
Cyberpunk Maniac

The Public Safety System said, "When darkness falls, close your eyes. Monsters, open your eyes. Werewolves, make your kill. Vampires, make your kill. Tengu, make your kill. Corporate security, make your kill. Mercenaries, make your kill. Gangsters, make your kill. Counter-terrorism squads, make your kill. Cyberpsychotics, make your kill. Biochemically Transformed, make your kill. Demons of Hyperspace, make your kill. Zerg of a different dimension, make your kill. Sorcerers of the Abyss, make your kill. Followers of a Million Concealed Charms, make your kill..." The Public Safety System said, "Dawn has broken, and no one died last night. The cyberpsychotics has killed all the monsters. Those who are alive, please speak." Li Pan said, "First of all, I'm not a cyberpsychotic, I'm just a little too spiritually aware."

Axe Warrior · Sci-fi
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364 Chs

Chapter 9: After Work_2

And when there is an external security risk within the area, or when the original power leaves, causing a change in the regional balance, the coefficient will sharply increase, which means compared to the regular data, the deviation greatly increases.

In simpler terms, there's danger.

Then Li Pan saw, among the dense crowd in the subway station, four particularly burly and conspicuous men, nearly all towering between 1.9 to 2 meters tall, bending their heads as they got off the subway train one after another.

Next, Li Pan turned his head and saw another dozen individuals in black trench coats, wearing sunglasses and electronic eyes, exuding pure corporate drone vibes, emerging from all entrances of the subway station, including the bathrooms and emergency escape routes.

It was an ambush.

At the same instant, the leader of the muscular men, a black man, sniffed the air and let out a ferocious roar!

"Night Walkers!!"

Right then, Li Pan saw him pull out two submachine guns from under his leather jacket, damn, those weren't just smart weapons!


"Pop pop pop pop pop!"


Damn it, the fight's started again, truly never-ending, just another day in Night City...

Li Pan quickly ducked behind a metal trash can to hide. Outside it was just ratatatata, with two groups exchanging fire, indiscriminately throwing flashbangs, smoke grenades, and sound booms.

The unfortunate commuters screamed and scattered in all directions, and after a short while, they were taken down en masse by stray bullets, a great number lying on the ground, with no idea how many were dead.

Alas, it's tragic. Even though those corporate drones were the ones setting up the ambush, at least they were using hacker equipment together with intelligent weapons. Although ordinary people couldn't avoid the blast wave, the smart bullets 'had eyes' and would try to avoid you as much as possible.

But those burly men were using illegally modified firearms, and the bullets had huge destructive power, turning the subway station into a chaotic mess, like it was being forcibly demolished. Looks like tonight's death lottery is going to be a super rollover.

Thinking of this, Li Pan quickly placed a bet, after all, these days the only slightly reliable way to achieve financial freedom and class ascension was probably winning the lottery.

Spend five bucks on a lottery ticket, buy a dream, and Li Pan waited behind the trash bin for the two groups to finish their fight.

There was no use waiting for the NCPA. The hulking man had just called out 'Night Walkers', which are the direct security forces of the Ye Corporation. Each of them a mix of gangster and secret agent, otherwise who would dare to make a move so boldly in the heart of Night City's subway station? Probably will have to wait until the fight's over for the police to come clean up.

And those muscular men were also quite absurd, still resisting with tatatatata. If it were average people, they would have been taken down by the corporation's hackers by now, but Li Pan peeked out and saw that this group, despite being riddled with blood from the smart bullets, still stood tall, unbreakable even by the intelligent projectiles. Instead, it only provoked their ferocity more; they roared back, firing and forming tactical squads to suppress the ambushers' firepower from all sides, trying to retreat back to the subway and escape through the underground rails.

Surviving such a chaotic shootout and even fighting their way out, Li Pan couldn't help but suspect these men might also be pure biochemical transformations from some organization, but probably not Akai Tengu's, because if they were Red Dog's, Cerberus would have already thrown a Thermal Pressure Grenade into the fray.

Just as those muscular men suppressed the Night Walkers' firepower and were about to retreat in a group, suddenly a black shadow jumped out of the dust and smoke.

Only under Xingtian's combat dynamic vision could Li Pan barely make out that it was a woman... a Night Walker dressed in a black leather trench coat, with short black hair, wielding dual guns.

And as expected, from her delicate features, pupils glowing blue, and movements that seemed neurologically enhanced to near-ground-skimming flight, along with the Night Walker's title and attire, all pointed towards an incontestable truth.

These were, in fact, Ye Corporation's specialty product, Combat Vampires.

Of course, the Ye Clan prefers to call themselves the Blood Clan. It's said that on their version of Earth, due to a plague, the native population mutated, leading to the development of the special Blood Clan serum and Blood Clan Ghouls, becoming the corporation's signature commodities.

These Blood Clan members essentially have the notable traits of legend: eternal youth, everlasting beauty, superior speed and strength, healing through blood, and so forth. Even Ye Corporation has added sun-fearing characteristics to their lower-end, cheaper products for brand consistency while also cutting costs.

So, all in all, these Night Walkers are generally grade five or six technology products, and their performance is indeed worthy of the reputation of Night City's warriors.

This moment, the female Night Walker in front of Li Pan moved swiftly, dodging crossfire like a butterfly in motion, getting up close and jumping into the crowd, performing a legs-locked neck hold with her dual guns pressed against the skull and eyeballs firing wildly. She turned two of the muscular men into bloody messes and, like a black serpent, weaved through the crowd, drawing her sword, short as a needle from her waist, and stabbing another dead. After this triple kill, she was faced with the last muscular man who found an opportunity, shot her, and sent her flying over Li Pan's head with a kick, crashing into the wall, breaking the bricks and falling right in front of Li Pan.

The two locked eyes for a moment, then ducked behind the trash bin together.

The next instant, the sole surviving muscular man, eyes bloodshot, began firing wildly, "Oooh aahh ahhhh!" making the trash can clang and spark.

"Damn! What the hell are you doing!"

Li Pan was about to return fire, but the female vampire grabbed his hand, took his ancestral Endless Night from him, and sank her teeth into the back of his hand, frantically sucking his blood!