
cyberpunk: void samurai

This all starts with Elijah suffering a heart attack at the age of 25 when his first wife filed for divorce and taking all of the things he worked hard to achieve. when he woke up from the void of the black abyss, he was face to face with Saburo Arasaka, the emperor of the Arasaka Corporation. Elijah is very familiar with this notable CEO and with his death. can Elijah survive as property of a corp or will he use their secrets against them? only time can tell and take a brain-dance though Elijah's eyes in this destroyed world picking up the pieces.

Drake_Welch · Video Games
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chapter 1 prolong: i never loved you

Elijah leans back in his office chair and yawns, he checks the time on his watch seeing it's 8:25 pm he should have gone home 3 hours but the boss asked him to stay after to file some paperwork on a huge project. once Elijah finished up the paperwork he gathers his items and clocked out, when he steps out he sees the first snowflakes fall and the steam of his breath. "hm... its that time of year again. what... who will I lose today?"

Elijah never had good memories of winter ever since his grandfather died, he was 14 when his grandfather died and it was a week before Christmas. for Elijah it was the first domino to fall as almost every winter he would lose someone. as the years ticked by he would the will to build any relationships, which gave him the nickname of the lone wanderer. it was mildly amusing but it wasn't wrong in a way, well that was until he met Olivia. she just showed up in Elijah's out of the blue, he always made a joke about how their situation was similar to an anime where a college female underclassmen bugging an upperclassman to prevent him from a grumpy old man later on in life. after a while after high school, college and the start of their lives as adults both Olivia and Elijah began dating at 22 and 3 years later got married.

as Elijah got into his car and started to drive home, he drove in silence as he didn't want to put himself in a good mood only for fate to correct that universal error. but he was content with his life, sure his life wasn't easy but he made the most of his life as best he could. what stopped his train of thoughts was a call from his wife Olivia which was very unusual for her but must be important.

"Hello? Olivia?" Elijah hears some shuffling and the very familiar moan of his wife. as Elijah drive closer and closer to home. he learns that his wife was and has been cheating on him on their 2ed year of them dating, to anyone who wanted to bed with her. he flicked off his headlights and drove into the driveway, he opened his car door and walked inside the house. Elijah is extremely quiet when he wants to be which to others is like he pops out of nowhere. making his way through the house. he noticed a file on a counter and looked at it, sure enough, it was a divorce file. he took it and put it inside his suitcase.

making his way to the bedroom door, he stops in front of it and takes a deep breath. he kicks open the door scaring the shit out of Olivia and her meat dildo. Olivia and Elijah look at each other for a long while but are quickly interrupted by some meat head. "oi who the fuck are you?! ya got a screw loose for walking in some bro's and his girl's house?" the meat head got up from the bed and walked to Elijah. Olivia scrambled to stop him, yelling "johnny don't!" Elijah already grabbed johnny's hand twisting it and dislocating it, sweeping his feet out from under him. Elijah proceeds to beat johnny, over and over.

Elijah knew something broke in him, his wife his first lover choose sex over him that he could not fathom. Olivia managed to stop his blind rage. "stop! you are gonna kill him!" once Elijah came back to his senses, he got up and straightened his tie. "I hope it was worth it Olivia." his face was devoid of emotion when he looked at her. "that! that lack of life or anything! I first met you I thought I could make you smile or something! I wasted years of my life on you!" Olivia screamed at Elijah. "but you did. Every day I was thankful and happy that I had you. you even said that you loved me for what is inside." Olivia stops screaming in shock "you... remember that? that was when we were freshmen in college."

"yes, it was. I've done everything I can for us to have a comfortable life. It's why I took extra overtime. took on more responsibilities and climbed for higher positions in the company. all that for you." Olivia kept that shocked looked "i... never knew... i-i thought you stopped loving me. y-you kept coming home late..." Elijah caresses her face gently "I never stopped loving you Olivia... but you never loved me, not truly. this divorce file will be processed, goodbye."

Olivia collapses as the reality of her actions hit her. on her knees, she breaks down crying. Elijah walks out of the house and looks at the night sky and says "I hate winter." as Elijah made his way to the car he felt a pain in his chest, as the pain grew it crippled him. falling to his knees clutching his chest, he could see drops fall onto his free hand to keep him from falling prone. as the drops grew in number he let out a small laugh. "now I am crying? after all this time it took my wife to break my heart to break me?" his free hand losses strength he falls but can roll on his back, staring up at the starry night sky. "ha... I'm sorry pop... Im so sorry I couldn't keep my promise... seems fate despised me at every turn... I just wish I could... fight... back...and...take...contro...." darkness crape in all around Elijah and he could barely hear his wife yelling his name to stay with her. he couldn't keep the strength in his eyelids and when they closed that was when the final beat of his heart was spent.

hello! dont worry im still writing the fallout story just a bit of writers block and how about going about it. i have noticed that there arent a lot of cyberpunk stories or at all so i hope this can inspire other stories on their own takes on this. also side note i am working so i am 12 hour shifts so it wont effect my updates much. also im still trying to figure out the length of each chapter so im sorry some seem short or reallly long. but thank you for reading!

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