

Jason woke up after the surgery feeling a little light headed and not being able to see far he screamed. Getting use to this new body will take a few minutes said the Doctor. Whats the last thing you remember. Jason thought back to the batte the Krill had just been forced to retreat from there failed invasion of Earth. In the last few minutes of the battle. I took a blow to the side of me from a explosion.

Jason that was 2 years ago, you have not been able to keep memories since you were injured. You were signed up for a new clone cyborg body. After you get use to the new body you will report to command ops Europe for retraining and deployment to a combat unit.

After the doctor left all Jason could think about was how he was no longer fully human.

6 months later Jason finished his training and was assigned to a team guarding a top secret lab. He found out that the war with the Krill was not over and they had blockaged Earth and started trying to invade again. This time it was a long shot to keep them off the planet.

In a last ditch plan Earths Scientists opened up a time vortex with the intention of sending back teams of Scientists to advance earths tech rapidly to defeat the Krill when they arrived the first time.