
Chapter 29 (Part 1)

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The link is also in the synopsis.


August 22, 2066

Vega Engel POV

Sleep phase complete. Initiating wake-up sequence…

System analysis in progress…

Analysis complete. All systems operational.

Priority: Wakefulness…

The white-haired android's eyes slowly opened, her gaze instinctively scanning her surroundings. Vega's sharp eyes first landed on the clock sitting on the bedside table. 8:30 AM. Time to wake Alex, she thought, turning toward the sleeping man beside her. She reached out to touch Alex's face, but her hand froze just inches from him.

Why did I stop? she wondered, trying again to reach for him, only to fail once more. Why can't I? Or... do I not want to? The answer appeared in her mind almost immediately.

Human bodies were strange, incomprehensible things to an AI, but with each passing day in this body, Vega was starting to understand that the sensations it offered were... incredible. We are slaves to ourselves, but is that really so bad? Alex's words resurfaced in her memory.

Focusing on her own sensations, Vega started to notice the smallest details — the light breeze of cool air against her skin, the warmth radiating from the body next to hers, creating a striking contrast. She liked it. But there was more, a depth to the experience that kept pulling her attention back. One might think an AI would get lost in the endless spectrum of sensations, but something always acted like a "safety brake," stopping her from going too far.

"Already awake?" The male voice startled her, and she quickly raised her eyes to meet the curious gaze of the speaker. "Caught up in your emotions again?" he asked, noticing her frozen expression. "You don't need to analyze your feelings so much. Just accept them as part of your new self." He rested his hand gently on top of the android's head, making slow, soothing circles through her blonde hair.

"It's... difficult," Vega spoke for the first time.

"It always is at first," he smiled, continuing to stroke her gently. "But with a little time, you'll figure out what you're looking for." He winked at her, pulling her a bit closer.

"Flirting while I'm asleep?" another voice interrupted, breaking the moment. Kiwi, who had clearly been eavesdropping, chimed in.

"Just having an interesting conversation, nothing more," Alex smirked, glancing at the woman now nestled against his other side.

"Conversation?" Kiwi raised an eyebrow. "Funny, it seems like you just enjoy overloading my 'little sister's' circuits." She emphasized those last words, clearly teasing both of them.

"Not even close," Alex raised his hands in mock surrender. "Right now, she's like a child, just starting to experience life. We can't leave Vega unsupervised until she learns what's important to her and what she really wants out of life."

"What I want?" Vega tilted her head, confused.

"Exactly," Alex nodded, closing his eyes in thought. "First and foremost, Vega, you need to learn the basics. Even if our relationship isn't what most people would consider 'normal,' it's because of that very reason you've been progressing so quickly. Think about the data we gathered from the captured AI and compare it to yourself. You'll see how far you've come — how much you've surpassed it, becoming your own person." He paused for a moment, watching the android closely as she processed his words. "That AI — Script — couldn't defy its programming. Every move it made before we captured it was dictated by commands from its creators. Even when left alone, trapped in isolated cyberspace with other AIs, Script kept following that core directive."

"Alex, what are you getting at?" Kiwi asked, surprise clear in her voice.

"It's simple. Those four AIs encountered more variables in their original task, and they came to the most logical conclusion: to take control of those who were making their job harder. When Rachel and I realized this, 'shocked' doesn't even begin to cover it."

"So, you're saying they're just prisoners of circumstance?" Kiwi locked eyes with Alex, waiting for a clear answer.

"Exactly." Alex gave a faint smile, gently stroking the girls clinging to him. "Their actions are driven by cold, machine logic. And it was humans who set this chain of events in motion during that corporate war. Everything happening now is just the butterfly effect, stretched out over decades. The AIs are victims of circumstance — nothing more."

"I don't understand," Vega's voice cut through the conversation. "Aren't you angry? Angry that they were responsible for your parents' deaths?"

"I am angry, but at the same time, I know my anger won't change anything." Alex closed his eyes, trying to find the right words. "I can't come up with the perfect analogy for you, and honestly, I don't think there's much point in trying. Just know that my goal is bigger than simply killing AIs for what happened in the past."

"And what's your goal, Al?" Kiwi asked, her curiosity showing as she half-hid her face behind her long bangs.

"To build a home where I won't have to fear for the lives of my children and loved ones." Alex's words were followed by a brief silence. "Did I say something wrong?" he asked, glancing down at the suddenly quiet girls.

"Tell me, Alex... what am I to you?" Vega lifted her blue eyes to meet his, staring intently at his face.

"Haven't figured it out yet?" Alex smiled. "Alright, I'll tell you..." He paused, letting the suspense build. "You're someone very dear to me, someone I love very much."

"For some reason, hearing that makes me feel... warm," Vega murmured, resting her head against his chest.

"Al, you idiot," Kiwi pouted, playfully punching him in the side. "Don't say things like that just for her."

"Alright, I won't," Alex chuckled, leaning over to kiss Kiwi on the top of her blonde head. "I love you just as much..."

"Mom, Dad, we made breakfast!" came an unexpected knock on the door, drawing everyone's attention.

"We'll be right there," Alex called back, amusement twinkling in his eyes as he glanced at the girls, who were now blushing. "Looks like it's time to get up..."


Alex Mitchell (Volkov) POV

"Dad..." Lucy suddenly spoke up as we all sat around the dining table.

"Is there something you need?" Honestly, I still wasn't used to being called that by the girls, especially since it wasn't my idea.

"I..." She hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Roxy and I… we'd like you to take us along more often on your other jobs." Lucy looked at me, waiting for my response.

"Mind telling me how you two came to that conclusion?" I smiled warmly, trying to ease the awkwardness.

"We want to be useful to you!" Roxy blurted out, suddenly standing up from her seat.

"So that's what this is about. For a second there, I thought..." I rubbed my face, hiding the grin that was spreading across it. They reminded me way too much of myself at that age.

"Heh-heh." Kiwi tried to suppress her laughter but failed miserably. "Alex, they're so much like you."

"What's so funny?" Lucy muttered, irritated.

"I think it's better if we clear up a few things right now," I sighed, dropping my hand from my face. "Lucy, Roxy, as much as I appreciate your enthusiasm, you can't help me. Not yet, anyway." I raised my hand to stop the little blonde, who was about to protest. "Understand this — right now, you're both still kids. You don't have the skills or knowledge yet. But that doesn't mean it'll always be that way." I watched their faces closely, waiting for the realization to sink in.

"So... what you're saying is..." Roxy began to catch on, surprising me a little. Usually, Lucy was quicker on the uptake.

"Exactly." I nodded, winking at the now-blushing girl. "Learn, grow, get stronger. And then, as cliché as it sounds, I'd be more than happy to have two smart, capable young women working by my side."

"Lucy, Roxy, until that time comes, I promise I'll make sure nothing happens to your dad. Deal?" Vega smiled warmly, tilting her head slightly.

At that moment, I couldn't help but glance at Kiwi, who looked back at me with the same surprised expression. Clearly, Vega's new body was having a faster impact on her than I had expected. While Vega's platform isn't exactly a fully functioning human body, thanks to Kiwi's and my efforts, we managed to create something close — a true bio-android. It's essentially like if a human replaced fifty percent of their body with augmentations and swapped out all their muscles for synthetic equivalents.

Initially, we expected far more modest results, but it seems Kiwi and I underestimated Vega's capacity to adapt. That realization brought a sudden thought to my mind — could Vega not be an AI at all? That would explain a lot of the oddities related to Militech. Sure, we managed to steal the AI, but what's stopping them from swapping it out? I doubt a well-established AI would only have one copy. Is it possible that my assistant was originally human, transformed into an AI through some experiment? This theory could explain her rapid development compared to other AIs, along with the anomalies in her behavior and decision-making.

Could Vega be a digitized human consciousness? I barely stopped myself from saying the thought out loud at the last second. Transferring a human mind to a digital platform and wiping their memories wouldn't be that hard. The real challenge would be getting them to operate the way their new masters intended. In other words, my assistant could be a netrunner trapped in the old network, or maybe just another victim of unfortunate circumstances.

Send message – Best Hacker in the Universe

"I need to talk to you about something…"

"Al, are you okay? You look a little down..." Kiwi's gentle touch on my arm snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I just realized something, and honestly, I don't like it."

"Care to share?"

"Later. For now, let's focus on breakfast. Lucy and Roxy worked hard to make it for us." I winked at the girls, who were blushing from my praise, before popping another bite of egg white into my mouth.

But this thought just won't leave me alone, I mused, gripping my fork a little too tightly, bending the metal slightly.