

In a tech-dominated society, Xander, once a bright young man, is reborn as the vengeful cyborg, the Steel Reaper, after his scientist mother is killed by heroes threatened by her innovations. Saved and enhanced by the same organization who were after his mother, Xander's new mission is clear: to annihilate the heroes who wronged him and avenge his mother's death using his newfound cybernetic powers.

F4V0_101 · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

*Heroes and villains*

I had no other choice, I was going to 'The Grim Tower' the grim tower was the closest villain tower to me and was right here in Neotrpolis.

All over the world, villain towers stand as a dark and strangely tall object, these towering structures loom over cityscapes.

Constructed from blackened steel and reinforced glass, Villain towers are fortresses designed for both intimidation and functionality. Their sleek, angular design is complemented by sharp spires and jagged edges, giving it a menacing appearance. The villain towers were always a scary looking place for anyone who came by them.

In the ancient times of Earth's history, a cosmic drama unfolded that pitted the forces of creation against the agents of destruction in an unending struggle for dominion over the planet.

The luminous entity known as Lumina, symbolizing growth and vitality, bestowed upon Earth the wonders of nature, the mysteries of the universe, and the spark of consciousness. Lumina's influence nurtured the evolution of life, from the first single-celled organisms to the majestic diversity of plants and animals we see today.

Contrastingly, Umbra, the embodiment of decay and disorder, sought to unravel the complex design of life woven by Lumina. With a relentless onslaught of violence and natural disasters, Umbra aimed to bring about the planet's downfall, turning vibrant ecosystems into barren wastelands and extinguishing the flame of civilization.

As Earth's history unfolded, the cosmic rivalry between Lumina and Umbra shaped the course of its history. Ages of prosperity and enlightenment were disrupted by dark periods of devastation and decline. Each catastrophic event, each significant shift, bore the mark of their cosmic conflict.

Civilizations rose and fell, their legacies left lasting marks on Earth's land and culture. Heroes and villains emerged from every corner of the globe, inspired by the forces of creation and destruction that influenced their destinies. Some sought to harness the power of Lumina to foster growth and innovation, while others succumbed to the allure of Umbra's destructive force, wielding it as a weapon to impose their will upon the world.

The struggle between Lumina and Umbra transcended time and space, becoming a foundational myth that everyone knew and remembered, shaping how people thought and felt. Through legends, folklore, and ancient scriptures, the eternal battle between these cosmic entities was passed down from one generation to the next, shaping beliefs, values, and worldviews.

As Earth continued to evolve, the cosmic rivalry between Lumina and Umbra stayed a powerful story, showing the lasting two-sided nature of creation and destruction, growth and decay, that defines the very essence of existence.

But today the line between good and evil is becoming blurrier day by day and no one even knows who's fighting on the right side. The power and fame has blinded the eyes of the good, and heroes have become corrupt and evil. Villains thrive in strong standing towers as they continue to cause havoc on different parts of the Earth

There are a total of five villain towers based in USA and the strongest and most feared tower 'The Grim Tower' which was ruled by one of the most feared villains in the world 'Void Viper' and the grim tower was right here in Neotropolis City.

Villain towers were full of all kinds of people, miscreants, psychopaths, drug addicts, dilenquents and they were all villains.

A villain tower was the only place I knew that I could stay looking like a machine and no one would have a problem with it. If I was going into Grim tower then I'd better be ready for anything.


I packed everything thing I owned out of the house except the furniture and other things, and everything in my mum's lab too, including her gadgets, research and her computers.

I packed everything into my car and was set to leave. I dropped the house keys in an envelope and left it at the front door, then I got into my car and drove off. It was a five hour drive given the tower stood at the end of Neotrpolis.

When I got to the villain tower immediately a large door opened behind in front of me and I drove my car in. I wore a mask on my face which I made from a thin sheet of metal, it only covered the top half of my face. Then I continued to drive into the tower.

As I drove in I saw the villain who was guarding the tower , he was a tall, muscular man dressed in dark, menacing armor, with spikes and jagged edges to strike fear into anyone approaching. He weilded a battle-axe, ready to defend their lair at a moment's notice. His eyes glowing in a creepy way, and he had a cruel expression on his face, adding to his intimidating presence.

I stopped next to him, then I wound the window of my car down "Take off the jacket" he said in a commanding tone. And I obeyed taking off my jacket and revealing my mechanical body.

<alert!!! Cyborg body been scanned>

<security features on standby>

If my system hadn't alerted me then I wouldn't even have known that I was been scanned. 'I guess this tower's security was really on edge' I thought to myself

"Villain Id please" the man asked "Uhhh... I'm new here, just moved in from Australia" I said "Ok your name and age then" he then asked

Since I was supposedly dead now I guess I had to change my identity. "Xander Ashford" I said 'I guess I was keeping my first name' I thought to myself "Let me just check the database" he said swiping on the watch on his hand, then a wide blue hologram screen appeared on the watch.

"System add Xander Ashford to the database, with my age 18 years, country of origin Australia" I said under my breath

<adding Xander Ashford to database....>

<adding Xander Ashford to database....>

<Database update complete>

<Updating System status>

<current stats>

<Host: Xander Kelman>

<Type: Cyborg>

<Age: 18>

<Level: 5>

<Mental 50 Hp:>

<Physical 50 Hp:>

<Strength: 100>

<Stamina: 100>

<Speed: 100>

<Battery Lv : 97%>

<Battery 275 life : hrs>

"Okay that checks out" the man said "Then he handed me a wrist watch "That's your ID, since you're new information about the tower are all sent to your ID, your villain name can be chosen later" he added. "Okay" I replied to him

"The parking lot is just at the your left" he said then I put my jacket back on drove off.

H3llo readers,

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Your faithful author


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