

In a tech-dominated society, Xander, once a bright young man, is reborn as the vengeful cyborg, the Steel Reaper, after his scientist mother is killed by heroes threatened by her innovations. Saved and enhanced by the same organization who were after his mother, Xander's new mission is clear: to annihilate the heroes who wronged him and avenge his mother's death using his newfound cybernetic powers.

F4V0_101 · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

*Skull Crusher*

{Xander's POV}

I had decided to fight in the villain fight club so I could earn the money to get the info I needed. I had learnt about the fight club in the short amount of time that I had been in the tower

The villain fight club was a catastrophic place. In the heart of a decaying industrial district, hidden from the eyes of the law and society, lies an underground arena known only to those who revel in chaos: the Villain Fight Club.

This clandestine organization serves as both a battleground and a proving ground for the most nefarious and notorious figures from across the criminal underworld.

According to max, the fight club is housed in an abandoned steel mill, its massive, rusted machinery providing an eerie backdrop to the violent spectacles.

Dim lighting, augmented by flickering industrial lamps, casts long shadows and creates a sense of foreboding. The central arena, a makeshift ring encircled by steel barriers, is stained with the remnants of countless brutal encounters.

Participants in the Villain Fight Club range from the strongest fighters and assassins to rogue scientists and criminal masterminds. Each combatant brings their unique set of skills and weapons, making every fight unpredictable and deadly.

The club is not just a place to settle grudges but a venue for villains to showcase their dominance, earn respect, and secure lucrative contracts from observing patrons.

While the club thrives on chaos, it enforces a few strict rules; the first one being No Killing. Deaths are discouraged to maintain a steady flow of participants and to avoid attracting too much attention. However, severe injuries are common and often overlooked.

The second rule was No Outside Interference. Fights must be one-on-one, with no external help. Any breach of this rule results in immediate expulsion or worse.

The third and last thing was; the House Always Wins. A significant portion of any bets or rewards goes to the club's mysterious organizers, ensuring their continued operation and influence. But fighters or participants also got a fair share

And those who came to watch the fights. The audience comprises a who's who of the criminal world: drug lords, corrupt politicians, and black market dealers.

These spectators come not only for entertainment but to scout potential allies or adversaries. The club provides an informal marketplace where deals are struck, alliances are forged, and rivalries are intensified.

Fighters risk life and limb for a variety of reasons: some seek redemption or revenge, others crave the notoriety that a victory in the club can bring. For many, it's the lucrative rewards – be it money, powerful weapons, or valuable information – that draw them to the arena.

Legends abound within the villain community about the origins of the fight club. Some say it was established by a disillusioned former hero seeking to give villains a chance to prove their worth. Others believe it's a front for a larger conspiracy, where the true puppet masters use the club to manipulate the criminal underworld to their advantage

The Villain Fight Club is more than just a brutal spectacle; it is a microcosm of the criminal world's power dynamics. Here, the line between survival and supremacy blurs, and every fight is a step closer to ultimate infamy or oblivion. In this arena, the strongest and most cunning villains rise to the top, while the weak are mercilessly weeded out.

And very soon I was going to be a part of that catastrophic event.

Over the next few days after I had signed up, Derick helped me prepare. We trained tirelessly, honing my skills and pushing my limits. The daily reports from my system showed my progress:

<Daily report>

<Strength 10 increased by>

<Speed 10 increased by>

<Stamina 10 increased by>


<Host's stats>

<Host: Xander Kelman>

<Type: Cyborg>

<Age: 18>

<Level: 6>

<Mental 80 Hp:>

<Physical 90 Hp:>

<Strength: 180>

<Stamina: 200>

<Speed: 200>

<Battery Lv : 80%>

<Battery 200 life : hrs>

Each day, I felt myself getting stronger, faster, more resilient. The fight club was looming, but I felt ready.

The night of my first fight, Derick and I made our way to the address Max had given us. It was an old warehouse on the outskirts of the city, its exterior nondescript and unremarkable.

Inside, however, was a different story. The place was packed with people, the air thick with tension and excitement. A makeshift ring had been set up in the center of large the room, and the crowd buzzed with anticipation.

"For the next fight of the night, we have; The strong, the fighting champion, the amazing Skull crusher!!!" The crowd roar as they cheered him on "Versus the super, the hefty, he's new in the ring, he is steeeel.!!!"

A low cheer could be heard coming from the crowd, because no one new anything about me. I had decided to use the name steel since it was the nickname I got in the tower, and since everyone had a cool villain name I figured that would work out for me.

I felt a surge of adrenaline as I stepped into the ring, the noise of the crowd fading into the background as I focused on the task at hand. My first opponent was a hulking brute, his muscles bulging and his eyes filled with aggression

<Name: Jeffan Huston>

<Villain name: Skull crusher>

<Type: Human villain>

<Age: 42>

<Hp: 100>

<Strength: 400>

<Stamina: 300>

<Speed: 200>

<Ability: Super strength>

I quickly scanned him and I realized he was as fast as me, and more than two times as strong as me. His stamina was a whopping 300 points and the only thing going through my mind was 'how the heck am I supposed to beat this guy?'

The bell rang, and the fight began, I shifted on my feet, the rough canvas beneath me. Skull Crusher charged, a freight train of fists and brutality. I ducked, but his fist grazed my shoulder, sending a jolt of pain through my arm. I retaliated with a quick jab to his ribs, but it was like hitting granite.

Hitting his skin felt like punching into a brick wall or like hitting metal. I guess this was an attribute of super strength, not only strengthening his bones and muscles, but also his skin to the extent that it was strong enough to withstand a blow from my cybernetic body.

"Come on, kid!" Skull Crusher sneered, launching a powerful right hook. I barely dodged, feeling the air crackle from his punch. His next blow landed square in my stomach region, doubling me over.

If I was still a normal human, that guy would have killed me. But my steel parts took the impact. And even though I didn't fully understand how, I could feel the pain from the impact as though it was actually my body.

Gasping, I staggered back. The crowd's cheers became a dull roar in my ears. I couldn't focus. Skull Crusher's fist collided with my jaw, stars exploding in my vision as he sent me spinning. I barely had time to raise my guard before he was on me again hammering my ribs with crushing blows.

I stumbled, my vision blurring from the onslaught. Every punch felt like a sledgehammer, pain radiating through my body. Skull Crusher's grin was savage as he grabbed my arm and twisted, flipping me onto the mat. I hit hard, the breath knocked out of me again.

"Stay down, Xanden!" Derick shouted from the sidelines. But staying down wasn't an option. I grit my teeth, pushing myself up. My legs trembled but held steady. Skull Crusher was already advancing, a smink on his face as if victory was assured.

He swung again, but I saw the opening this time. As his fist flew toward me, I ducked low and drove my own fiat into his side, right under his ribs. He grunted, stumbling slightly. I hat was my chance. I pressed the advantage, delivering a flurry of punches to his midsection. Each hit felt like striking a wall, but I kept going, ignoring the pain in my knuckles.

Skull Crusher roared in frustration, swinging wildly. I dodged and waved, his punches grazing me but not landing solid blows. I could see the frustration growing in his eyes, his movement a becoming less precise and more desperate. My own breath came in ragged gasps, but I had to keep pushing.

He grabbed me by the shoulders, lifting me off the ground with terrifying ease and slamming me into the corner of the ring. I slumped, barely able to stand. Skull Crusher's fiat collided with my stomach region, a brutal uppercut that left me gasping for air.

I was reeling, pain blurring the edges of my vision. He stepped back, raising his arms to the crowd, already celebrating his victory. But I wasn't finished. Not yet.

With a burst of determination, I pushed off the ropes, charging at him. Skull crusher turned just in time to catch my fist to his jaw. He stumbled, surprise freshing in his eуes. I followed with a series of rapid punches, each one driving him back, step by step.

Skull Crusher moaned in frustration, swinging wildly. I ducked and dodged, my movements fueled by sheen willpower. His punches became slower and І sawy opening.

With every ounce of strength I had left, I leaped forward, delivering a spinning kick to his temple. Time seemed to slow as my foot connected with his head, the impact reverberating up my leg. Skull Crusher's eyes rolled back, and he crumpled to the mat like a felled giant

The crowd was silent for a few seconds as they could no believe that a newbie kid just defeat their champion.

But after a moment the crowd erupted into deafening cheers, but all I could hear was the pounding of my heart. I stood over him, chest heaving, my body acreaming in pain but my spirit soaring. I had done it. Against all odds, I had defeated the Skull Crusher.

This was just the beginning. The path to the supercomputer and my revenge on Dr. Vexler would be long and dangerous, but I was ready for whatever came next. With Derick by my side and the strength of my enhancements, I knew I could overcome any obstacle. The fight for justice had only just begun.

Author's note: Hope you're enjoying the story. Join my discord to get updates and teasers on the novel. Use the link below

H3llo readers,

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Your faithful author


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