
Cyberpunk: I am the heir of a corporate dynasty

Transcending into the role of antagonists in the cyber game, with a daunting entourage of mesmerizing maidens, is indeed intriguing. However, it is lamentable that they are all mere pawns. The cerebral enchantress, possessing the capability to paralyze entire military forces, is hailed as the uncrowned monarch of the hacker realm. Yet, she falls prey to the protagonist's charm, ultimately succumbing to divulging corporate secrets, tarnishing her erstwhile reputation. As for the dark war deity, whose individual prowess can obliterate a squadron of mechanized warriors, as a mercenary, he bestows upon her the finest arsenal and perks within the conglomerate. Alas, the plot prevails; amidst a crackdown on the protagonist, a mutual affinity emerges between them, culminating in betrayal of the conglomerate in a certain denouement, aiding the protagonist in severing ties with her former self. Such instances abound. To avert a fate of stifling demise, he deliberates meticulously, arriving at a resolute decision. Observing the preparations for the impending assault on the protagonist within the corporate hall, Jonas beckons her into the confines of his office. Amidst the bemused gaze of her counterpart, a delicate collar materializes in his hand. "Miss Dark War Deity, surely you wouldn't want your sister to suffer indignity, would you?"

lei_shi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
135 Chs

Belloc Booz

The dilapidated lamppost flickered with neon light, casting colorful reflections on the pitted ground.

Abandoned and worn-out sofas lay discarded nearby, a stark contrast to the otherwise glamorous Smolensk District.

Yet, perhaps more surprising is the presence of a high-ranking assassin in such a decrepit place.

Located in the lower streets of the Smolensk District, though not far from the main city center, this area could be considered quite remote.

Dim, aged, and dilapidated.

It could be said to embody all the elements favored by assassins.

Difficult to discover, easy to conceal, devoid of surveillance, and even beyond the reach of peacekeeping forces.

It's simply the perfect hideout for an assassin.

Of course, in a sense, it's also the most easily found location.

Given the prosperity of the Smolensk District, the likelihood of such a place existing is not high. In other words, to find such a place, one only needs to focus on the blind spots of the peacekeeping forces' surveillance and then conduct a reverse search.

This method may be quite troublesome for ordinary people, but for someone like Jonas, it's just a simple matter to find the other party through this method.

But evidently, Pierce, as an assassin, didn't think much about it.

Sitting in a dimly lit room with flickering, damaged lamps, the man's gaze flickered.

On the dust-laden table, Pierce, known to the underworld as "No Wing Bird," wiped his silver pistol.

On the adjacent table were syringes filled with green liquid, used to disguise the true cause of death, another one of Pierce's habits.

Administering a dose of corpse corruption agent after killing the target could save him a lot of trouble. In fact, he had evaded pursuit by the syndicate several times because of this habit.

As an assassin, Pierce's professionalism was top-notch. To become a high-ranking assassin, Pierce relied not only on his own assassination skills but also largely on his keen intuition and vigilant character.

Adding the green syringe to the firing gun, Pierce meticulously tested the gun barrel.

To be honest, this mission was quite challenging for Pierce, but not because assassinating Jonas was particularly difficult.

It was simply because those involved in syndicate infighting often didn't end well.

The most difficult thing for assassins is to lose the home advantage. But once in their own territory, with absolute control over intelligence, the probability of failure would be minimized...

Unless his employer betrayed him, there would hardly be any failed assassination targets.

In fact, all active assassins have very high success rates.

After all, once they fail, death awaits them.

And precisely because of this, the earlier a assassin becomes famous in the industry, the higher their prestige. And this class of assassins often has a rule, that is, they don't take on tasks related to syndicate infighting.

And Pierce is one of these people. As for the reasons for this exception...

Naturally, it's because Belloc Booz of the Veytian Consortium offered him too much.

Close to two million credits... With this money, he could probably completely retire from the assassin world, buy a small island, and live out his days in comfort without having to evade the syndicate's pursuit.

And another reason... Naturally, it's because Pierce is confident he can leave the Veytian Consortium's control before they turn on him.

He was well aware of the kind of person Belloc Booz was, and before taking on each mission, he would investigate the employer's character.

Belloc Booz is a cunning and despicable person who, after Pierce completes the mission, will definitely find a way to eliminate him to prevent the revelation of his involvement in hiring a hitman.

And the only countermeasure he could take was to leave evidence of Belloc Booz's involvement to ensure the smooth transfer of subsequent commission payments.

The winner of the syndicate infighting, no matter who it is, as an assassin, he will surely be subject to reckoning.... And this is just something to consider after a successful assassination. As for the possibility of assassination failure, it's not even something he considered.

Jonas Veytian may be well-known to others, but in his eyes, he's nothing more than an inexperienced novice.

The biggest reliance of these consortium heirs is the consortium behind them, and once they lose their support, they are nothing more than toothless tigers.

And how could he, who controls the intelligence advantage, possibly—

"Open up, it's the water meter inspection—"

Before his thoughts could settle, with the sound, the door was blown open.


Wood chips and gravel flew everywhere.

Then, the sound of bullets being fired accompanied by a whistling sound, brought forth a burst of blood from Pierce's leg.

Pierce groaned in pain, subconsciously reaching for his waist, attempting to draw his gun in retaliation. But in the instant his hand reached his waist, a bullet pierced through his palm, interrupting his movement, and causing his body to collapse on the ground.

With a terrified expression, he looked at the man gradually entering from outside the door, as well as the several girls following behind him.

It was none other than Jonas and his entourage.

The gun in Eiffel's hand was still emitting smoke, evidently she was the one who had caused the other's incapacitation.

"Mr. Pierce, although you may know me, allow me to introduce myself."

Looking at the man collapsed on the ground before him, Jonas couldn't help but smile as he spoke:

"I am Jonas Veytian, heir of the Veytian Consortium."

Clutching his leg, Pierce looked at Jonas with eyes full of fear.

Pierce couldn't understand why, even his employer didn't know his whereabouts, how the other party could find him here...

And from the other party's behavior, it was evident that this event had been planned in advance...

Gritting his teeth, he endured the fear and intense pain, looking at Jonas, he asked:

"Who are you guys? I don't seem to have offended you."

Upon hearing this, Jonas sighed.

As if understanding something, Eiffel directly shot Pierce's other leg without hesitation.

With a bang, Pierce couldn't help but groan.

Blood gushed out, and his heart sank to the bottom, knowing that he wouldn't be able to bluff his way through today, so he had to ask:

"How did you... find me?"

Upon hearing this, a hint of amusement flashed in Jonas's eyes as he replied with a playful tone:

"Mr. Pierce, why do you think I came to the Smolensk District two days early?"

Hearing this, his pupils dilated, and subconsciously, a name popped into his mind.

—Belloc Booz.