
Meet Batgirl

Batgirl sat on the ledge of the roof while watching a group of men pacing outside of a warehouse. She had an irritated look on her face while she was thinking about Jason who she hadn't seen for nearly two weeks.

'Focus, Babs. We can look for Jason later. We gotta pay attention to them.'

The group of thugs below her was standing next to the loading dock and it seemed like they were waiting on a delivery of some goods.

"How is it?"

Barbara turned around to see a man in a blue disco suit and another in a grey and black suit that resembled a bat.

"Nightwing. Batman," Barbara greeted them before turning back around to look at the group beneath them. "Two-Face's boys are still waiting. Seems like Penguin is keeping him waiting and they're getting antsy. If they don't show up soon, there may be a bloodbath when they arrive later."

"You seem like you wanna do cause a bloodbath yourself, Babs."

Nightwing was the former Robin and sidekick of Batman. He had gotten tired of the mantle and decided to make a name for himself with his team, the Titans. Every now and then, he would stop by when he had nothing else to do.

Batman was Gotham's protector. He was a knight of darkness that watched over the city. He protected it from its corruption and filth.

"That's cause I haven't seen that Jason kid in a few weeks. I'm worried about him.

Lastly was Barbara. She was the last to join the trio in their crusade. She was a genius and also the daughter of the chief of police so she was able to figure out Batman's secret identity. She used it as a chance to blackmail Batman into letting her join them. He hasn't regretted the decision since.

"Well, your housewarming party is in a few days. I'm sure he'll stop by the library to find out before then," Nightwing tried to comfort Batgirl before turning his attention to the group beneath them. "Kinda makes me wanna jump down there and break them up before it happens."

"No, Nightwing. We stick to the plan."

"You gotta be kidding me, Bruce. We can easily take them."

Just as they were talking about whether to start their attack then or not, someone walked up. It was a young man wearing a red, sleeveless jacket. He had a package in his hand that he passed over to one of Two-Face's men.

"Looks like we got our guy. I call red hoodie. You guys can deal with the others."

Nightwing jumped down from the top of the building before doing a superhero landing on the metal awning above the group. They all heard and turned their guns toward the awning and opened fire.

Everyone except for the red hoodie who took off.

Batman saw it all from above so he jumped down to assist Nightwing.

"Go after the courier. I'll help Nightwing."

"Got it."

Batgirl jumped off the roof and into the alley that the red hoodie had taken off in. She saw him rush out the end of the alley and began chasing after him. The gap between the pair was pretty wide and even after 5 minutes, she had failed to narrow it.

Not for lack of effort on her side but because Red Hoodie knew the streets better. Every turn, jump, and tuck was timed perfectly. Like he had memorized th entire route and planned this escape.

Batgirl threw one of her batarangs at the man in hopes of slowing him down. The weapon flew through the air, next to his face, and into a wall in front of him. But none of this seemed to bother the man because he kept running like before.

'Seriously? Most people are afraid of flying knives.'

Red Hoodie turned a corner and waited in ambush for Batgirl. As soon as she turned the corner, the young woman was surprised when she felt something spray in her face.

The superheroine knocked the spray bottle away but it was already too late. She could feel the effects of whatever drug had hit her going through her systems.


Unable to do much else, Batgirl hurried to press the SOS button on her belt before throwing a smoke pellet down and running away as fast as she could. Batgirl only made it a few meters before she collapsed on the floor of the alley.

Red Hoodie looked at the collapsed Batgirl and the blinking light on her belt. Since Batman and Nightwing were only a few blocks away, he wasn't worried about anything happening to her. Red Hoodie took off down the alley and turned a few times until he found his stash.

He changed his outfit with the one in the book bag. After getting change, Jason walked out of his alley and began to casually walk down the street. Jason smirked when he heard the sound of a grapple going over his head and into the alley behind him.

Jason returned to the Night Market where Nick was waiting for him with his cash.

"Batman and his two sidekicks were there. Gimme an extra 500."

"You know the rules of the street, kid. Only Freeze pays Bat Insurance. You're on your own for anyone else."

Jason sulked when he thought about how close he was to getting caught. If the trio had spotted him a before he reached Two-Face's goons, he would have been caught.

'I might need to go away for a bit. Maybe train under the League of Assassins so that my combat skills can reach the level I need them to. I also need to study my own tech. If I keep relying on the system to do all the work, I won't be using it to its full potential. I could even meet Damien while I'm over there as a bonus.'

Nick counted out 300 bucks in 20s before placing it on the counter in front of Jason. He saw that Jason looked shaken up and thought that he was worried about what just happened.

"Don't worry about it, kid. Everyone has a run-in with the Bat. Even if he catches you during a delivery, all you have to do is pretend like you don't know what you were dropping off. Which you don't."

Jason nodded but didn't pay any attention to it. After he grabbed his cash, he walked over to the cages. This was where people would go inside cages and fight each other in brutal fashions. Some matches were official where the guys were being paid by whoever hired them while most were just fights between people who bet money between themselves.

Jason arrived just in time to see Bane smash two guys' heads together and knock them unconscious. The third man in the arena was already foaming at the mouth so it was obvious that Bane had already taken care of him.

"And for 3 weeks straight, the undisputed champion, the unbeaten gladiator, the breaker of backs... Bane!"

Jason saw Bane get out of the cage looking annoyed, even beneath the mask that covered his entire face. He had seen that expression many times after Bane kept kicking his ass during their training sessions.

"Still no one that could satisfy you?"

"Tsk. None of them can. I wish to battle the Bat but I know that he is my superior. I must train but there is no one here that is worth it for me."

Jason was surprised when he heard Bane admit this. Since he was also feeling the same, Jason offered to leave the city together and search for the League of Assassins together.

"Hmm. It sounds interesting. When do you want to leave?"

"Give me a few days. I gotta say goodbye to someone."