
Cyberpunk 2077 transmigrated as my moded character

Hello everyone I'm new to web novels this is going to be my first fanfic. English is not my native language I’m doing this just for fun. I played the game multiple time got all the endings, play the DLC ,still waiting for the truth ending and a new game plus, I decided to mod my character to be overpowered and start from the beginning, next thing I know I'm in the middle of the desert. “I don't know how the bloody hell I got here but let's go to night city” “woof, woof” Mc is a good person willing to help people but he is ruthless to his enemy he doesn't care if they're in high position if they mess with him they're dead.

Green_Rabbit_8 · Video Games
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14 Chs

6 First Gig

The next day came me and Lola decided to go to the park for a change of scenery. It is good to see trees and greenery in this almost post apocalyptic world. 


"Too bad the water looks dirty" 




As always Lola became the center of attention lot of people wanted to take a picture with her especially the women's I admit I feel jealous. Some time passed and we decided to sit on a bench. 


"When we get home, I'm going plant some flowers or maybe vegetables" 


Looking at my system I can see all the food I have in the menu some that aren't in the game I took out a can of Coca-Cola for me and Lola. 


"Good thing you can eat anything you almost gave me heart attack when you ate a bar of chocolate" 




Back at home I decided to eat something sweet so I took out a bar of chocolate Lola was curious and wanted some, I told her no she can't and as expected for a mischievous dog she took it from my hands and ate it thankfully nothing happened but she was scolded But I didn't get mad at her for long because she gave me the puppy dog eyes. 


while enjoying our cola I heard a commotion behind me looking back I see a man and a woman screaming somebody's name if I have to guest those two are a couple and maybe they're looking for their child. I stood up from the bench and decided to help the couple. 


hello there are you looking for someone? 


"Yes, we're looking for a baby girl her name is Stacy she's 10 years old have you seen her" 


"Unfortunately, not what was the last time you saw her?" 


"She was in the middle of the park running we were right behind her until it got crowded next thing we know we lost her, we asked people around if they saw her most of them said they haven't and the rest just ignores us, we called the cops but they won't help us until the person in question is at least missing for a day." 


While taking the information I have, the system opens to show me a mission and it's related to the missing child, opening the map showing me where to go. 


"I see what I can do" 


"Thank you" 


Separating from the couple I went straight where the map is pointing when I got there the I see three Valentino thugs the mission changed saying to ask the whereabouts of Stacey I frown reading this. 


"Hello there have you seen a 10 year old child name Stacy?" 


"F**k off" 




I slapped the man without hesitation 


"you mother" 



"I don't have time to play have you seen her" 


The other two thugs where about to attack me but I slapped them to the ground I didn't want to waste any more time I took the man's arm and twisted it. 




"I will break your arm if you don't tell me about the child" 


"OK, OK we saw two scav take a small child that's all we know I swear" 


"Scav? this is your territory why didn't you do stop them?" 


"Because it's not our business" 


I twisted more of his arm 


"Aaaaah! F**K" 


"Where did they take her" 


"I don't know somewhere West" 


The mission changed again this time saying to save Stacy and giving me the location where she is held. 


"You better hope she's OK" 




I slammed the thug face to the ground and went straight to the location. we arrived to a abandon facility Without pause I activated ghost camo and face through the walls. when I got inside I was greeted with dead bodies on the floor on the table all of them missing some organs I cannot describe how angry I was but I didn't have the time since I need to save Stacy before they kill her. Following the map I found her with some other children I took out the scav who is guarding the cell and open the door. 


"Stacy are you here?" 


"who are you Mister?" 


"Hi there I came here to save you." 


Looking at the rest of the children 


"All of you" 


I can see the children with hopeful eyes. 


"Really are you going to save us?" 




"Even the ones that were taken by the scary man" 


I frowned hearing this 


"I see what I can do but first let's take you out of here can everyone close their eyes for a moment" 


The children were confused but they did what they were told. 


"OK you can open your eyes now" 


When they did they noticed that they were outside 


"Wow Mister how did you do it? do you have superpower?" 


"You could say that. Now I want everybody to wait here until help comes" 




I turn around and took out my smartphone and I called El Padre. 


"8 what business do you have calling me son" 


"I need some help taking care of some children that I saved" 


"hmm may I know what happened?" 


"they are scavengers in Heywood they're trapped in a abandoned facilities can you bring body bags for the victims?" 


When I told the children to close their eyes I stopped time and took the children one by one after doing so I decided to look for the rest of the children that Stacy mention unfortunately they were dead I can see their faces they were tortured after seeing this I decided to close any exit so they will not escape. 


"Very well I will send my people to take care of the children and help you eliminate the scavenger" 


"No need I will do it myself I'll send you the coordinates" 


After I hang up the phone I headed straight to the facility my expression it's full of anger and killing intent thinking all the ways I can torture them. when entering I decided how I'm going to do this I stopped time. In my previous life I play horror games most of them where action focus or cheap jump scare but there was a game that I never played because it made my hair stand up and that game was called Outlast where you are trap inside an insane asylum that game made me feel useless like there were no hope for me to escape the only thing you can do is just hide and pray. that's what I'm going to do I'm going to slaughter them like pigs the same thing they did to their victims to make sure I took away their weapons so they won't commit suicide I also inject them with the modded health item giving them healing factor for a few hours as long I don't destroy their brains they won't die, after finishing this I started time again an activated berserk. 


Ohh man I can't f***g wait to kill every motherf***r in this f**g facility I will make them scream and make them pray for the devil I'm so f*****g excited. 


Looking at myself and Lola I can see our eyes are glowing our veins are popping out and we have this unsettling smile on our faces. 


(Enemy POV) 


"Hey why are the lights off somebody turned on the generator" 


"Guys the generator is destroyed" 


"What? use your optics to see through the dark" 


"where's my gun?" 


"The door won't open" 


"What the hell is happening?" 


"Guys I hear something" 




Looking at the direction that noise is coming from we saw four blowing eyes and a spine chilling smile we froze not knowing what to do next we don't have any weapons to defend ourselves. 


"Who are you?" 


It didn't respond he just keeps looking at us until he said something that make me despair 


 "Little pig" 


"El Padre POV" 


After receiving the call I send my trustworthy followers to take care of the children's and send some to help to 8 with the scav elimination. He can't do this alone Even though I saw his strength in first hand I still don't think he cannot do this alone he doesn't have any cyberware all it takes is a bullet in the Heart or head I don't have much information about him only what happened in the alleyway which I still have my doubts that he got shot in the head and nothing happened. Maybe the woman wasn't thinking straight it doesn't matter we arrived at the facility. 


"Go help 8 eliminate the scav" 


"Yes Padre" 


The Valentinos went to the facility. 


"Padre we can't get in" 


"ah yes, he did tell me he trap the scav inside find another way to get in" 





One of the facilities doors was sent flying my men were ready to defend themselves exiting the facility was 8 cover in blood from head to toe same thing to his dog both of them look happy? 


8 looks around then his gaze landed on me for some reason I feel like the devil It's smiling at me. 


"Son are you OK" 





"Yes, everything is fine but I need to take a bath, Can you tell your man to bring water I don't want to walk to the street all bloody no need for clothes." 


"Very well I'll send my men" 


"Thank you, I Left all the victims body near the entrance All they need to do is store them into the body bag" 


"You have my gratitude but what happened to the scavengers" 


8 just stares at me expressionless 


"Padre, you need to know something about me when it comes to child murderer, I will do everything in my power to make that person regret his decision I don't care if they're in power or influential." 


I can see it in his eye he isn't lying 


It's better to tell your men not to go further in if you know what's good for them, but if you're still curious tell them to be prepared. 




"I'll be in the corner call me when they bring the water" 


I nod and he went to the corner and sit on the ground 


Padre what's your order? 


"all the dead bodies at the entrance put them on a body bags and .." 


I paused for a moment 


"Send strong willed people further in the facility I want to know what happened to the scavengers" 


"Yes, Padre" 




After washing off the blood and started to spend like the Tasmanian devil to dry myself I told Padre about the three Valentino thugs who ignore the kidnapping thanks to my modded optic I can tag any target no matter the distance I will let Padre decide their punishment. 


[Hours later] 


"Mommy, Daddy" 


"Stacy my baby girl where were you, are you hurt?" 


seeing the mother and child hugging makes this worth it the father went to me asking where she was, I didn't want to lie to the guy so I told him everything that happened the poor guy almost got a heart attack. 


"thank you, thank you for everything if it wasn't for you our daughter could have died please accept this money" 

"no need you can keep the money" 


But you're a mercenary right please I insist 



It's OK it's best to save that money for your daughter in the future 




"Mister I want you to have this" 


looking down I can see Stacy giving me what looks like a robot girl action figure or maybe it's a doll. 


"Stacey don't be rude you can't give him-" 


"I accept your payment thank you" 


I crouched down and patted the girl's head the couple we're looking at each other not knowing what to say. 


I waved the family goodbye and headed straight home. 


Time passed and I received a call from Padre I can see in his face and his tone of voice he sent some of his men deeper in the facility. 


"thank you, my son you took care of the scum from my district I will send the payment tomorrow." 


"it's OK I got paid look" 


I show him the robot girl action figure doll 


he was quiet for a few seconds until he started laughing 


"Ha, ha, ha the things that you have done in that facility will make any man lose faith, when it come to your enemies you have no mercy but you're willing to give helping hand to those in need" 


I smell at this 


"I have taken enough of your time tomorrow will send the children to their families" 


"What about the victim's body's" 


"It will take time to identify them and send them to their relatives" 


"OK good luck" 


I hung up the phone and stare at the toy that Stacy gave me I stood up and put the toy on the bookshelf. 


"Come on Lola let's take a real bath and go to sleep" 




End of chapter 

My back is killing me

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