

DaoistoaCLXM · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 1~ Bad luck!

"I held onto my bag tightly as I walked through the hallway"."What a strange school"i taught

"Everyone was running Helter skelter immediately the bell rang for the first period",not caring if anyone got hurt or injured.

"Hey",where can i find the principal office?! i asked several students but they ignored me.

How rude..... I hissed!!!

~After few minutes of walking~


"I screamed as i fell down landing on my stomach".

Before i could trace the wench who fell me down.she got mixed up with other students who were trying to get to class.

Hey,"a strange masculine voice said", stretching his hand forward.

"After few minutes of thinking i finally placed my hands on his".

"Careful"he said pulling me up.

Tha.....nks i stammered looking for my bangle which fell of my hand.

"No prob"he replied also looking for my bangle.

"If i may ask"?what is a beauty like you doing in the middle of the hallway.

"Uhm"nothing really,it is just fun crawling!!!!! I replied pissed

Oh really!!!!!! he said in a sarcastic tone.

I just ignored him and continued looking for my bangle.

Are u okay or should i take you to the school clinic??? he asked with a worried expression.

"ohhhhhhh" thanks i am good now.

"I guess it's gone" he said after few minutes of searching.

"Bye"be careful when you crawl he chuckled before leaving.

"Wait!Wait!Wait" i said chasing after him."yea he said looking back"sorry to bother you but can you direct me to the principal's office???? i asked panting.

"Sorry but i am also new here" he replied.

"ohhhhhhhh god"i yelled

"Bad luck on my first day of school"!!!!!!!

"Let's start searching" uhm?


Beautiful name for a beautiful lady he complemented.

I ignored him and start walking.

~After minutes of walking~

"Yes Yes Yes" i screamed happily after sighting the principal office meters away.

Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock

"Come in" i heard a masculine voice through the door after knocking for a while.

"Hello" we chorused admiring his office.

Miss Anderson, Mr Sean. I have been expecting you, he said while his hands danced furiously on his keyboard and sweat dropping profusely on the floor while some gathered in the middle of his head.

"Hope it wasn't stressful finding my office"?

It wasn't sir i said faking a smile.

"That's great to hear "which one of you will fill the form first?he asked finally taking his eyes of the keyboard.

"I guess i am" he said.

Miss Anderson take a seat it might take a while "he said.

"Okay" I groaned walking sluggishly to the seat.

He then handded him a form then told him to fill it.

Miss Anderson your turn i heard him say after few minutes.

"Sir"!!!!! i said walking towards him.

He also gave me a form and I filled it.

Both of you should see me before leaving the school for other things he said and resumed typing.

Go to the next room and ask for Mrs Paul? he said while we took our leave.

By your darling author Meyun♥️