
Cycle of Elysia

A young boy named Kael watches the demise of his beloved village, Serenia, trapped in the cruel crossfire between two strong forces, Terraheim and Orcarok, in the realm of Elysia. The formerly thriving and pleasant community has been reduced to ruins, leaving only a melancholy remembrance of what was once home. As the morning mist clings to the air, the sun's feeble attempts to break through the thick clouds create an eerie atmosphere. Kael stands out among the mass of worried and concerned citizens, his emerald-green eyes showing a mix of fear and determination. His fragile form is dressed in torn clothes, which stands in stark contrast to the strong energies colliding around him. As he tries to make sense of the chaos that surrounds him, the weight of loss and misery presses down on him. Kael's youthful mind begins to clutch at the strands of hope inside the constraints of his confinement.

_GhostWriter_ · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: System Update

Kael's days in the mines remained a monotonous routine of back-breaking labor and harsh treatment from the Orcarok overseers. The enigmatic system had become a source of comfort and strength in this world of suffering, guiding him through the hardships and offering him new skills to survive.

One fateful day, as he returned to his cell after a grueling shift in the mines, he felt a strange sensation in his mind. The blue screen that had become a familiar sight suddenly flickered, and a prompt appeared.

<System Update.>

Kael blinked in surprise, unsure of what was happening. The screen changed, and three new tabs appeared on the main interface—Shop, Stats, and Skills.

<Shop - Skills>

<Vitalis Flux Manipulation - Extremely Common : Basic control over the Vitalis Flux essence. (Cost: 100,000 EXP)>

<Aetherweave Manipulation - Extremely Common : Basic control over the Aetherweave essence. (Cost: 100,000 EXP)>

<Arcane Manipulator - Extremely Common : Basic control over the Arcane essence. (Cost: 100,000 EXP)>

<Vitalis Spiritus Manipulation - Extremely Common : Basic control over the Vitalis Spiritus essence. (Cost: 100,000 EXP)>

<Enhanced Strength - Extremely Common : Increases physical strength. (Cost: 1,000 EXP)>

<Rough Skin - Extremely Common : Increases toughness of the skin. (Cost: 1,000 EXP)>

<Keen Senses - Extremely Common : Heightens senses to perceive the world around you. (Cost: 1,000 EXP)>

<Stealth - Extremely Common : Ability to move silently and remain undetected. (Cost: 1,000 EXP)>

<Dagger Proficiency - Extremely Common : Proficiency in using daggers. (Cost: 1,000 EXP)>

<Sword Proficiency - Extremely Common : Proficiency in using swords. (Cost: 1,000 EXP)>

<Spear Proficiency - Extremely Common : Proficiency in using spears. (Cost: 1,000 EXP)>

<Bow Proficiency - Extremely Common : Proficiency in using bows. (Cost: 1,000 EXP)>

<Staff Proficiency - Extremely Common : Proficiency in using staffs. (Cost: 1,000 EXP)>

<Boxing Proficiency - Extremely Common : Proficiency in Boxing. (Cost: 1,000 EXP)>

The list of skills in the shop tempted Kael with their potential, but he knew that his current EXP was nowhere near enough to afford any of the Arcane Essence skills. His heart sank as he looked at his current balance—only 2,550 EXP.

His gaze then shifted to the Stats tab.


<Strength: 1>

<Agility: 1>

<Vitality: 1>

<Intelligence: 1>

<Wisdom: 1>

It occurred to him that he could use his EXP to upgrade his stats and increase his overall strength. The system prompt had mentioned that to upgrade a stat, he needed to spend the current level of that stat multiplied by 100 EXP.

Feeling a sense of urgency, Kael decided to make his first purchase from the shop. He selected Enhanced Strength and Stealth, each costing 1,000 EXP. The blue screen blinked, and the two skills were added to his interface.

<System Update: You have purchased Enhanced Strength and Stealth.>

His total EXP decreased to 550 as he made the purchase. Now, he had to decide how to allocate the remaining EXP.

He focused on the Stats tab and decided to increase his Strength, Agility, and Vitality. To upgrade Strength from 1 to 3, he needed to spend 300 EXP. For Agility and Vitality, he needed 100 EXP each.

<System Update: You have upgraded Strength to 3. You have spent 300 EXP.>

<System Update: You have upgraded Agility to 2. You have spent 100 EXP.>

<System Update: You have upgraded Vitality to 2. You have spent 100 EXP.>

With his stat upgrades completed, Kael now had 50 EXP remaining. He felt a sense of satisfaction in his progress, but he also knew that he had to be cautious with his remaining EXP. The skills in the shop were enticing, but the cost of the Arcane Essence skills was far beyond his current reach.

As the days passed, Kael continued to absorb crystals, ores, and rocks during his labor in the mines, gaining a modest amount of EXP from each one.

<You have absorbed Glowing Crystal. You have gained 50 EXP.>

<You now have 1,550 EXP.>

He repeated the process, absorbing the resources he could find, hoping that the Absorb skill would eventually reveal its true potential.

With each passing day, Kael's bond with the system grew stronger, and he felt a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of his captivity. The skills he had acquired offered him new abilities, but he knew that the true power of the system lay in the Arcane Essence skills—mysteries waiting to be unlocked.

As he toiled in the mines, Kael dreamed of a day when he would gain enough EXP to afford one of those extraordinary skills. The system had become his beacon of hope, guiding him towards a future where he could break free from the chains of the Orcarok and claim his destiny. For now, he would persevere, absorbing the fragments of the world's essence, one small step at a time.

Weeks turned into months, and Kael's determination remained unyielding. The system had become an integral part of his daily existence, guiding him through the perils of the mines and offering him a sense of purpose in this desolate world.

Each day, he continued to absorb crystals, ores, and rocks, gaining EXP bit by bit. The process had become almost meditative, a ritual that offered him a fleeting connection to the essence of the world around him.

During a rare moment of respite, Kael found himself contemplating the shop once more. The Arcane Essence skills still seemed impossibly far from his grasp, but he noticed other skills he could acquire with his current EXP.

He now had 10,550 EXP, which meant he could afford to upgrade an Extremely Common skill to the next level, which was Common. The system had mentioned that it would cost 1,000 EXP to upgrade an Extremely Common skill.

<System Update: You have upgraded Enhanced Strength to Common. You have spent 1,000 EXP.>

<System Update: You have upgraded Stealth to Common. You have spent 1,000 EXP.>

The blue screen blinked, confirming the upgrade, and Kael felt a small surge of satisfaction. His skills were slowly evolving, becoming more refined and powerful with each investment of EXP.

A few days passed, after carefully considering his options, Kael decided to invest in the Boxing Proficiency skill from the shop. Spending 1,000 EXP, he felt a rush of energy surging through him as the skill became his.

Instantly, he felt a newfound sense of strength and agility coursing through his muscles. As he practiced basic punches and footwork, he noticed a marked improvement in his combat prowess. His strikes felt more precise and powerful, and he moved with greater fluidity and speed.

Kael was elated with his purchase, realizing that the system's skills were not just mere abilities but tools that could enhance his abilities to a whole new level. With his newfound proficiency in boxing, he felt more confident and capable of facing the dangers that awaited him in this unforgiving world.

The insurmountable odds of escaping the mines started to seem less impossible. The system had given him skills and strength, but he knew that the path to freedom would be treacherous. The Orcarok were a powerful and brutal race, and any attempt to escape could result in severe consequences.

Nonetheless, Kael couldn't shake the desire to be free, to explore the world beyond the confines of the mines, and to uncover the secrets of the Arcane Essence skills. The system's update had opened new possibilities, and he knew that he had to seize every opportunity that came his way.

One day, as he was laboring in the depths of the mines, a sudden tremor shook the cavern. The ground rumbled beneath his feet, and rocks tumbled from the ceiling. Panic spread among the prisoners as they feared a cave-in. The Orcarok overseers barked orders, trying to maintain control, but even they seemed unnerved.

Kael's Danger Detection skill went into overdrive, indicating that this was a truly life-threatening situation. He needed to find a way out, and fast. His eyes scanned the dark passages, looking for any signs of escape.

With his heart pounding in his chest, Kael spotted a narrow crevice in the rock wall. It seemed risky, but it was the only chance he had. He darted towards it, narrowly avoiding falling debris.

<System Update: Danger Detected. Extreme levels of danger in current location.>

The system's warning only intensified his resolve. He squeezed through the crevice, feeling the rough edges scrape against his skin. The passage was tight, but he kept pushing forward, praying that it would lead to safety.

After what felt like an eternity, he emerged into a small chamber. The rumbling had subsided, but the sense of danger still lingered. Kael looked around, trying to get his bearings.