
Cyberpunk: I am the heir of a corporate dynasty

Transcending into the role of antagonists in the cyber game, with a daunting entourage of mesmerizing maidens, is indeed intriguing. However, it is lamentable that they are all mere pawns. The cerebral enchantress, possessing the capability to paralyze entire military forces, is hailed as the uncrowned monarch of the hacker realm. Yet, she falls prey to the protagonist's charm, ultimately succumbing to divulging corporate secrets, tarnishing her erstwhile reputation. As for the dark war deity, whose individual prowess can obliterate a squadron of mechanized warriors, as a mercenary, he bestows upon her the finest arsenal and perks within the conglomerate. Alas, the plot prevails; amidst a crackdown on the protagonist, a mutual affinity emerges between them, culminating in betrayal of the conglomerate in a certain denouement, aiding the protagonist in severing ties with her former self. Such instances abound. To avert a fate of stifling demise, he deliberates meticulously, arriving at a resolute decision. Observing the preparations for the impending assault on the protagonist within the corporate hall, Jonas beckons her into the confines of his office. Amidst the bemused gaze of her counterpart, a delicate collar materializes in his hand. "Miss Dark War Deity, surely you wouldn't want your sister to suffer indignity, would you?"

lei_shi · Fantasy
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135 Chs

Jonas teaches you how to reconcile past grievances

As Jonas stated, Mr. Mister is indeed in a dilemma at the moment.

Due to the handling of the events involving Kogar Weiting and Belok, Mr. Mister, acting chairman, has lost the trust of other members of the board.

But in his position as acting chairman, Mr. Mister must make a decision, even if it may harm the interests of the board.

In the current situation where Jonas holds absolute advantage, any sheltering actions may become a means for the other party to attack the board.

It is better to make a clear decision than to remain entangled.

However, few members of the board seem to recognize this point, feeling uncomfortable that Mr. Mister, as a board member, has made a decision favorable to Jonas.

In the Smorlicka District, Weiting Consortium.

Mr. Mister looked at the flowing crowd below the window, a dim color flashing in his eyes.

The recent events had left him somewhat at wit's end. Jonas Weiting was much more difficult to deal with than he had imagined, and most importantly, the other members of the board... Although their interests were aligned, those fools seemed to believe rumors that he would betray the board.

He knew exactly who was spreading these rumors. There were quite a few people eyeing his position as acting chairman, and those ambitious waste had been plotting to cause internal strife long before this incident occurred.

Having finally seized an opportunity, they naturally wanted to exploit it to attack him viciously.

Mr. Mister gave a cold smile, and a crack appeared in the highball glass in his hand.

They were all a bunch of useless people who could only drag down their own kind.

—Beep beep beep

The sudden electronic alert sounded, and Mr. Mister looked towards the communicator, a hint of surprise flashing in his originally gloomy eyes.

Because the one communicating with him was not someone else.

It was Jonas Weiting himself.

After a moment of hesitation, he casually threw the highball glass in his hand into the trash can.

Sitting at the desk, Mr. Mister answered the communication.

On the other end, the man named Jonas smiled and said, "Mr. Mister, it's been a long time."

Essentially, the conflict between Jonas and Mister is not irreconcilable.

Because it's not just the two of them vying for the interests of the Weiting Consortium, there are also the people in the board.

And the conflict between the two is actually because Mister represents the core interests of the board, while Jonas is destined to encroach upon the board's interests.

But before this, there was no rule stipulating that board members couldn't encroach upon the interests of other board members.

In other words, the conflict between the two can be shifted onto others.

This is also why Jonas is so confident that Mister won't refuse him.

"Jonas Weiting, what do you want?" Mister's tone was very calm, and his expression was not as gloomy as before.

"My time is precious, and I don't want to waste it on meaningless things."

"But from what I know, Mr. Mister's actions have been greatly restricted by the board..."

Jonas smiled as he spoke, paying no attention to Mister's increasingly ugly expression:

"Even if you don't waste time with me here, Mr. Mister, you don't have anything else to do, do you?"

Hearing this, Mister narrowed his eyes and said:

"If your purpose in communicating with me is just to mock me, then I think we have no need to continue."

"Of course not."

Looking at the elder in the communication screen, Jonas paused for a moment before continuing:

"I've come this time mainly to reconcile with Mr. Mister."

Upon hearing this, Mister's first reaction was suspicion, but he quickly noticed the key point in the other party's words.

It wasn't about reconciling with the board, but with him, Mister...

The old man furrowed his brows. Before he could speak, he heard Jonas continue:

"If I'm not mistaken, Mr. Mister started a nanomedical robot project before, right?"

He said, smiled, and then continued:

"If I'm not mistaken, the recent progress of this project hasn't been smooth, has it?"

"What are you trying to say?" Mister's tone turned unfriendly.

The progress of this project was indeed very difficult. Besides the funding issue, the other members of the board were also restraining his energy.

Not long ago, this project had made a major mistake because of this, and the experiment had reached a stalemate, with even publicity issues arising.

Obviously, this project was on the verge of collapse, and the costs incurred in the early stages were all wasted.

Jonas suddenly mentioned this project, undoubtedly rubbing salt in his wound.

Just as Mister was preparing to hang up the communication directly, the other party's words made him hesitate.

"I know Mr. Mister may not trust me very much, and this project is my chance to show sincerity,"

"I will invest and cooperate with Mr. Mister to complete this project... Of course, as a demonstration of sincerity before cooperation, I happen to have a patient with Ellisene muscular atrophy who can be used as publicity material, and I will handle the publicity issue."

Jonas's words completely caught Mister off guard. He frowned, and then heard Jonas continue:

"Mr. Mister's current situation should be quite bad... It's not easy to sit in the position of acting chairman of the board."

"But if the nanomedical robot project starts to make a profit, those other members of the board who want to covet this position will have to consider their own weight."

It must be admitted that Jonas's words were quite convincing, but Mister never believed in pie falling from the sky. He remained silent for a long while before asking:

"So, what do you want to get?"

He didn't think the other party was doing so much just for the so-called 'reconciliation of past grievances.'

Hearing Mister's words, Jonas couldn't help but smile and said:

"Mr. Mister is indeed a clever man."

After praising the other party, he pondered for a moment before continuing:

"I'm not standing in absolute opposition to the board... In fact, we shouldn't have any fundamental conflicts of interest."

"But there always seem to be one or two fools in the board who want to obstruct me..."

Before Mister could say anything, Jonas made his intentions clear:

"I'll help you get rid of them."