
Cyberpunk: I am the heir of a corporate dynasty

Transcending into the role of antagonists in the cyber game, with a daunting entourage of mesmerizing maidens, is indeed intriguing. However, it is lamentable that they are all mere pawns. The cerebral enchantress, possessing the capability to paralyze entire military forces, is hailed as the uncrowned monarch of the hacker realm. Yet, she falls prey to the protagonist's charm, ultimately succumbing to divulging corporate secrets, tarnishing her erstwhile reputation. As for the dark war deity, whose individual prowess can obliterate a squadron of mechanized warriors, as a mercenary, he bestows upon her the finest arsenal and perks within the conglomerate. Alas, the plot prevails; amidst a crackdown on the protagonist, a mutual affinity emerges between them, culminating in betrayal of the conglomerate in a certain denouement, aiding the protagonist in severing ties with her former self. Such instances abound. To avert a fate of stifling demise, he deliberates meticulously, arriving at a resolute decision. Observing the preparations for the impending assault on the protagonist within the corporate hall, Jonas beckons her into the confines of his office. Amidst the bemused gaze of her counterpart, a delicate collar materializes in his hand. "Miss Dark War Deity, surely you wouldn't want your sister to suffer indignity, would you?"

lei_shi · Fantasy
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135 Chs

No one knows what happened in the car

The observation alone doesn't infer any dubious intentions from the Morris Consortium towards him, but the prevailing understanding in the Twenty-Fifth District is that the true power wielders of the Weiting Consortium are actually those in the board of directors.

As the heir, Jonas Weiting cannot entirely represent the Weiting Consortium. Though Mr. Jonas is nominally legitimate, the majority of the Weiting Consortium's interests are held by the board of directors. This is a pragmatic issue; the resources currently under Jonas's control are insufficient to gain recognition from others.

However, the behavior of the Morris Consortium is quite unusual... It's as if they're not seeking representatives of the Weiting Consortium, but Jonas himself.

It cannot be ruled out that the Morris Consortium truly desires to befriend this rising star of the Weiting Consortium's heirs. However, this possibility is rather slim.

After all, to befriend Jonas Weiting is, in a sense, to be at odds with the board of directors of the Weiting Consortium, and Jonas currently lacks the leverage to compel the Morris Consortium into mutually beneficial actions.

From the perspective of a power wielder, Jonas cannot fathom why the Morris Consortium would act in this manner.

It should be noted that any third party involved in the internal struggles of a consortium, regardless of which side they support, inevitably becomes a sacrificial pawn.

In other words, a rational person wouldn't engage in activities that knowingly harm their own interests.

As the saying goes, "the cunning rabbit has died, and the stalking dog is cooked." Anyone who can establish themselves in the Twenty-Fifth District understands this principle to some extent.

If the other party's intention is not to involve themselves in the internal strife of the Weiting Consortium, then their motives become worthy of speculation.

Actions done with no ulterior motive are seldom innocent; they're often malicious.

Jonas does not believe the other party would unreasonably choose a supposed heir who opposes the board of directors of the consortium.

"So, does Mr. Jonas intend to decline the other party's invitation?" Eiffel, noticing Jonas lost in thought, inquired directly.

"No, this is a rare opportunity," Jonas said, as if he had realized something, grinning.

The current situation in the Twenty-Fifth District is quite clear, and he had hardly any prior contact with the Morris Consortium.

The only reason Jonas could think of for their invitation was... the collaboration between the Destiny Organization and the Morris Consortium.

In other words, this might not be a trap set by the Morris Consortium but a game set by the Destiny Organization... or rather, a game set by Miss Tianyu.

"Eiffel, please investigate who else has been invited to this gathering... Also, keep a close eye on what's happening on the Enlise side," Jonas said, pausing briefly before continuing with a smile, "Since they seem to think I'm a pushover... I must reciprocate."

Since it's Miss Tianyu's invitation, there's a compelling reason to attend.

Perhaps this time is the moment to shatter Miss Tianyu's psychological defenses completely.

If the other party has prepared for this, even bringing in the Morris Consortium... then he must prepare himself as well.

Otherwise, he might end up capsizing in the gutter and lose the last laugh.

Therefore, Mr. Jonas agreed to the Morris Consortium's invitation.

The time until the conference is about half a month away.

During this period, Miss Celine also woke up from her coma.

And Jonas immediately informed Miss Esni about this situation... She also requested Jonas to take her to see Celine.

Naturally, Jonas didn't refuse.

Due to the surgery, even if Miss Esni was worried, she couldn't see her sister. Now that she finally had the opportunity, she was naturally very excited. The look she gave Jonas also carried a hint of gratitude.

In her view, for Jonas to obtain a sample of the nanomedical robot from the opposing board of directors, it must have come at a considerable cost.

Although this was a transaction between Jonas and her, she was well aware that the transaction had been unequal from the start.

And when Jonas truly fulfilled his promise, besides gratitude, Miss Esni's heart also harbored some inexplicable emotions.

These emotions, mixed with previous confusion, palpitations, and loyalty, gradually made Jonas's presence occupy the most important part of the young girl's heart.

On the way to the Weiting Hospital in the Erlis District, in the black sedan.

Jonas sat in the passenger seat, while Miss Esni was responsible for driving.

"Miss Esni seems to be in a good mood?" Jonas's words made the girl holding the steering wheel pause for a moment. After a moment, she nodded and said, "Thanks to Mr. Jonas, I now... um..."

The girl's words paused, as if unsure what to say next. Her cheeks blushed, then she glanced at Jonas from the corner of her eye and continued, "I don't know how to repay properly."

--- Is it genuine confusion or pretending?

Jonas, about the girl's thoughts, temporarily kept them in mind.

He looked at the girl's neck, where the collar emitted a red light, indicating a rapid heartbeat.

As mentioned earlier, Miss Esni's collar could detect some routine physiological and mental conditions.

And what Jonas was now seeing was Miss Esni's relevant information.

[Heart Rate: 90

Body Level: Healthy

Emotions: Excited, thrilled, nervous.]

--- Nervous?

After seeing this description, Jonas couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

Then he noticed some other details; Miss Esni's hands holding the steering wheel were slightly pale, indicating considerable force. Her lips were occasionally pursed, indicating that the girl was indeed feeling somewhat uneasy.

"Is Miss Esni nervous?" The sudden question caught Miss Esni off guard. She stammered for a moment before saying, "Uh, no, not really."

Apparently, the girl could even be easily detected when lying.

As soon as she finished speaking, Miss Esni felt a strange sensation and couldn't help but let out a cry. Then her face reddened even more.

"Mr. Jonas, what are you doing?" The other party's actions made her blush even more, and her heartbeat accelerated even more.

"I noticed Miss Esni was a bit nervous, so I'm helping you relax," Jonas said without batting an eyelid.

"Do you need to put your hand on my leg to relieve tension?" Miss Esni's tone, rather than being resentful, seemed more like a tease.

"Of course, this is my exclusive massage technique," Jonas said, bluffing while smiling, "Does Miss Esni feel much more relaxed now?"

--- Clearly, she's even more nervous now!

Although Miss Esni clearly felt that Jonas was lying with his eyes open, the fact was indeed true.

Looking at the panel in front of her, the girl's heart rate had soared to 120, and Jonas couldn't help but feel intrigued.

"If we continue like this... we won't make it to the hospital in time," Miss Esni reminded softly.

Saying so, Jonas did not stop his actions as she had anticipated.

Feeling a little frustrated, she looked into his eyes, feeling somewhat helpless as she said, "So, Mr. Jonas, what do you suggest to let me drive properly?"

"If Miss Esni is in a hurry, I actually have a technique for quick passage," Jonas suddenly said. Seeing Miss Es

ni's somewhat bewildered expression, he leaned over and whispered something in her ear.

Instantly, Miss Esni's face turned red to her ears.

She stammered for a while and couldn't say a word. After hesitating for a long time, she nodded.

It's worth mentioning that Jonas Weiting's beloved car was equipped with the latest optical bulletproof glass, which not only couldn't be penetrated by a sniper rifle but also made it impossible for anyone outside to see inside the car.