
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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187 Chs

Chapter 153

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In the train car, Gloria's hands clutched the door with deathly tightness, almost toppling over and pressing down on Tang Yu, refusing to let him get out of the car. With her eyes shut tight, surging impulses swelled within her, her chest heaving like fierce winds and waves; her hasty and presumptuous act of closing the door plunged her into some sort of extreme distress. Tears involuntarily fell from Gloria's eyes.

In an instant, countless scenes and countless possibilities flashed through her mind. She felt inferior, distressed, and yearning. Even if she faced rejection, she didn't care; she just wanted to accompany him for this one trip, nothing more, nothing less. Her voice trembled uncontrollably even when she uttered her plea to accompany him.

Tang Yu was also taken aback by Gloria's sudden embrace, his intended action to open the door halted by her tight grip. Her nervousness was palpable, he could even feel the warm beads of sweat from her palm. His hand left the door handle and gently wiped away her warm, glistening tears.

Gloria was in darkness until she suddenly felt the warmth of his fingertips, prompting her to open her tightly shut eyes. Tang Yu's hand slowly moved around her waist, steadying her.

Feeling his touch, an electric current surged from her waist throughout her body, causing her to go limp and completely succumb to the tenderness in his hands. Deprived of any strength, her head spinning, the unexpected touch plunged her into the depth of longing she so craved. She threw caution to the wind and nestled in his embrace, her pale and voluptuous hands hooking around him, wishing she could draw him into her heart.

It was he who saved her from the car accident, he who changed her fate, and he who had supported her every step of the way until now. She knew she was unworthy of Tang Yu, knew her status could not compare to any woman by his side, but she had already devoted her body and soul, her only wish was to stay by his side.

Like now, burning herself out, just to see him off.

Thanks to the superior sound insulation of the vehicle, not a whisper from inside the train car could be heard from the outside, despite the crescendo of sounds within. Even Sasha, who was waiting by the car door, noticed nothing unusual.

The voice can be isolated, but the shaking of the carriage was inevitable.

Sasha stood properly by the car door, when suddenly she noticed the vehicle starting to rock behind her. At first, she thought she had seen wrong, but upon careful examination, the car was indeed shaking vigorously, which she found odd, even worrying about the vehicle's quality.

The brand new car was attracting some attention from bystanders around the small square in front of Lizzie's Bar, their eyes betraying a hint of oddness, as if they were thinking something untoward had just happened.

Fortunately, most people were more interested in Lizzie's, and after a brief wait and chat at the door, they entered the club without paying too much mind to the strange movements of the car.

Soon, the luxury car turned on its lights, the engine started slowly, and it drove away from the small square in front of Lizzie's.

Sasha watched the car driving off and felt something odd. Not that Mr. Tang was driving away, but she wondered if the car had an issue given its unusual shakiness.

Sasha sighed, reflecting on the salesman's endless praise of the car, doubting the truth behind his words, concerned that the car might fall apart if it continued to shake like that. Still, the soundproofing was undeniably effective, with no hint of Mr. Tang and Gloria's conversation audible even standing right at the door.

Acting out of concern for Tang Yu's safety, Sasha sent a message through her cyber-eye interface: "Mr. Tang, I think there might be an issue with the car's quality. For your safety, I suggest considering a replacement."

A moment later, she received a reply. Tang Yu: "I'm fine, really."

Meanwhile, the luxury car drove through the neon-lit city streets, navigating the high rises and regular traffic flow, its motion one of constant start and stop due to the rush hour.

Finally, the car halted smoothly in front of a high-end apartment on Little Tang Street, where Tang Yu usually lived. The red taillights lit up. Not long after, the right door opened slowly, and Tang Yu stepped out. He tidied his shirt collar with one hand, glanced back into the car with a helpless shake of his head, and closed the door.

The car once again started slowly and headed toward Santo Domingo.

At Lizzie's Bar, David sat on the lounge seat, restless and uneasy, hardly engaging with his colleagues and fixated on the door outside.

After leaving the bar, David stood confusedly looking for Gloria among the Mox gals lounging by the door, smoking and chatting. Upon asking about the bar's new owner, David received a hint that Gloria had been picked up by a car that seemed a bit wobbly, suggesting some mechanical problem.

Deep in thought, David returned to the bar to wash his face and collect his thoughts about Gloria's sudden disappearance on the bar's grand opening day.

David texted his mother: "Mom, are you busy?" To which Gloria, her full name displayed, replied: "Yeah... I'm busy, I'm fine, really." David reassured by the response, suggested they talk about today's events later.

Gloria somewhat confusingly asked David to stay out a few more days on account of a 'cousin' who decided to stay longer. David, puzzled and worrying about his mother's safety, received her response: "..."

In Santo Domingo's Heywood district, a black luxury car parked beneath a super-mega-building, the red taillights illuminating a woman in a silk maroon dress, who appeared to be resting against the door, disheveled and visibly worn out.

Seemingly recalling something that amused her, a wry smile crept across her weary expression.

Perhaps she was reminiscing about the recent insanity, or the unprecedented satisfaction she had just experienced, her smile was deep with meaning.

Gloria paused momentarily by the car door, feeling much relief from her dizziness, before softly closing the door. Her cybernetic eye whirred as she activated the auto-parking feature, sending the car to the underground parking. Wrapped in her suit coat, she then went upstairs.

Arriving at her home, she completed the identity verification, and the security door automatically opened. As she entered, she saw Sasha preparing dinner.

Sasha happily greeted her upon her return. Tang Yu had arranged for Sasha to continue living with Gloria. After they left, Sasha came over; thankfully, she already had access for entry verification.

Gloria felt somewhat guilty in front of gentle and cute Sasha but returned her greeting with a smile nonetheless.

She thought to herself how lucky Sasha, a beautiful and adorable girl, must be working as an assistant alongside Tang Yu.

Sasha put down what she was doing and said concernedly, "It's getting cold as the night falls. Let me get you a jacket."

She noticed the suit coat Gloria was wearing belonged to Tang Yu and thought maybe he was worried about Gloria getting cold. After all, with a low level of cybernetization, she wasn't too different from an ordinary person, being susceptible to cold.

Gloria quickly gestured with her hands, declining the offer for such a small matter she could handle herself.

The purer Sasha appeared, the more Gloria felt the pangs of guilt.

Sasha noted what seemed like a scratch near Gloria's collar, possibly from an injury or a bump, along with hints of red marks along her neck, which led her to ask, "Did you get hurt? If it's inconvenient for you, I can help you apply some ointment."

Startled, Gloria quickly wrapped herself tighter in the coat, and with a forced laugh, headed to the bathroom, "Thank you, Sasha. I can take care of it. I'm really fine."

With that, she escaped into the bathroom and shut the door, soon followed by the sound of running water.

Sasha found it odd but didn't dwell on it and continued with the dinner preparations.

When the meal was ready, Gloria had just finished washing up, changing into clean pajamas that covered her completely, a stark contrast to the silky spaghetti straps she wore before.

Sasha set the table and called Gloria over to eat.

After Gloria dried her damp red hair and wrapped it on top of her head, she thanked Sasha. They began to eat.

Hesitantly, Gloria asked, "Sasha, is there anything you want to buy?"

Perhaps to make amends or to alleviate her sense of guilt, she decided to compensate Sasha.

Sasha looked at Gloria and thoughtfully replied, "Sasha lacks nothing; there's no need to buy anything."

Gloria changed the tack and asked, "Then, is there anything you wish for?"

Sasha pondered and answered seriously, "As for things, there isn't much I want."

Gloria found it strange, considering Sasha such a lovely and beautiful girl was so distinctive. Maybe this was why Tang Yu chose her.

"What do you enjoy doing most in your spare time?" Gloria inquired.

Without a moment's hesitation, Sasha answered, "I love listening to Mr. Tang play the piano and tell stories, and then watch him enjoy the meals I cook!"

Seeing Sasha's innocent and radiant demeanor, and her bright eyes sparkle when she talked about Tang Yu, Gloria thought...

"Well, I can't play the piano, but I can tell a story. If you'd like, I could tell you about how I met Mr. Tang."

Sasha eagerly embraced the chance to learn more about Tang Yu, an opportunity she seldom had. Her knowledge of him was confined to work and some basic information, and she was oblivious to his personal history and past.

Eager but hesitant since Tang Yu had not given permission, she pondered if Gloria's story would upset him.

Gloria reasoned that as long as it wasn't about work or the recent events in the car, Tang Yu probably wouldn't mind, especially since Sasha was already close to him. Nonetheless, she decided to ask Tang Yu just to be sure.

She immediately sent Tang Yu a message and quickly received a response that it was fine for Sasha to listen.

Gloria, reassured by Tang Yu's prompt reply, smiled more broadly.

Sasha, seeing her smile, asked expectantly, "Did Mr. Tang agree?"

Gloria nodded, and they finished their meal swiftly.

Sasha went to freshen up, and Gloria took care of the dishes. In no time, they were lying in the same bedroom, staring at the ceiling under the covers.

Sasha asked excitedly, "Can we start now? Sasha is all ready."

Gloria's mind filled with vivid scenes at Sasha's prompt. Even though those events were long past, they felt as if they had just occurred, their memory fresh and poignant.

She began with the story of the car accident, how David damaged the equipment at Arasaka Academy, the attack by the Animals Gang on their way back from Arasaka Tower leading to a severe accident, and how Tang Yu saved her and her son, which led to a series of ensuing events.

The accident, treatment, Sandevistan, Maine team, Yu Jin restaurant, first commission, journey to Badlands, company square, Lizzy's bar, and the secrets that couldn't be told were all firsts in her life and the most profound memories.

As Gloria narrated, Sasha's imagination filled with more thoughts of Tang Yu.

He really was multifaceted.

 Actually, Sasha had also done many things with Tang Yu, but she envied the relationship between Gloria and Tang Yu; it seemed he was always there to protect her at crucial moments.

After hearing Gloria's story, sharing desires surged within Sasha, but her mind's prohibitions stopped her from even mentioning them.

Even when Gloria asked about it out of curiosity, Sasha clearly stated she didn't know.

Possibly feeling the story was unfinished, Sasha suddenly turned and looked at Gloria seriously, "Those marks on your neck, did Mr. Tang leave them...?"

Gloria: "..."

The girl seemed simple-minded but was surprisingly perceptive. Could she really be cat-like in her observations?

Gloria pulled the blanket up to her face, unsure what to say, flustered by Sasha's question.

After a moment of silence.

She threw back the question, "Have you and Mr. Tang done 'that'?"

Sasha, puzzled, replied: "Which one?"

Gloria: "..."

It seemed Sasha really didn't know anything; it was for that reason Gloria felt a twinge of joy.

Perhaps she was his first.

Thoughts of the moments in the car, too thrilling for words, flooded back, shaking her. Those memories were too intense; she needed time to recover...

The physical sensations of two pure forms, so different from those of cyberized bodies, left Gloria with a tinge of vexation.

"So, what's the most intimate thing Mr. Tang has done with you?" Gloria inquired.

Sasha decisively responded, "He pats my head. Sasha loves when Mr. Tang pats my head."

"I'm familiar with intimate behavior, but Mr. Tang has yet to..."

Gloria suddenly understood and slightly scoffed, "Ah, I see...patting the head, that's nice, better than being scolded..."


Sasha was puzzled.

Gloria turned to face Sasha, taking her hand, and asked earnestly, "Sasha, do you like Mr. Tang?"

Sasha turned, facing Gloria, and nodded sincerely, "Mhm, Sasha likes him."

Gloria advised forthrightly, "Then you need to act quickly. As far as I know, you're not the only one after Mr. Tang. When he returns from his trip, you must win him over!"

Sasha was somewhat lost on how exactly to win Mr. Tang over, so she earnestly sought advice, "How should I do it?"

Gloria, with conviction in her voice, said, "Find the right moment alone and just go for it—take the initiative, and the rest is up to you."

Sasha thought carefully; she indeed had many opportunities to be alone with Tang Yu. Could she really just go for it?

But Mr. Tang always seemed so serious. Where would be the best place; at home, in the office, or in the car?

Sasha seemed conflicted.

One was daring to teach, and the other, daring to learn.


In Watson District, Little Tang Street in a high-class apartment, Tang Yu had just finished showering and drying his hair. He stood in front of the dressing mirror, putting on a new white shirt, tying his black tie meticulously.

Having ended a round of satisfying combat, he felt much refreshed.

He suddenly wanted a cigarette and to listen to some music, to relax for a moment.

Gloria could take care of carnal desires, but not the lingering thoughts.

He was soon departing for Kyoto to meet with Saburo Arasaka, the outcome uncertain.

His concern was that he had not yet understood Michiko Arasaka's true intentions, creating a sense of unease.

But after some thought, he had a few guesses.

The first possibility was an invitation to simply meet Saburo, which he found highly unlikely.

At Michiko's level, nothing was done without deeper meaning.

It made no sense to bring him along without benefit; Saburo wouldn't need someone from a small branch office in Night City to attend his birthday.

The second possibility was that Michiko saw his accomplishments and genuinely wanted to pave his way to Saburo for a promotion—an unlikely scenario.

The third, and more probable, thought was that Michiko was planning something, like recommending him to Saburo. This would place him at odds with Arasaka Raian, making Tang Yu an adversary upon Raian's arrival in Night City; he might have no choice but to side with Michiko thereafter.

That sounded conceivable, considering the rumors of Raian's arrival to find opportunities against Saburo.

A fourth possibility came to mind: Michiko intended to present him as a potential body for Saburo's engram.

Such a possibility couldn't be dismissed.

From what Tang Yu understood, Saburo's origins predated cyberware. The elder Arasaka didn't care for extensive cyberware implantation, only using what was necessary to sustain life and await eternal life opportunities.

Tang Yu's rare pure-form body, in terms of looks and physicality, seemed an apt vessel.

If that were a case, his trip to the Kyoto Arasaka residence appeared significantly more dangerous.

If Saburo fancied him, there would be no escape.

Worse came to worst, he'd have to feign illness. He thought about the super-bacterial samples he got from V, cultivated by a biotech company.

In dire circumstances, he could rely on his "Indomitable" talent to resist infection, assuming his immune system was strong enough.

After all the strenuous activities that should have exhausted him, he had felt no fatigue, indicating robust health.

He placed the capsule containing the super-bacterium in his pocket, just in case.

As for Saburo's birthday, whether to prepare a surprise was up for debate.

After deeper thought while in an enemy's lair, prudence suggested waiting.

While considering his trip to Kyoto, Tang Yu refrained from messaging Lucy, Rebecca, Aunt Maine, Judy, Panam, and others.

Now wasn't the time for overtures; everything could wait until his return.

Especially Lucy—who had been avoiding him lately; perhaps she was in trouble?

Living through lifetimes, he found women's thoughts to be the most inscrutable.

Suddenly, Michiko's message came through.

"Time to depart."

Tang Yu glanced towards the balcony, where a black Arasaka air-car with blue exhaust flames descended softly amidst a powerful gust.

He finished buttoning his suit, checked for any attire flaws, and headed out, taking the public elevator downstairs.

Arriving street-side, he saw Arasaka's elite air-car clearing the area, guarding the central black Arasaka Family air-car.

As the air-car door opened fluidly, a platform extended to the ground, with Michiko inside wearing a traditional cherry blossom-themed kimono, her eyes serene as she beckoned with a smile.

First encountering Michiko in kimono, Tang Yu noted how her features, more Western, resembled her mother's, creating a slight disconnect with the attire.

Arasaka's elite soldiers stood by as Tang Yu walked forward and boarded the vehicle.

The door closed, the engine burst blue flames, and the car ascended.

The elites followed suit, and with a protective air-car formation, the convoy headed high into the dusk sky.