
Chapter - 38 - Game of death

" yeah I know but this is me right , also these are just plans , until I'm stuck here I cannot join a guild , I planned to sneak out today to join the exam for the entrance in Asura's Wrath guild but got ambushed by those enemies of mine " Edge explained and also sat beside Luck with his face down

" Do you really want to join Asura's Wrath ?"

" yes , I mean it is the number 1 guild and it not only supports their members inside the game but also in the real world , their company works like a family " Edge was trying to control his excitement while talking about Asura's Wrath but Luck could clearly see it

" don't worry I'll let you join Asura's Wrath " Luck mumbled in a very low voice

" huhh.. what did you say "

" nothing "

Luck didn't tell Edge that in reality he was the younger brother of the guild leader of Asura's Wrath , he didn't know why but he just didn't tell him

" so what do you say , would you like to see my territory hahaha "

" No actually I should first submit my quest " after adding each other as friends they parted their ways , Luck went to the main headquarters church of light to submit his quest while Edge just stood there wondering what he should do when he heard something

" come on we will kill this bastard "

This made Edge's face frown a little bit but then a huge smirk appeared " ha... let's play "




" oii tiger snap out of it , 13face is a dangerous enemy "

" you guys give him too much of a credit , didn't another team almost succeed "

" yes almost not complete, and you forgot that they ambushed him , they had several artifact to help them and they were well trained "

" team leader , you are giving him way too much credit , when i face him I will rip his 13face like a tiger haha...argghhh " suddenly a black blade stabbed him from behind, and came out from his abdomen but before he could even react the Blade went upwards and sliced him in two.

when the player called tiger dispersed in pixels , all the players could clearly see a black mask and a huge number 13 written on it

" stand your ground" the leader of the group was surprised but not shocked to see 13face and gave orders to the players , the players also regained focus after hearing their leader's voice

" Earthquake" Using the earthquake skill of his boots a huge earthquake in 10 meter radius around him happened , all the players except Edge lost their balance and also their health

Edge gripped his sword with both hands and positioned himself and threw out his sword in a stabbing manner , soon 10 sword like images but red in colour appeared and stabbed all the remaining 6 players

when they were on their knees they saw Edge releasing an aura Blade from his sword and this aura cut down all of the enemies and they vanished in pixels.

" collect " Edge pressed the collect button and all the loot went inside his inventory , his sword had passive skill steal , so he got extra loot from the enemies he killed

" Push Forward ha ha " he exclaimed loudly and waited for another player party to come

Edge was really surprised that these players were coming so deep inside the forest , they may be demon race players but still outside people are not allowed in demon territory so if those many players come inside the demon territory, they may encounter a demon lord

Ordinary players didn't know much about Demon territory that's why they were so careless , if they knew that there are 12(Edge is the 13th Demon) Demon lords that can kill them with a flick of their finger they may never set foot in here

Edge used his Spider skill and created threads from his blood , one may think it's a dangerous skill but it was manageable , with only 1 drop of blood and 100 MP he could create 10 meter of thread

The silvery thread was so thin that no one will know it's there until they are cut by it and also those threads are retractable, so he was storing them inside his Cape's dimensional space for weeks now and finally it was the time to use it

Edge placed wire traps all over the place , they were just simple wire traps which anyone could make but the wire used was made with pure platinum and was strengthened with Edge's magic

After placing wire traps for more than an hour Edge stopped when he heard a scream

" this starts now and I'm gonna level up alot "

Edge could not only create wire traps but he could also use his threads like a spider , his threads were sticky so if a player gets in touch with it , it's hard to get away from it

using his thread he was feeling like a cowboy , he made a hoop from it and was playing fishing with players

Edge stood up upon a tree and using the hoop trapped player's neck and then jump down from there , the player get his neck choked , broken or cut and it was impossible to survive from it because all the players panicked when strangled in it they used their hands instead of Blades to tear the string

and as soon as they get strangled a timer appears on their status window that tells them how long they can hold breath, that's why the game was so realistic

and also if one is killed by lack of oxygen their bodies don't disappear , this happens because strangling is a tough task so the game rewards the player by not regenerating the killed players immediately

Edge was also using those ruthless methods because after the update the pain settings were at 100% or till one can tolerate so he was sure that everyone will get traumatized from it and will not come after him if they get killed like this and he didn't notice but he was turning into ruthless


" Sir Blade reports came and we had a problem "

" tell me "

" 13Face attacked and ambushed several of our teams and you should come with me to see what happened " the subordinate told Blade and when both of them reached the demon forest there was a horrific view in front of them

around 100 lifeless bodies were hanging from trees like dolls and the demon forest truly seemed demonic right now

Edge was also hiding and after seeing Blade's reaction he retracted the strings inside his Cape and when they retracted it resulted in slicing up of the neck of dead players and they vanished in pixels

" he is here " Blade told his subordinate and got in a fighting posture when they heard a sound from behind , he turned around only to see a huge tree dropping he immediately turned back only to see nothing but still he and his subordinates died without any notice

5 strings , set up in horizontal position sliced up both of them and Edge just recorded all of it and then shifted the camera focus to 1st person POV to himself to record a message
