
Cyberpunk 2077- Trauma team

Welcome to Night City 2077! Amazing technological progress and horrible social inequality. Extreme wealth and astonishing crime rates. Corporates, street gangs and runners. What they have in common? Violence. With violence come wounds and injuries. This is where you step in. Trauma Team. But remember we ain't saints we work for cash only. So check their balance and insurance first! Now turn on the music we got a job Trauma Team !

Abi_Daulen · Video Games
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Survival and Nightmares Part 2

Survival and Nightmares Part 2

Ciri's POV

Ciri's awakening was an unusual one. It would be more accurate to say that in the last few days it was the first time she had woken up without that niggling feeling of dread that made her feel exhausted and demoralized even after a long sleep. Yes, the feelings of thirst, hunger, and discomfort after sleeping on a hard ground bed that wasn't the softest hadn't gone anywhere, but now those unpleasant sensations weren't as vivid.

- Oh. That feels so nice," Ciri said, stretching and provoking an angry meow from the VJ sleeping on her legs, who had been woken up by the morning exercise and thrown to the ground.

- Oops. Sorry, VJ. It was an unintentional mistake. Will you forgive me? - Having taken a sitting position, I began to scratch and apologize to the cat, who made an upset face, but continued to accept strokes and scratches.

- What's going to happen to that fat fur coat? Once he fell off the table and continued to lie there as if nothing had happened. Only when he saw me he started acting like a dying swan. How did you sleep, little bird? - Marcus appeared beside her, only this time his appearance was different. Instead of a translucent human body dressed in a strange robe, there was a different kind of clothing or armor visible on top of it? Oh, and there was also a strange helmet with no slots on it, covered in strange dots. Strange. Very strange.

Before she could really consider such changes in his appearance, memories of the dream she'd had the night before came rushing into her head. With every second, along with the headache, came the realization of what she had seen in her dream. But how? How in the long nightmare that had plagued her since childhood and repeated itself without any alteration, did first the cat and then its master appear? Moreover, why could she, despite the long time that had passed, still could not defeat those terrible knights with wings of a bird of prey on their helmets, while he, though not immediately and not without difficulties, was able to defeat them all.

Dreams and nightmares have an interesting feature in that they are not long-lasting. After waking up we can remember certain bits and pieces, but with each passing moment these memories become more and more vague and are forgotten rather quickly. Even nightmares are not particularly long-lasting in their impact. Yes, the unpleasant after-effects are much more durable than those of ordinary dreams, but gradually they too begin to fade away, albeit not completely.

Except this time, it was like a fiery brand imprint in Ciri's mind that she had been protected and rescued by Marcus and VJ from the nightmarish knights. She had seen everything. The way she had once again found herself in the fire-devoured capital of Cintra. How she screamed and tried to escape, while the knights circled around her as if woven from darkness and eyes burning red fire through the helmet slits. And then there was the cat, who tried to drive the knights away from her, but his strength was just enough to slow the speed of the encirclement around them. How she felt doomed and ready to just give up. But then Marcus appeared out of nowhere, shouting something to her, but fear bound her like chains.

Then there was a fight, though at first it looked like Marcus didn't stand a chance. Against a knight in armor and with a sword, an unarmed man doesn't stand much of a chance, it would be more accurate to say that he doesn't stand a chance at all. Except that in an instant everything changed. Instead of the expected bloody outcome, there was a change in the fight. Marcus inexplicably accelerated and became stronger, which allowed him to deal with each of the knights. It was obvious that he was not used to sword fighting, even if he had some basic skills. But all of that was offset by his speed and strength. Soon it was over and the last of the nightmare knights had fallen, Marcus covered in cuts and blood walked over to her and poked her in the head telling her to wake up. Then there was a bright light and awakening.

- Marcus... You... Were in my dream," I whispered, clutching my splitting head in pain.

- Wow. Have I become the hero that young maidens dream of in their dreams? I'm flattered," Marcus replied, assuming a strange pose. (JOJO reference!)

- Stop playing around, Marcus! I'm serious! - From the outburst of rage and anger, even the headache was starting to go away.

- Okay. Now let's get serious. Last night you fell asleep with VJ in your arms again, only this time you both started twitching and screaming. Not knowing what to do, I was trying to calm you down by pure instinct and tried to stroke your head, but at the last moment I was strangely pulled into your dream, though after what I saw, I'd rather call it a nightmare," Marcus stopped writhing and told her what had happened last night with a serious look on his face. - Damn magic. So, back to our conversation. Once in your dream and nightmare world, I heard you screaming and VJ's loud cries," he sat down next to VJ and started scratching him. - Yes, yes. You are a brave descendant of lions and tigers and it's only because of you that it all turned out okay, hehe. Anyway. Rushing towards you, I saw you surrounded by strange knights. You didn't respond to my shouts and orders, being in shock and eventually I had to get into a fight with those freaks. And then you probably remember what happened next. Steel, sparks and my victory.

- I wasn't in shock..."-but I stopped halfway through, for I didn't want to lie, especially when I knew that I was paralyzed with fear, and my mind was panicking, depriving me of any control. - Yeah. I was scared.

- It's okay, little bird. It'll go away. Even this," Marcus patted my head. I wanted to flinch away, but somehow he felt comforting. It felt nice.

- Yeah. It'll go away. But Marcus, I remember how you fought and only at the last moment you managed to win. Why did you pretend? Why did you let yourself get hurt? After all, every wound is an extra chance of losing the fight," I wanted to understand, or rather, learn more about him.

- How to tell you. I'll be honest, I didn't expect this. I didn't think the forces from my world could still be with me. But in your dream, I was lucky enough to awaken them? I don't know how best to describe it. Only one thing comes to mind, damn magic," Marcus sighed tiredly, showing how tired he was of theories and speculation, so he explained everything with one phrase, damn magic.

- And these powers. Are they with you now or just there, in my head... I mean, in my dreams?

- Well, look for yourself," Marcus accelerated sharply at first, and then his movements became so fast that it was impossible to follow. - As you can see, my speed is pretty good, but my strength. It's not easy, because I can't interact with physical objects, except for you. So I regret to say that my only help to you will continue to be only survival tips and other insights.

- That's a shame," I was sorry. Advice and knowledge were useful, but a pair of hands to help would have been nice.

- Yeah, yeah, it's a shame. But somehow I think that your words conceal laziness. A little sloth. So now that you're awake and have your answers, we should get going.

- You're annoying..." I said, but this time without any anger, but with a chuckle. But he's right. It's time to go.

The end of Ciri's POV.

After that memorable night and the fight with the nightmare knights, it had been a couple days. I even relaxed a bit, but on the third day, Ciri's nightmares returned. I had to get back into her sleep and fight again. Victory. Awakening. Let's get back on the road. But a kind of fatigue was beginning to set in. No, not the usual tiredness after a week's work, but something else. It was as if the joy and brightness had been drained out of me, leaving only greyness.

It happened several times. Until at one point I got tired of it, and I just exploded with a flood of aggression and cruelty. No fencing or duels. Just raw aggression. Using my powers, I simply destroyed the nightmare knights, letting out all that irritation built up from the previous fights and days in the desert. I didn't want to release it on Ciri, she's still a child, even though she's practically an adult by the standards of the local world. And venting my irritation on a child was the last thing I wanted to do. And Ciri had not had the easiest life, so I let all the accumulated negativity out on nightmares.

Gradually, I managed to either intimidate or beat the nightmares to the point where they practically stopped coming back. Although I believe that Ciri herself gradually stopped being afraid of them, because now every time she was surrounded by nightmare knights, I was there to destroy them, not giving them a chance to harm Ciri.

- Not bad progress. All that's left is to teach Ciri how to fight them herself, and most importantly, to teach her how to win until the nightmares are gone for good," I thought aloud until a vaguely familiar silhouette appeared in the distance.

- Ciri! - I pointed at him, and we walked toward him together, trying to stay alert.

- It's an old friend of mine," I said, seeing that it was the same unicorn that had been the first one we'd met with VJ in the fucking desert.

- What? How? - Ciri asks.

- Later. Let's slowly though carefully approach him. Hide the knife, but in a way that you can get it out quickly. Ready? Let's go, slowly, trying not to provoke the unicorn.

I don't know if he'll see me with VJ or not, but I'm trying to be inconspicuous. But the caution was unnecessary. The unicorn was one foot... Or rather, one hoof already on the other side of the sky. Extreme exhaustion. But he stubbornly kept digging, only when we approached him did he started to collapse.

- Ciri. You're the mole now. Come on, dig, and right where he is. I think there's water there. Oh, and make a couple mugs out of chitin. We'll give water to the horse, - I give orders, at the same time trying to calm the unicorn.

- Sparrow. Raccoon. And now the mole. Marcus, I really want to shove a knife up your ass before you call me a cockroach," Ciri grumbles, but keeps digging until a small stream starts to gush out. Gradually it starts to flow harder and harder, until the puddle starts to look like a small pond.

Ciri starts to water the unicorn from a mug, until finally it has enough strength to waddle to the pond and fall into it, cooling down and quenching its thirst at the same time. Ciri curses at being splashed, but she too decides to take a bath. She has already managed to quench her thirst, judging by the unfinished mug of water near the edge of the pond.

The whole day was spent in relaxation and spa treatments, washing and laundry. In the evening everyone sat together and enjoyed the long forgotten feeling of a proper rest. Now the chance to get out of this desert doesn't seem so vague. The most critical and dangerous moments have passed. All that remains is to reach the borders of the desert and reach the civilizations.

If only I knew what was waiting for us.

Another quick translation. Emjoy and also give stars and likes to my work on other platform - rulate/cyberpunk/traumma team. just google it.

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