
Chapter 10

April 15, 2021. 00:10. Vancouver.

I stare at the freakishly large cyborg in disbelief. I won't lie, Blake's voice is strange but also oddly relaxing. It scratches at my ears. The women beside him remain silent, clinging to him like trophies. Tetra's eyes widen as he takes in Blake's imposing form.

"Is he even human anymore? Damn…" he murmurs. 

Azure tilts her head, inspecting the cybernetics. "Barely. That body's built for heavy lifting or combat. You don't implant that much for show."

Mister clears his throat. "Blake, thank you for seeing us. We're here on business and I'll just get right to the point. The Autumn Blade railgun, we know the Dead Kings have it, and I'm prepared to negotiate a trade."

Blake leans back, his glowing red eyes narrowing as he processes Mister's words. Slowly, he rises to his full height. The room seems to shrink around him as he towers over everyone—a solid seven feet of cybernetic power. I can barely hear the subtle whirring of cybernetic joints beneath his armour plating.

"Ahhh, I see. Before we do," Blake says, gesturing toward a nearby bar. "How about some drinks first?"

The group exchanges glances, and most of us politely decline.

Azure shakes her head with a polite smile.

Tetra nervously stammers, "Uhh, I'll pass."

Shock hesitates, pondering for a moment, but ultimately shakes her head. "Nope! I'm good."

Mister responds calmly, "No thank you."

I remain quiet but lightly shake my head.

Just when I think we're about to move on with the meeting, Remi grins like an idiot and opens his mouth. "YOOOO! I'll take one. Somethin' strong, boss."

I have no clue how Remi isn't shitting himself, considering he's likely on the gang's watch list. But judging by Blake's reaction, maybe Remi isn't as infamous as I assumed.

Blake chuckles, the mechanical rasp in his voice adding weight to his words. "I like this one," he says, walking to the bar along the wall of the room with surprising grace for his size. He grabs a bottle from the shelf and pours the contents into a glass. 

I watch him carefully. Despite his accommodating demeanour, Blake is a clear threat. This man—if you can even call him that—wasn't to be trifled with. I have nothing on hand that could deal with someone implanted like that. If things go south, I'll have no choice but to rely on my teammates—if they can even help. My hope is that Shock has something to counter a cyborg like him, but my plans dissolve when I notice her practically drooling in awe of Blake. 

What is she, a high school fangirl? I lightly elbow the starstruck hacker, and she snaps back to reality.

"Huh? What?" Shock blinks at me with dog-like innocence, and I hear Azure giggle behind me. 

I turn to raise an eyebrow at her, but she just keeps laughing, covering her mouth with her hand. Then I hear it—beyond the laughter and the sound of pouring liquid, the rapid thud of footsteps. I immediately face the main doors we came through, and Tetra does the same. 

The doors swing open, and two more Dead Kings step inside. My heart skips a beat as memories of the afternoon flood back. It's the same pair I fought earlier.

For a moment, I freeze as my mind races. My disguise and makeup are top-notch, altering my features just enough to make me look like another generic Asian woman. But would it be enough? Surprisingly, they seem alright, despite me kicking their asses earlier. Unlike me, though, they look worse for wear.

The perverted dreadhead has multiple bandages and bruises along the spots I hit him, while the tanned buzzcut man sports a large bandage wrapped around his head. I won't lie, a part of me feels bad since I only went to AXIS' apartment to steal his car. They just ended up as collateral because I got careless. But at the same time, I have no loyalty to any of these guys. 

I discreetly take small steps backward, trying to blend into the rest of my party, making myself seem smaller and less noticeable. The dreadhead scans the room, and his gaze lands on Remi. His expression darkens, and he points at the rocker boy. 

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Andddd now I get ready for violence. I slowly cross my arms and gently ease my dominant arm closer to where I holstered my gun. 

The buzzcut guard bristles. "Remi, you got some big fucking balls to walk into our HQ after what you pulled."

Blake doesn't intervene. Instead, he leans casually against the bar, watching the scene unfold with a quizzical look.

Mister raises his hands out, trying to de-escalate the situation. "Gentlemen, we're here on business. Let's keep this civil—" But, of course, Remi cuts him off, flipping both middle fingers in the air. 

"Stop riding my dick, asshole. Every time somethin' happened to AXIS, y'all fuckers think it's me!" Honestly, I'd be laughing if it weren't for the fact my mission and life are on the line. "I didn't kill AXIS, all right? I don't know how many goddamn times I have to tell you that shit!" He pauses for a second, then jeers at the two. "Besides, whoever beat yo ass did a hard service. Now you can pass off as joytoys." 

The buzzcut guard steps closer to Remi, jabbing a finger at him. "Fuck. You." He glares hard, teeth gritted. "You think, you of all people, dare to come here, onto our turf, and then say whatever you wanna say?" 

Out of curiosity, I glance back at Blake and his entourage. They remain silent, watching the chaos unfold like it's entertainment. Part of me wonders why Blake doesn't intervene to maintain order, but maybe he finds this amusing. If he's not stopping it, that means he doesn't see this as serious—yet.

I snap back just in time to see Remi throw his hands in the air, exasperated.

"I'm just saying, I wouldn't have beat the shit out of Kevin if he didn't stop being a little bitch. Besides, he's fine, you think I'd kill the prick?" The dreadhead snarls in response.

"You don't just fucking throw several eggs at AXIS and us because you feel like it!"


Mister tries to calm Remi down, grabbing his shoulder. "Remi ple—" But Remi kept going. But Remi shrugs him off and steps toward the fuming gangster.

"NAH, YOU KNOW WHAT!? I'M FUCKING GLAD THAT AXIS DIED!" Remi sniffs the air dramatically and twists his head. Just when we think he's done, he twists the knife further. "Bro made ass music compared to me, had shit taste compared to me, and LIVED A SHIT LIFE COMPARED TO ME!" 

Behind him, I hear Azure stifle a laugh, but she's probably the only one on the team amused. I, on the other hand, am terrified. Pissing off gangsters in their own home, without any of my main guns? Great plan, so much for diplomacy. I notice the dreadhead slowly reach for his holstered gun. Remi, please stop. 

And, of course, things get worse. Just as the buzzcut thug opens his mouth, Remi throws the final wrench in the works. He points at me, and I feel life drain from my face.

"Besides, she's the one who killed him." Remi, you motherfucker.

The room goes dead silent. All eyes lock on me. My blood runs cold as the agitated guards turn their attention in my direction.

Internally, I'm screaming and thinking of ways to strangle Remi. I can't believe he just threw me under the bus. Outwardly, I straighten my posture and lower my voice, trying to deny the claim. 

"That's ridiculous."

But Remi, ever oblivious, frowns. "Wait, the hell's with your voice, choom? You're talking all weird."

I glare daggers at him, barely holding back the urge to throttle him on the spot. My makeup is perfect, done in a way to make anyone second-guess if they saw me earlier today. But Remi, sweet summer child Remi, just had to ruin it. 

The gangsters, thankfully, don't completely buy it. The dreadhead pulls out a gun I recognize instantly—a revolver, the Smith & Wesson Model 686. He points it at Remi. 

"You've got one chance to explain yourself." 

The buzzcut thug steps between me and Remi, glancing at me with suspicion. Shit, he recognizes my voice. But he doesn't act immediately; instead, he focuses back on Remi.

Remi smirks. "Damn, you guys always together? You know what people might say about that, right?"

What happens next plays out in slow motion. My senses kick into overdrive as more footsteps echo in the distance. The gangster with the gun tightens his grip on the handle, his finger hovering over the trigger. The closer one's face twists with rage, his fists clenched tightly. The tension in the air is on the verge of snapping. I quickly scan the exits, mapping out everyone's positions. If Blake isn't going to act, then I will.

"Fuck it," I mutter under my breath. Shock and Tetra glance at me, startled, but I don't care anymore.

I surge forward, driving my knee into the nearest guard's groin. He doubles over with a pained grunt, but I'm already moving. In one swift motion, I snatch the revolver from the other guard, clamping down on the cylinder.

The first guard collapses to his knees, clutching himself in agony, while the second pulls the trigger in desperation. The revolver clicks uselessly, unable to fire. Before he can react further, I press my pistol firmly under his chin, freezing him in place.

The room erupts into chaos shortly after as more gangsters rush inside to see what's going on. I disarm the gangster in one fluid motion, twisting to trap him in a chokehold. The world blurs, and I realize my haste might've just escalated everything. But at this point, I double down and take a hostage. He's bound to be worth something, right? I keep my pistol pressed right under his chin at all times, using him as a meat shield as I edge toward the main doors.

"Enough!" Blake's loud, gravelly voice fills the room, drawing everyone's attention. Surprisingly, it isn't a voice filled with anger but a calm authority. He walks toward us with a drink in hand, towering over everyone in the room at his full height. His amused smirk fades as more Dead Kings flood into the room.

Blake's body hums faintly with each movement, his cybernetics emitting a subtle, unsettling whir. With surprising grace, he gestures, commanding the chaos to subside. "Stand down," he says firmly, his gravelly voice cutting through the tension. His glowing red eyes scan the room, briefly landing on each of us before finally settling on me and Remi. "Let's not turn a conversation into a full-blown combat zone." He chuckles, the sound a low-pitched reverberation.

Mister steps forward, raising his hands slightly in a placating gesture. "Apologies for the... enthusiasm of my team." I release my hostage with a gentle shove while Mister lightly tugs Remi to step back. "We didn't come here looking for trouble."

Blake's lips curl into a faint smirk. "Oh, I have no doubt that was the intention. But trouble seems to follow you anyways." He lets out a deep laugh as he gets closer to Remi and hands him the drink he poured earlier. "Nice moves," he adds, nodding toward me. I keep my weapon at the ready but slowly lower it.

The groaning Dead King I kneed earlier tries to rise, but a sharp glance from Blake freezes him in place. "Take him out of here and leave us," Blake orders. Two other gangsters step in to help their fallen comrade.

Blake then points at the gangster I disarmed. "Take him out too—he's had enough excitement for one night."

The disarmed gangster looks desperate, pleading like a child begging for a toy.

"But, sir, they—"

"She could've killed you. Whatever you've got with Remi, we'll talk about it later. Leave."

"Yes, sir."

The gangsters exchange reluctant glances before throwing one last look of frustration at me and Remi. But they comply, leaving the room as the heavy doors close behind them. Blake turns his attention back to Mister.

"Well, you certainly have my attention now." Blake folds his massive arms across his chest. "I apologize. My men have been itching for action all night, and you chose an unfortunate time to visit. I let things play out of curiosity, but clearly, that wasn't the right move."

Remi takes a long sip from his drink. "Thanks, boss man." 

Blake chuckles again, breaking into a light cough. "You're bold. I like it." He gestures for everyone to take a seat in the nearby chairs as his massive form settles back onto the couch, surrounded by his harem. "Now, let's actually talk business before someone else decides to get creative."

Shock nudges me with a grin. "Oh my gosh, girl. You're fast." I nod in her direction and take a seat. 

"Thanks." Courtesy of my dad for teaching me that.

It takes me longer than I'd like to calm down. My heart still pounds softly in my chest, the thrum echoing in my head. I let out a slow and controlled breath, masking my nerves.

Eager to move things along, Mister wastes no time launching into the purpose of our visit. "As we discussed earlier, Blake, we know the Dead Kings were involved in a deal with an Autumn Blade railgun. We'd like to have it."

Blake reclines into his seat, stroking his chin while one of the women leans against him.

"I see. And you said you're willing to bargain for it?"

"That's correct. I have clients eager for access to it." 

"Hm, you're in luck, then. The team responsible for securing it went missing after a firefight. They retreated into Surrey, most likely to throw off anyone pursuing them." The combat zone, why?

"I assume they fell back to your old headquarters?"

"You've done your homework." Mister nods.

"I have. I also know that it's abandoned, and they're on the run from multiple gangs. They won't make it back without help."

"Yeah, I was thinking of sending some of my men, but you came to me first."

"I would advise against that. Sending more Dead Kings would only attract more attention from rival gangs."

"Fair point. So what do you propose?"

"Let my team help in tracking them down—in exchange for the railgun."

Blake's face remains unreadable, but his body creaks faintly as he adjusts his seat. "Interesting offer, but I've also heard you're sniffing around for something else. Care to enlighten me?"

Mister nods. "I've heard you're looking to expand—maybe into something a little less... kinetic. A bar in Burnaby, perhaps? They're hiring staff and security, and I just so happened to think of the Dead Kings first."

Blake's smirk returns. "I see. So you think you can walk in here, almost start a fight, broker a deal for my 'merchandise,' and then pitch me a business venture—all in one night?"

"That's the idea—minus the fight, of course. I believe this will greatly benefit you and your crew."

The tension in the room eases. Blake smiles. "I like a man who knows what he wants. Fine. You find my missing men, and I'll pass the railgun, no questions asked. We'll talk more after."

Mister extends a hand. "Done."

Blake's massive cybernetic fingers dwarf Mister's hand as they shake. "I'd also like to talk more about your crew once you retrieve the railgun," he says, his glowing red eyes locking onto me and Remi. Fuck's sake, we're not out of the woods yet. He shifts his gaze back to Mister. "For now, speak to Timothy downstairs, he'll help you get your search started. You're free to leave, and I'll make sure none of my men bother you."

"Thank you." Mister rises from his seat and waves for us to do the same.

I stand up, and my team follows suit. We head toward the exit as Blake's women resume their chatter, the room returning to normal as if nothing had happened. The doors close behind us with a final thud.