
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

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Cyberpunk: Legendary Life - Chapter 191

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Arasaka Tower.

Exclusive executive office.

Michiko Arasaka sat at her desk, rubbing her temples with two fingers, looking visibly exhausted.

She had been handling various affairs at Arasaka Tower these past days, barely finding time to rest.

Looking at the pile of urgent reports in front of her, she wondered if she was going through a streak of bad luck. Not only was Night City unstable, but even the other regions of North America were bringing bad news one after another, as if in a race.

Feeling irritable, Michiko grabbed a cigar, clipped the end, and lit it, taking a couple of puffs. The pungent smoke slightly calmed her nerves.

Leaning back in her chair, she held the cigar and started thinking about recent events. The directors seemed to have agreed to push responsibilities and problems onto her at this critical moment, each with an attitude of "You handle it."

Michiko was aware that this couldn't be separated from Yorinobu Arasaka's influence. Ever since he arrived in Night City, the winds had changed overnight. This time, she truly felt the powerful impact of the Arasaka heiress. 

But she was unwilling to accept it.

Her father, Saburo Arasaka, was once the rightful heir, and the Arasaka Tower in Night City embodied all his efforts.

If it weren't for that nuclear explosion, her career in the Arasaka company shouldn't have been so miserable.

Michiko was not one to wallow in sad memories. With her efforts, the rebuilt Arasaka Tower in Night City had begun to restore its former glory. 

But now, she had to hand over these hard-earned achievements to her uncle, Yorinobu, a man who didn't even cherish the Arasaka family's legacy.

She knew better than anyone else what Yorinobu's real intentions were in seeking power; he was not aligned with the Arasaka family at all. Their only common point was their surname.

Sometimes, Michiko truly didn't understand why her grandfather, Saburo, insisted on making Yorinobu the heir and tolerated his repeated defiance and mistakes. In contrast, everyone else dared not disobey Lord Saburo's slightest wish. Michiko was sure that if she acted like Yorinobu, she would be treated worse than a dog.

The turmoil had already begun.

In the smoke, Michiko recalled Tang Yu's gentle advice that night. "Learn to be patient, avoid direct confrontation."

She understood the principle well. What truly frightened her was that if she laid down her weapons and Yorinobu still sought her life, she would have no way out.

Michiko realized the power shift was inevitable. What she needed to do now was to seize more say before that day arrived. 

While deep in thought, her private secretary requested a meeting from outside.

She silently consented.

The private secretary entered the office, reporting gravely that another Arasaka convoy had been attacked in the suburbs. The losses were substantial. Based on footage from the scene, it was clear that the same group was behind the previous assaults.

Hearing this, the anger that had just subsided in Michiko's heart flared up again.

She harshly extinguished the partly smoked cigar on the desk and coldly said, "It seems there's no end to this."

Michiko instructed her secretary to summon the heads of the Special Operations Department, Counterintelligence Division, Transportation Department, and Security and Defense Department.

Today, she intended to give each one a thorough scolding. Since she was having a hard time, no one would have it easy. She was furious that these high-salary, high-status, high-benefit individuals were not doing their jobs properly but instead were trying to take advantage of the situation. 

Anyone could see that they were procrastinating and hoping to offload the blame onto Militech, shifting responsibility outward.

The board members had enclosed themselves, dividing Arasaka Tower into factions. Even the middle and upper management could not act without observing the higher-ups' intentions. 

There were times Michiko wanted a massive purge, to throw these good-for-nothing sycophants into the sea to feed the fish.

She had to admit, Yorinobu's influence in Night City was indeed powerful. From the company to the streets, information and gossip about him were everywhere.

On the other hand, her efforts to rebuild Arasaka Tower had gained her little recognition, and she had very few trustworthy allies left.

In the office, the summoned department heads stood silently in a row before her.

Seeing this group of company executives, possibly not even as capable as Tang Yu alone, Michiko silently sneered.


Watson, Little Tangren Street, inside an upscale apartment.

Tang Yu was on a call. On the other end, Gloria was reporting on work.

Tang Yu had previously tasked her with gathering information through her intelligence network. The focus was on the recent activities of various gangs, especially around the suburbs. 

He needed to confirm if the culprits were city gangs in disguise, though the chances seemed slim.

On the phone, Gloria explained the findings in detail:

"The girls have been probing different customer groups all over the city. Recently, no gangs have had secret activities in the suburbs."

"Very few would dare to take on such a job. The Animals have been laying low in Pacifica due to the severe injury of their leader, Wild, and have been fighting the remnants of the Haitian gang, with much less activity compared to before."

"The Maelstrom gang also doesn't fit. Their violent and erratic behavior means they couldn't have left no trace at the scene."

"The 6th Street Gang, which has close ties to Militech, has also been keeping an eye on us. Lately, they've been busy fighting Valentino for territory and can't spare their elite forces to attack Arasaka outposts."

"As for the Tyger Claws, they have the strength to assemble an elite squad, but sending them to secretly attack Arasaka? Unless it's for a special individual, that's absolutely impossible."

After listening, Tang Yu concluded that this unknown force was not from Night City. Lieutenant of the Tyger Claws, Left Fujimori, revered Arasaka like a deity and had been much more compliant since the last encounter. Even if it were Yorinobu Arasaka himself visiting Night City, he would carefully consider the leverage Michiko Arasaka had over him.

"Hmm, no need to investigate the Tyger Claws. Bury this matter for now."

Naturally, Gloria followed Tang Yu's instructions without acting on her own, avoiding any risk of information leakage. After discussing business, Gloria gently brought up David joining Arasaka Corporation and expressed her gratitude to Tang Yu for helping out.

In her view, David getting smoothly into Arasaka Tower had to be part of Tang Yu's arrangement and support; otherwise, why would he be conveniently placed in the Special Operations Division, continuing to work under Tang Yu?

Tang Yu calmly explained that David's entry into Arasaka Tower followed standard procedures. As for his assignment to the Special Operations Division, he didn't elaborate much to Gloria to avoid worrying her.

It seemed like he, as the Deputy Director of Special Operations, could manage David's division. However, the reality was that this part-time job resulted from internal strife. If Susan Abernathy came back and Tang Yu meddled in David's matters, it would only harm David.

Tang Yu sensed a conspiracy in David's assignment. While he hadn't shown David special favor within the company, there were always those with ulterior motives who might involve David.

This was why Tang Yu was dangerous; anyone associated with him absorbed some of that risk. David was a novice, and in the stormy battles among the company's upper echelons, he might end up torn apart, even facing life-threatening danger. However, for now, David was relatively safe. As long as Tang Yu remained in his position, trusted by Saburo Arasaka, any enemies targeting him would think twice.

After all, Tang Yu was a lone wolf. If pushed to the edge, his retaliation could be devastating, leaving his enemies to suffer severely. Those who crossed him in the past didn't end well.

After finishing the call with Gloria, Tang Yu pulled up his contacts and found Meredith's number. Investigating the attacks on Arasaka outposts required Meredith's involvement.

When the call connected, a distinctive female voice came through.

"Heh, calling me so soon? Have you turned over a new leaf?"

Hearing Meredith's tease, Tang Yu replied earnestly, "I ran into an urgent issue I couldn't solve on my own, naturally thought of you."

Meredith chuckled, "Only when it's urgent, huh? How dire is it? What's burning?"

Tang Yu didn't hide anything. Having collaborated multiple times, they knew each other's boundaries. He summarized the recent attacks on Arasaka's suburban outposts and transport convoys, seeking to confirm which were orchestrated by Militech.

After listening, Meredith laughed slyly, "Trying to get this information is crossing a line. Militech attacking Arasaka outposts is hardly something to casually discuss."

Then, Meredith shifted her tone, "But I'm in a good mood today. Tell you what, guess correctly and I'll give you the intel for free."

In a good mood?

Tang Yu played along, "Let me guess, you got a promotion, and you're the new Director of Public Relations?"

On the other end, Meredith laughed even more joyously, teasing, "Not bad. Coming from Counter Intelligence, you even have Militech's internal news. The top brass just decided today, and you already know the outcome. How about sending a few spies my way, and we'll call it even?"

Tang Yu had figured it out because Meredith had previously risen to this position, although this time it happened much sooner. He dodged the request humorously, as providing spies was definitely crossing a line.

Meredith took it as a joke and agreed to Tang Yu's request, telling him which outposts had been hit by Militech.

Furthermore, for a reward, Meredith decided to give Tang Yu an additional surprise, placing something at the 'Keep Your Mouth Shut' motel for him to collect.

Before hanging up, Meredith lamented, "No one's around to share the joy of a promotion; I can only reward myself alone in a motel."

Tang Yu remained silent; for a strong woman like Meredith, few men could handle her.

After the call ended, Tang Yu left for the motel, found the designated room, and unlocked it.

Inside the spacious couple's suite, the pink ambient lighting created a suggestive mood.


Tang Yu heard a noise coming from the large red bed, something hidden under the covers. Curiously, he walked over and lifted the blanket.

Two items.

A black storage chip and an indescribable device, vibrating with a hint of moisture.

Tang Yu: "..."