
Chapter 127

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Corporation Square.

Located in the heart of Night City, it is a globally renowned landmark building.

Reconstructed on the original site after the Fourth Corporate War, Corporation Square gathers the world's famous megacorporations.

Many legendary stories had been born here and are still talked about with relish.

Nowadays, Corporation Square is built upon a five-layered, three-dimensional composite disc, integrating transport, landscapes, parks, and commerce into a super hub.

Additionally, the disc expands one layer underground, forming a total of six layers in the core structure.

The top layer of the disc features the famous "Eye of the City," a massive load-bearing glass grid.

Centered around the disc are several megacorporation structures, with Arasaka Tower and the Military Tech Buildings facing each other.

On the left and right are the colossal enterprises of Petrochem, Konpeki, and Biotechnica, among others.

Two holographic fish, one blue and one golden, swim ceaselessly over the giant disc, day and night.


Between the fourth and fifth floors of Corporation Square, a crowd of pedestrians is starting to gather.

They stand on the disc, watching the giant projections of Kerry's concert posters.

What attracts their attention most is the ghostly mask of the Samurai band.

Several NCPD officers with bulging bellies guard the perimeter, pulling up holographic cordons to disperse the crowds.

But with the concert stage still under construction and the growing crowd, the situation has exceeded their expectations.

NCPD officers, receiving meager supplements for field work, typically turn a blind eye as long as the crowds don't openly cause trouble.

At this moment.

Meredith Stout, in a high-level office of the Military Tech Building, pinches a cigarette in one hand while overlooking the Square below.

She's heard rumors of a big event unfolding at Corporation Square. As for who will be targeted, she'll have to wait and see.

Samurai band's former member, Kerry Eurodyne, is about to hold a concert at Corporation Square. The promotion is in full swing, even many old-timers from the 6th Street gang are showing up to support.

There's also insider chatter about a potential riot targeting the corporations, with bets placed on which will be hit.

Meredith has noted some 6th Street gang veterans secretly discussing Biotechnica issues.

She senses a connection between these events and feels it more strongly today.

Fortunately, it's unlikely the upheaval targets the Military Tech, so she's just keeping watch and staying ready for anything.

Riots, the concert, biotechnology—she wants to understand the link, or who's pulling the strings.

Meredith unknowingly looks towards Arasaka Tower and thinks of that man.

"Could it be you?"

Her intuition tells her Tang Yu might be involved, but she can't figure out the relation to Kerry's concert—they seem worlds apart.

To confirm her suspicion, she needs to send someone to investigate closely.

"Looks like there'll be a good show tonight."

At the same time.

Tang Yu stands in Arasaka Tower, peering down at Corporation Square through a panoramic electronic window.

Sasha obediently stands behind him, equally curious about the events unfolding below.

Preparations for Kerry's concert are underway, equipment is being delivered, and the crowd grows as people gather to watch.

Tang Yu has received intelligence that all major corporations have mobilized forces tonight to prevent a riot, but Biotechnica is making the biggest move.

Tonight, Biotechnica is on high alert; all staff are cleared out for remote work, and Konpeki's smart security is enhanced, tripling the usual number of security robots.

They make sure to thoroughly check the identities of everyone entering or leaving and inspect all items carried, to prevent any dangerous objects from being smuggled in.

Tang Yu understands the rumors have had an effect; Biotechnica has heard through various channels of someone speaking ill of them.

But he doesn't care about their precautions—the real danger isn't in the building, and even the most thorough checks won't reveal it.

The battery pulse device charges slowly, with minute electrical changes well within safe limits, attracting no attention.

Tonight, Biotechnica's building will become the most dazzling fireworks show.

Apart from Tang Yu, many in the Counter-Intelligence Department are watching.

Gossip flies around their office; as Arasaka's center of intelligence exchange, no whisper of Night City goes unheard here.

David Martinez especially can't focus on work amidst the hubbub.

Having adapted to this office environment, he's an ideal listener—reacting with earnest surprise, satisfying his colleagues' desire to impress.

Since David is tight-lipped and diligent, he's naturally favored by the "sisters" and "aunties."

Especially the office's blonde vixen, who can't help but tease him with her bewitching manner.

David is surprised Tang Yu came to work today, and even more so by the beautiful new assistant by his side.

He senses an odd atmosphere in the office—perhaps the single and aloof Manager Tang having a lovely new assistant has caused some disappointment.

David feigns ignorance, silently taking in the gossip.

The vixen, legs crossed, whispers about the many spectacles today: Kerry's concert, a potential riot, and the black market taking bets on which corporation will be hit.

The cool, short-haired colleague finds it hard to believe: "With such big news, how come the company is quiet, and they still let the concert go on?"

The vixen implies insider knowledge: "Someone's behind the scenes, somebody's fishing, while another watches the play unfold."

Realization dawns on the short-haired colleague: "No wonder Tang returned to work, probably concerned about the concert."

She nods: "That's it, but the riot's still a rumor. Only the concert will tell."

"It's been years; most of Samurai's fans are ancient—maybe it's just an old-timers' fest."

David finds it all perplexing: Tang Yu's workday linked to the concert and a power looking to harness its chaos.

Today's office buzzes with rumor.

He sums up the talk: everyone's curious about Tang Yu's new assistant, and the concert's commotion is discussed but without concrete evidence.

Kerry's concert, greenlit by City Hall and NCPD, poses no issues.

Any riot would be others exploiting the chance, riding on Samurai's fame.

All around Corporation Square, corporations brace themselves.

David listens as he wraps up his task, stepping out of Arasaka Tower at dinner to reach Corporation Square.

As dusk falls, he looks at the fully set concert stage and feels an odd familiarity.

Drinks flow freely amongst the crowd—it's all so distant from him.

Could the furious rock really spark a riot here?

NCPD categorizes Corporation Square as their safest zone, heavily guarded.

Some NCPD officers maintain order as more people converge toward the stage.

Many are gray-haired, bearded, denim-clad with silver limbs—some hobbling but all heading for the stage en masse.

Their arrival draws attention, and NCPD moves to inquire.

The old-timers, with their faces flushed and reeking of booze, asserted plainly, "I'm here for the concert, Samurai. It's none of your business." After stating so, they tried to push past the NCPD officers and enter, but they were still barred from doing so.

The NCPD officers called for backup, but without a clear prohibition, they had no right to stop anyone from attending the concert. After completing identity verification and safety checks, they allowed entry once confirmed there were no issues.

Thus, despite their reluctance, the old-timers lined up one by one for the scanning checks, and after being cleared, they entered the concert grounds. After all, the NCPD had real firepower at hand, and these people wouldn't hesitate to escalate things if necessary.

The stage was set up, dazzlingly colored lights ignited, and the massive speakers pumped up, emitting a deep and impactful sound.

Many who passed the checks gathered at the platform, chatting animatedly and occasionally bursting into laughter while awkwardly swaying their bodies, as the atmosphere slowly became tumultuous.

David noted a trend among the audience: most were older, their bodies adorned with outdated cyberware, their faces reddened from years of drinking.

He roughly understood the background of these people—mostly retired warriors, you could tell from their attire that life hadn't been kind to them.

But underneath the neon glow of the Samurai's posters, they gathered in groups, chatting, drinking, and dancing freely.

Some laughed as they reminisced about their youthful past, some incessantly cursed their damned lives, while some silently drank heavily without a word.

David couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia within him. The Samurai was a thing of the past, and so were its fans who had truly aged.

Unexpectedly, more and more people joined the crowd in the plaza, with many youngsters joining in the revelry.

David found it interesting to observe the contrast between the crowds attending Kerry Eurodyne's concert and the company employees passing by—the two groups formed distinct lines, one to the left and the other to the right, as if maintaining an unspoken agreement between them.

Streetwise rock veterans looked down on corporate drones, while the latter showed disdain and indifference towards mingling with them.

As more veterans congregated in the plaza, the concert site, spread over several levels, became crowded.

The NCPD barricaded the concert site, not allowing more people to flood in, but they were too overwhelmed to contain everyone effectively, as many found opportunities to rush in through the shrubbery.

To control the scene, the NCPD deployed additional police forces, managing to stabilize the concert premises, but the crowd outside kept growing.

Many started to get high, nodding their heads to the bass beats and drinking beer until they were utterly intoxicated.

The escalating agitation in the crowd caused many NCPD officers to frown and curse, "Day after day, can't we just get some rest?"

As night completely enveloped Night City, neon lights surged skyward from the corporate plaza.

Seeing it was getting late, David turned and returned to Counter-Intelligence's office area, only to find his colleagues peering out the window downstairs.

Curious, he too found a spot and continued watching.

Every company in the corporate plaza was ablaze with light, witness to the raging rock concert.

Only the Biotechnica building was desolate, with all workers evacuated and robots, layer upon layer, patrolling the designated areas on orders.

At that moment, from the highest point of the concert site, a five-story hub disk lowered, packed with people.

The crowd raised the rocker hand gesture, continuously blowing whistles and chanting the Samurai's name, roaring Kerry's.

As the crowd shouted in unison, more and more people joined in, chanting loudly,

"Kerry! Kerry!



The chanting crescendoed wave after wave.

Amidst the crowd's calls, a golden hovercar passed between the skyscrapers and arrived above the hub disk, hovering still.

This scene further fueled the fiery atmosphere at the stage forefront, where countless people eagerly anticipated Kerry's appearance, waving their hands in the air.

Finally, under the crowd's chants, the hovercar slowly descended until it stopped above the stage.

Deep into the night, but the fervor of the people was just beginning to ignite.

The luxurious golden doors opened upwards, and Kerry, wearing a silver, scale-patterned jacket and holding his favorite battle-axe guitar, stepped slowly onto the stage.

Kerry, taking in the sea of spectators, couldn't help but feel the atmosphere from the past.

Back then, he was a young guy, wearing a blue-patterned bandana, following Johnny Silverhand, focused solely on playing his heart out.

Now, he had become the last gleam of rock in Night City. Apart from him, he believed no one else would host such an outdated rock concert.

Surrounded by the audience, Kerry realized that only he stood alone.

But that was okay.

He told himself that this concert was for Johnny to see, for Nancy to see, for Denny to see, and for Henry to see.

He believed.

That one day, the Band would reunite again.

Kerry would never have imagined that so many people still remembered the Samurai.

Because today's setlist was exclusively Samurai songs, none of his solo tracks were played.

This was enough to show that the many old fans below still held a nostalgic longing for the Samurai and the rock youth they once had.

Without hesitation, Kerry swung his hand and struck an electronic chord.


The crowd's shouting stopped abruptly, each person electrified, experiencing the unique charm of rock.

Kerry approached the microphone, looked up at the corporate plaza's high-rise buildings, towering like giants before him.

He tried to understand what Johnny must have felt facing those giants.

The oppression, fear, submission, immovable.

The overlooking, indifference, pity, like ants.

Now, within Kerry, a flame was kindling.

A flame that was about to become uncontrollable.

No one could comprehend Johnny's arrogance and stubbornness, nor his romance and passion.

Rock was his call to battle, and his weapon, his broken body—transformed into raging fire.

To burn this city down.

To turn the towering buildings to ash.

To let the flames within burn uncontrollably.

Kerry turned his gaze inward. This moment he understood:

He would use rock, the spirit of the Samurai, Johnny's romance, his own performance, to awaken the fire in everyone's hearts.

Let us together...

Burn this city to ash...

A wave of titanic electric guitar rumbled out, and the full power of the sound system was unleashed.

Kerry's rapid guitar riffs sent shivers through the crowd, with hair and clothes dancing in the sound waves encircling the company plaza.

The rhythmic drum beats, complemented with dense guitar electronics, unleashed a roar of deep bass.

Countless people raised rocker hands to the beat and began to move to and fro.

"...can you feel it?!"

"...are you ready? 'Cause here we go"

"Do you feel it?..."


Kerry lost himself in the performance, singing to awaken the fire within the hearts of the audience.

Kerry played furiously, screaming, howling.

The whole atmosphere was utterly ignited, with many swaying to Kerry's rhythm.

Immersed in the world of rock.

"I'm gonna live in!"


There's no turning back!

Never looking back!



As the concert's atmosphere reached its peak, many were captivated by Kerry's performance.

At that time.

One by one, modified off-road vehicles began to gather towards the corporate plaza, slowly driving through major traffic junctures.

Outside the concert site, crates of bottles were brought out, filled the company plaza, and a fiery strike against the Biotechnica building was brewing.

Tang Yu stood before the panoramic window, admiring Kerry's rock performance.

He had to admit; Kerry's playing indeed embodied the soul of the Samurai, burning with passion.

It was a pity that the Samurai only had Kerry performing this time.

It was just as impressive that the Samurai was only Kerry's show this time.

Hearing this.

Tang Yu slightly turned his head and asked his companion Sasha,

"Do you want to see fireworks?"

Sasha, taken aback by the sudden question, quickly looked up at Tang Yu, a hint of confusion flashing in her eyes.


This was the company plaza, weren't all fireworks banned at today's concert?

Stunned for a moment, Sasha seemed to realize something, nodded slightly, and muttered,

"Fireworks... Sasha wants to see fireworks."

Tang Yu gently raised his finger and pointed to a nearby place, indifferently saying,


Sasha followed the direction he pointed to, her staring reflecting a building, the Biotechnica company building.


A dazzling streak of electricity shot up instantly, piercing through the entire Biotechnica building.

The building lit up with white flashes, illuminating the entire corporate plaza with dazzling brilliance.


At the top of the building, a stunning bloom of electrical fireworks erupted, unfurling midair like fireworks.

Biotechnica was now dazzlingly lit.

Next chapter