
Chapter 172 Goods_3


Cough cough, anyway, the commonly used engines nowadays are Hyperdrive FTL, PPE pulse, and SF synthetic fuel types.

There are also roughly three categories of devices used to counteract these engines.

The Disruption Field Generator that prevents a fleet from transitioning to nearby coordinates.

The Long-range Jump Disruptor, which within a certain distance, targets the destruction of WARPCELLs and disrupts the operation of PPE engines.

And then there's the literal Tractor Beam that drags your ship's speed down.

The encounter this time essentially involved all three types of countermeasures.

The pirates had set up Disruption Fields in advance on the official acceleration tracks, and the ships lying in ambush swarmed out, using Transition Disruptors and Tractor Beams to lock onto the HAYABUSA. At the same time, various ECMs, information interference, and energy-depleting DEBUFFs piled on.