I got something to talk to you about."