

I was scared. I knew the women in front of me wasn't my mother anymore. But I just couldn't move. Her arms were wide open, has if she wanted to hug me. Mom wouldn't want to harm me. She would never. And I exactly knew what she would want me to do in this kind of situation. I had to to it. Even if it meant loosing her a second time. But I just didn't know how to make the bow appear. The first time, it appeard just like that, without warning. How the hell am I gonna do that ? I got back up, and looked left and right. There was a knife on the floor, not to far from me. I picked up the knife, and started wqlking slowly around her. Just how was I going to do it ? She suddenly jumped on me, pushing me out the kitchen, and hit my head on the wall, holding the hand I had the knife in, hand trying to bite me while my other hand holding her back. She kept on squeezing my hand harder an harder until I screamed in pain. We were not far from the entrance. If only I could push her back, qnd run away.... But then, when I was about to loose, someone knocked on the door. She stop, while I was still struggling.

- Hello ? This is the police. Your neighboors called because they heard alarming noise. Is everything okay ?

I've never been so happy to have those annoying old neighboors ! Whatever, now is not the time for that !

- Help ! Help me !

- Miss ? Is every thing okay ??

- I'm struggling to stay alive, and am yelling for help ! Do I look okay ?!

He tried opening the door, but it was locked. Just great !

- Just, hold on ! I'm gonna brake down the door !

He was doing a loud noise, has if he was kicking the door. At the same time, she was getting closer to bite me.

- Let... go of me !

I kicked her stomac, and she was so surprised, that she released my hand. I tried to get her heart, but she jumped back, has if she knew it was her weak point. The door finally yield, and the police officer came in. He's face turned pale when he understood what happened. My mother jumpt on him, her mouth wilde open. He was so surprise that he didn't react. Now was the chance ! I jumped on her, and before she bate him, I had already pierce her heart. She spitted some blood, has she was slowly turned to see me. I finally realized what happened. I stabbed her. Without hesitation. Without thinking who she was. Has if it was natural. Tears already flowing out, I screamed, completly freaked out.

- Mom !!!

I toke her in my arms, has I cried out loud. The police officer ran to his car, and started talking, but I didn't care. My mother was dying a second time, and this time, I had killed her. She wasn't my mother anymore. But it was her at the same time. How could I do that ? How... How did I.... I squeezed her against my frail little body. She was looking at me again. The eyes of a dead person were on me. I kept on shaking her, but she just wouldn't wake up. She just wouldn't move.

Here I was, in a intoregation room, looking at my self in the big mirror. I could almost think that i'm in one of those movies that talks about murderer, and police officers... I was still wearing my pyjamas, covering into two differente blood. The man's blood, and my mom's blood. When a ambulance came to pick them up, no one dared to approach me. And when one of them tried to take my mother's body away, I screamed and tried to bite them, and hit them. Three police man had to hold me back, so they couls take her away. I screamed, kicked, and was doing even more crazy acts that they had to put handcuff's on me. When we reached to the police station, they were getting ready to hold me once again all three but I was suprisingly calm, and let them do they're work. I didn't put up a fight, or anything else. They toke me here, and its

already been half an hour i've been waiting. A middle age man walked straight to the chair, drinking some coeffie. He had a folder, and when he opened, he starder reading, still drinking.

- You might want to stop drinking if you're reading this.

He ignored me, and, a few seconds later, he spitted back every thing, surprised.

- Told y'a.

He looked at me, head to toe.

- The size doesn't makes everything.

- May Delaunay, sixteen, birth place unknown, birthday the eleven january twenty-third, correct ?

- Yes.

- Carol Delaunay, thirdy-six, birth place in Manhattan, birthday the fiftheen march two thousand, your mother, correct ?

He sais things in such a cold voice that I feel like punching him. But I have to hold back.

- Yes.

- Last night, the C.B.R broke in your house, and killed your mother. Correct ?

- Yes.

- Where were you when it happened ?

- I was sleeping.

- Why did you wake up ?

- I heard a loud noise.

- What did you see ?

-... Do I have to respond this question ?

- Answer the question.

-... My mum was in the kitchen. With the... C.B.R over her. I called for her, and then...

my voice begin to brake. I just couldn't say anything. I swallow my saliva, and breath deeply.

- Continue.

- And then I called for her. Then The C.B.R died.

- The autopsie says that he's heart was pierce by a fine object. But no weapons with this discription was found on the crime scene. What did you use, and where is it. Answer the question.

I didn't know this man, but I hated him.

- I don't remember. Everything went so fast..

- You can't remember how the object was ?

Of course I can, but i'm afraid if i tell you, you'll take me for a mad teenager that made that up after her mother died. I'm to young to go in to a mad house.

- no.

- When did your mother start moving ?

- I don't know... It was already day time. The sun was getting up.

- What did you do ?

- I picked up a knife.

- Why ?

- To free her.