
Cyberpunk Maniac

The Public Safety System said, "When darkness falls, close your eyes. Monsters, open your eyes. Werewolves, make your kill. Vampires, make your kill. Tengu, make your kill. Corporate security, make your kill. Mercenaries, make your kill. Gangsters, make your kill. Counter-terrorism squads, make your kill. Cyberpsychotics, make your kill. Biochemically Transformed, make your kill. Demons of Hyperspace, make your kill. Zerg of a different dimension, make your kill. Sorcerers of the Abyss, make your kill. Followers of a Million Concealed Charms, make your kill..." The Public Safety System said, "Dawn has broken, and no one died last night. The cyberpsychotics has killed all the monsters. Those who are alive, please speak." Li Pan said, "First of all, I'm not a cyberpsychotic, I'm just a little too spiritually aware."

Axe Warrior · Sci-fi
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319 Chs

Chapter 88 Disaster Strikes_3

Moreover, the company's smart bullets were fairly high-end this time; the tracking heads could follow infrared scans and track signals, specifically targeting mercenaries like you, wearing prosthetic military gear. So as long as there was a general direction, it was fine to spray wildly with the smart rifle—the system would automatically calibrate the trajectory, with guided controls at the end of the bullet, truly resulting in a random killing spree.

Though the complex three-dimensional terrain of Heavenly Dragon Stronghold often led to people popping out of alleys, secret passages, windows, trash cans, sewers, and other nooks to take potshots at Li Pan, to be honest, most of them untrained, hardly anyone beyond twenty steps could aim properly. Now and then, a stray bullet would fly towards his chest, only to ping off the SBS armor, not to mention penetrating Li Pan's formal wear and level five armor.