
Chapter 141

His statement startled his guests.

"Are you suggesting little cyborg babies?" Seth ogled him. "Dude. That is a seriously whacked-out idea."

"Is it? What race doesn't want to see its species continue? Why should we be any different?"

Anastasia, who'd not heard him expound this before, shook her head. "I thought the males had their sperm sterilized to prevent it from happening. I know the women have had their ovaries removed."

"Advances in science can replace just about any organ," Adam reminded.

A seriously discomfited Anastasia veered them back. "This isn't the time to debate procreation for our kind. We have our three objectives. We need to concentrate on those."

"Make that four." Avion, leaning against a wall listening, startled them all.

"Four? What do you mean four?" Seth frowned at the blind man. "Did I miss something during the briefing? If I did, I blame my wife. She's very distracting."