
Cyberpunk's Singular Peculiarity

The Relic Biochip isn't the only skeleton in the Arasaka Corporation's closet, but unlike a certain Merc, our Protagonist hadn't wanted anything to do with the 'Edgerunner' lifestyle. Night City is changing, but whether or not it's for the better is anyone's guess. Is a 'Happy Ending' even possible? What would it look like? "Hell if I'd know." ----------- My Patreons have spoken thus, and have voted for thy Cyberpunk 2077 Fano-Fictiono. Let's see if I can do better than the initial game release... Join my Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Nagross Join my Discord : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF Check out my other stories! : Elder Blood Witcher : https://www.webnovel.com/book/elder-blood-witcher_15882698206325105 Steel Waste : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 Modern History : https://www.webnovel.com/book/modern-history_16738054905046405 Harry Potter and the Tragic Path : https://www.webnovel.com/book/harry-potter-and-the-tragic-path_19734319605086005 Unbound Familiar : https://www.webnovel.com/book/unbound-familiar_21400494206391105 Thanks! Also Rebecca best girl.

Niggross · Video Games
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293 Chs

Cosmopolitan Mood

The crew all funnel out of the caravan after parking it and the truck in one of the many underground parking lots. It'd taken three hours alone just to get there due to the traffic, but finally they were in a position to start being proactive.

"Ah, you should probably leave your jacket." Lucy stops David before he can go any further, everyone knew how dear it was to him so the possibility of losing it wasn't a risk she wanted to take.

"Uh, sure, I guess? You really think I might lose it?"

Lucy shrugs, "I'm not sure about anything in this place, that's the problem. 'Least in Night City I knew up from down, who ruled it and who didn't. All we've got to go off of is basic intel any run-of-the-mill Runner could have manipulated."

"Which is why we're being real careful." Ori states as he steps out with a big rucksack on his back, locking the caravan behind him. "Come on, we've wasted enough time sitting in traffic today."

Another five minutes to climb outta the underground and the group finally saw the sun, blinking the glare out of their eyes as they step out onto the street... While this wasn't the most decadent or expensive place in Vegas, it was already a far cry from most places in Night City, baring Downtown and the Corpo Plaza.

The fact that everyone shot glances and glares at the crew as they made their way down the street only made them feel more out of place...

"You staring at me like you want to fuck or fight, so which is it, choom!?" Pilar angrily asks, pushing a large man in a colourful cardigan away.

"You're fuckin' nuts!"

"Pilar, shut your mouth for once and stick with us. We just got here and we don't need you starting anything." Ori grouses, pulling the lanky merc with them.

Lucy leads them a couple blocks until they reach what looked like some stairs leading into a subway, the transportation system had been long abandoned however, earthquakes, bombs, and other disasters having caused what had been there to collapse.

That hadn't stopped the 'mole people' from digging smaller tunnels to get around the place, but for the crew there wasn't any real way to find info on how to navigate it. There weren't exactly directions down there.

Down the stair and through one maintenance tunnel they come across a small marketplace, one eerily similar to how Casinha used to look, if better put together. They quickly stop by a scrap broker to get some Eddies, then Lucy leads them to what looked to be an old convenience store that'd been converted into a tailor. Still, it looked like most scuffed hole-in-the-wall joints, judging by the fact people actually shopped there it must've been worth something.

"Here, this is the place." Lucy quietly remarks.

Maine sighs, "Whatever, just pay for the nines and get going, we gotta Fixer ta'meet."


"I wanna kill myself right about now..." Pilar growls, pulling at the 'tight as fuck' sleeve around his wrist. His Cybernetic hands were only making it more annoying for him, but he wasn't in bad a sitch as Maine, who literally required the tailor to Frankenstein two suit jackets together to make something in his size.

"Go ahead, we'll cheer you on." Rebecca chortles. She was actually pretty happy with her outfit. She'd ended up swapping her usual black synth-leather one for a pink and white tiger-pattern jumper that was big enough to reach her mid-thigh. She swapped out her boots for some beige ones with complementary white fur lining, and loose shorts that reached below her knees.

Ori had been ambushed by the tailor and shoved into some mobster-looking outfit, a black waistcoat over a thinly patterned white shirt that'd had its sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and black suit trousers... Not gonna lie, this was the first time he felt so... Dapper.

David had gotten a fedora slapped on his head, along with a light yellow silk shirt, short tie, and loose beige trousers.

Christy, as a former star had dressed up as, well, how she used to but with more modesty. A thin dress that barely went down to her upper knee, which would undoubtedly she the thong she was wearing if she ever bent over... Maybe she planned to use it as a bargaining chip?

Falco and Lucy hadn't actually needed to change their respective styles all that much. Simply just buying new sets that weren't completely filthy.

"Can we get to the fuckin' biz already?" Maine asks as his suit jacket strains against his sheer bulk. Even with the sleeves cut out the muscles on his back were threatening to tear apart the fresh stitching.

Lucy nods, "Next stop, The Strip."


"This is... Freaky..." David mutters, looking around the place as the crew slowly walks through. Even in the daytime the place was almost blinding, from the holograms to the signs to the colours, it was pretty overwhelming.

"Stop looking around like a tourist." Lucy urges, giving him an elbow to the side.

"But we are tourists..."

"We don't want everyone to know that though." she retorts, shrewdly glancing at the security around the place.

It wasn't just heavily armed and armoured guards, there were actual military-issue bipedal walkers stumbling around. This shit wouldn't have flown in Night City because of how many Corporations had their fingers in the pot, but here? Everyone treated it like it was normal.

"Hey, what's that-" Christy starts but Ori grips her arm, stopping her. Further down the strip, an obviously homeless woman was running down the street haphazardly, begging pedestrians and anyone else who would listen to help the limp baby in her arms.

Of course, this didn't pan out well...



"BREACH OF PEACE DETECTED. ENACTING EXPULSION!" the machine says, stepping closer to the woman as one of its arms opens up.


A jet of flame streams out, covering the woman and her child, sending the sprawling, screaming mess to the ground... The machine keeps up the heat however, not stopping until the agonized shrieks cease.

"MAINTENANCE CREW REQUIRED ON DISTRACT 0421 COSMOPOLITAN!" it says aloud before slowly walking away...

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Faruk Ereng


Peter Evans


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