

Heinous crimes. Good times in between. Cybernetically enhanced detective.

Faceless_Blotch · Horror
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9 Chs

Case 1-5 | II, Blanche

Lead: Male

Tags: Lorefuck, Femdom, Rape, Gangbang

"Fuck, this cunt's fucked," clear disgust on my face as Yume shoots me glances. I'm glancing through it in the passenger seat of our ride. Yume's ride. Hopefully ours.

"What's up?" she asks.

"This cunt just fuckin'... I'm at a loss for words. He's nuts!"

We pull up at the scene, still recently found.

Few cars choose between pulling over or slowing down, to watch on at the dozen or so officers behind red tape.

"This is it," Yume looks at me with a sideways smile. "Ready for this?"

"I suppose," I say back, a little nervous stutter breaking into my voice.

"You'll be all right," she comforts me, rubbing my head and stroking my hair. "Come on," she pulls the handle of her door and kicks it open.

Walking onto the scene, both Yume and I pull up our licences.

One of the officers jogs toward us and holds up the tape as we kneel under it. "Detectives," he says in an excited voice. "I wouldn't proceed without seeing Hell itself," he chuckles.

"How bad is it?" Yume asks?

"10," he responds with a smile.

I dust off any dirt from my jeans and he drops the tape. "This is my first case," I tell him with a concerned look on my face.

"It's a good day for it then," he jokes.

Yume takes my arm and leads me deeper in the scene.

Bloodstains on the stones and dirt, three damp sticks with dried blood covering one side.

One distressed citizen takes shelter near a police car, still coming down from an honest fear. The officer from said car comes rushing over.

"Hey," he whispers in a sheltered tone. "This is a rough one," he tells us.

Our attention is directed to him as he stands jus a short while away, next to the body bag.

"Those three sticks," he points. "In the mouth. In the ass. In the-"

"Yeah," Yume interrupts. "That is fucked up." She turns to me. "You're all right?"

"Yeah," I respond nervously.

The officer bends down and unzips the bodybag. "Headless," he warns me.

The most disturbing thing I've seen so far, and I've seen very disturbing things every time I happen to think of it, which is often. Head seemingly torn from her body, many signs of struggle, bruising, cuts at her clothing - a very obvious rape. Something I've seen before.

"Blanche," Yume calls out to me. "You okay? Blan…"

I notice I've dropped to a knee. My hearing goes fuzzy and my left eye goes blurry. I thought I would be better at this. I've seen worse. It's just that I'm remembering. Mother.

My brain shuts off.

I'm taken back to the incident at 5 years old. I remember it vividly. I wake up, being crushed into the backseat of our car. My dad, already crushed in the passenger seat just ahead of me. The door closest to me pops loose and falls to the ground, revealing my near lifeless mother being penetrated in the eye and ear - while her bleeding privates are very much occupied with the beastly cocks of my parent's rapists.

She's covered in blood. She's stabbed by the men below her, enjoying her only for sexual gratification, and then to be left dead on the ground next to her dead family. I won't let it end here. What about the pirate ship we were going to buy? What about all the fun we were going to have on vacation?

Mother looks at me with her free eye, an absolute face of horror, regret and failure. The compactor crushes our vehicle and I can feel myself dying. As my vision fades, I see the men being attacked by something, and it looks at me only inches away before my mind shuts off completely.

I wake up in a hospital bed. I assume it must've been weeks. I don't feel too damaged. Nothing feels so minor but not entirely major. However, I feel… fake.

My skull is fine, heart beating, and I could feel my nervous system reacting to what little movements he could make. I'm lying straight on my back, and try to move. My hands begin to move. Nothing to report on my left arm. Though, the top of my forearm felt plastic. My left hand stroking between the sheets feels as if I'm wearing gloves. The same goes for the thumb, ring and pinky finger on my right hand.

I realise my body is mostly chunks of plastic regarding the shape of what's lost. Mostly up to my chest feels the same fakeness at first. Even above that had little touch-ups here and there. I can still control my body like usual but I lack most of the feeling. I'm less than half of what he was.

I remember the events of when I was last conscious and tears flood from my eyes. Eye. The left side acts as a waterfall while I press my right eye. Wooden. My mother. My father. All the things we were about to do. Spoiled by… by… by hoodlums. At this moment, I define what will be the rest of my life. To become a beacon for all unfortunate souls. Those who have met the same fate as mine, but maybe weren't lucky enough to survive. And for all the same in the future.

I inspect my left hand. I try to turn it but have no such luck. I'm going to have to upgrade these soon. Ugh, and when my body decides to grow on me. That's fine.

"Hey, Blanche, come back to me." Yume holds my head on her thighs, sitting on the ground with me laying on my back.

My eye opens slowly to see her lovely look of worry. My other eye comes online. "Hey," I smile, her stroking my hair.

"I was worried," she pouts.

"No, I'm fine. Sorry," I reply. "This just… reminded me of my mother." There's a silence between us for perhaps a minute.

"If you can't keep up, please leave the force."

"Oh, Yume." I lift my right hand and brush her cheek with my middle and index fingers, to feel the cold surface of her skin. "I'll be fine."

The very happy officer's shadow creeps upon my face. "Ms. Yuka. You kids okay?" he says with a grin.

"We're fine," she clarifies, never looking away from my eyes.

I throw my arms forward for momentum and sit up to look inside the bodybag. "You've noticed the obvious too, I take it?" I ask my partner.

"Yes," she responds. "There's lots of blood a little further away and that's where I deduce her head was. Kkhl," she tilts her head while running her finger across her neck.

"All right," I strain to pull myself up and investigate the area. I use my mind for related searches to the event, and figure she was lit and thrown into the little pond here, likely from realisation that drivers will spot the light.

The investigation goes on, and I think I come to know exactly how it went down, noticing the flood covered stones with faecal matter, the syringe half full of a certain drug and everything.

I place the syringe in a plastic bag and toss it to an officer as evidence.

"Another one," the happy officer tells us, holding his hand above his eyes to shade them from the very powerful sun.

"This bad?" Yume asks him.

He shakes his head. "About casual," he shrugs his shoulders.

"Right," I say, thinking I have all the information I need. "Get this body to the morgue, get her cleaned up and find the family."

"Find her family how?" he asks me. "No head," he giggles.

"Search the missing persons reports, find a match." I leave the scene to our car. "Come on, ba-, uh, Yume. Ms. Yuka."

"Huh?" she follows after me. "What was that you almost called me?"

I look to the side of the road, feeling my body blush. "Noth-," my sentence is cut short by the realisation of bloodstains on the tar. I bend closer and run my finger along it. A different sample.

"Hey!" I call to the officers. "Any notice on this evidence here?"

They inch closer with eyebrows perked.

"Search those missing persons reports. Someone may have seen her aflame and come to investigate, so it could, really, be anyone." This looks like it could've been a knockout, and they were taken with the culprit. A very brave runner or the vehicle was taken and ditched somewhere. "Check the lake for a vehicle." I get up and return to my seat.

Yume joins me in the car and closes her door. "Can we just continue up the road for a bit? Keep a lookout for anywhere a car might have driven… Please."

Yume slips on her belt while I follow. "Sure thing. Babe." She snickers and starts the engine. "First though, we should check that new case. The guy's in a cell - with Knicks."

A shiver runs up my spine. "Fuck," I let out in disgust with squinted eyes. "That makes sense, good thinking. Knicks is very concerning though."

"Welp," Yume looks back for cars, and returns her eyes ahead. "If you want to force sex, you better prepare to have it forced on you."

We take off to her station, further than ours is placed.

"Ugh, ouhhn, ff-ff-ffuck yyyouu~" I hear vigourous raping from the cell as I walk into her small station. Verification on the way in so none of the public can see. She does like to have visitors but this is one of her more private sessions.

"Ooh, yeah. Beat him, boys." I walk in to see Knicks with her desk pushed lower, her legs spread and touching herself to her audience of rapists.

Yume pulls my head in her direction, and I notice her blushing.

"It's all right," I tell her. "I'll just blur my screen with something else. Maybe a recording of us," I smile.

"You recorded that?!" she whisper-shouts at me.

I close my left eye, and turn to Knicks, never looking away fron the scene she's orchestrating. I hear one of the rapists in there beat the sub for today. Really wallop and bash the skull of who's taking it, and Knicks giggles at the event.

"Ugh," Yume looks away, and holds my hand.

"Knicks," I hear her shlicking and getting off.

"Oouh, fuck~, heh, good boys, you know Mommy likes that shit," Knicks moans. I see her biting her lips and really getting into it, toes curling and feet wiggling on her desk.

I cough, as if my presence isn't enough.

"Nnnyeah?~." she remains focussed on her scene.

"We're here for questioning," I explain.

"Tsk," she stops touching and drops her arms loose. She lets her legs drop to the desk.

The rapists stop and curiously look onto me.

"That bitch," she eyes them behind her purple-tinted shades.

I assume she's talking about the sub so I walk up to the cell. "Excuse me," I tell them. "I'll have that one, please." They ease off with irritated faces amd I look back to Knicks. She'd already thrown the keys and I catch them before they hit the ground. "Thanks," I bow - both her and Yume readying their guns. I turn, open the cell and abduct my culprit. "Be right back, boys," I put on a smile as I drag him into the other room for questioning. I hear the orgy continue.

Yume walks in. "I don't wanna see that."

"But you'll hear it," I roll my eyes.

We begin questioning the very shaken up and naked, bleeding, beaten Yugal. He describes how inhumane keeping people in a cell like he has to stay in, keeping a frown the entire time.

He explains that he's been raped by the other inmates for the past hour straight, all while Knicks stares and ,asturbates, giving orders that are very humiliating. That the interview will only make everyone angrier since they have to wait - that their climaxes have reset and sex drives hace replenished.

"Then just answer my questions," I make clear.

Yugel hasn't heard of the killing. I cross him off the list. However, he admits he did what he did because he followed an Eddit post of rape victims, and he found it amusing. Amusing that these people had their pride stripped from them completely. Though, a comment that happens to be the most hated was a claim of being gangraped and enjoying it. People hated the thing since it was taken as a joke that was just trivialising the issue. But, he met the couple and that planted the seed that would encourage him to rape.

Dumbass didn't need to say all that but okay. I take their details down and we agree to head that way before continuing to investigate the other place.

"People like you will never learn another way." I leave Yugal to panic in his seat while waiting to be claimed from his respite. I notice that the glass on the wall had gone from opaque to clear, and everyone's eyes were on Yugal, and he didn't know the wiser. Still holding his heart, seeing how it bears, and checking all corners of the room.

"Done," I lead to the exit and hold the door open for Yume.

Knicks sighs. "Put them back when you're done, Blanche."

Yume leaves. "Thank you," she heads to the car and we continue.

"Well," I sigh over to Yume as she clips in her seatbelt. "We might be getting somewhere."

"So…" Yume rests a finger against her chin. "The place he mentioned, back to the scene and carry on along that road?" Yume pulls out of park and we're travelling again.

"Sounds about right to me. Unless you want to stop for lunch along the way."

Yume looks over to me, and then notices she could go for a bite. "Uh, sure, I could go for a bite."

"MacRonald's or something?" I ask.

"No," she bumps her head forward and pulses her eyes. She sends the side-eyes my way saying, "Something healthy, dude."

After lunch, we find ourselves at the doorbell of these Eddit degenerates.

"Bring Brong," the bell rings.

I hear someone breathing on the other side of the peephole, and even zoom in to confirm that someone is there. A little shaken and concerned, I leave it for a minute. Who knows what kind of crap these two do.

"Knock again," Yume leans forward and knocks again.

I hear a male moaning on the other end, and muffled moans of a female from below. "Coming," the male's voice pretends to shout, as if they were on the other side of the house. "Visitors," he whispers quietly to himself. "Ooh, fucking visitors," his moans build and build, repeating the thing until a very sheltered climax. "Mnf, oof, fuck~," he exhausts while the woman from below knocks her head on the door, coughing and struggling to breathe.

"That was a lot, baby," she whispers.

"Shut up, bitch," he whispers down to here. "We haven't had visitors in a while, of course it's a lot."

I hear shuffling from the other side and the door comes swinging open. "Howdy," he tells me, fly still down but penis concealed. It doesn't matter though since a facial still oozes from his wife to his side.

"Hey," I flash my card, and Yume does the same. "A little something," I look to his wife and brush my thumb off the side of my mouth.

"Ooh," she turns quickly, absolutely plastered in nut.

Yume turns red. "You posted about enjoying some sort of rape?"

"Ah," his eyes brighten and he wags a finger. "Come to my couch if you want the full story."

"Wha- uh, no, we'll just like to-".

The Edditor walks to his couch, waving for us to follow. "Come to my couch~," he sings.

Reluctant, we follow. Passing by his wife, she turns back around and smiles, with misaligned teeth, still plastered. "Good attempt," I whisper to her and nod my head.

We take a seat on his busted up couch and listen to the man spin a tale.

"Well, let me tell you all about it. After all, everyone should know about the wonders of a black man." He claps his hands together and leans forward, excited to explain. "So…"
