
cybernetic: alien reincarnation

law was originally called Lary, he died in a fire that killed only him. he never lived long enough to get a girlfriend for himself. now he was a robotic alien that can transform into vehicles and have almost never-ending supply of weapons and gadgets. he finds his new life hard, fun, and stressful as both monsters and people see him as an threat, but not an enemy. He starts off on his planet originally hit a war quickly brings his home world to it's end. Sending them to another world.

Oaks_lad · Fantasy
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15 Chs




A portal opened up and a giant robot fell from it and was pulled down to a planet busking with green life. Iode hit a mountain, and as he made contact shrapnel from his body broke away and flew down onto the ground and tumbled down the mountain along with him.

His corpse tumbled down before sliding down to the bottom breaking many trees in the process.





The side of Iode's arm was cut open and Law climbed out with sparks shooting out his left arm, neck, shoulder, and eyes. The lights within his eyes flickered with each spark as he held his head as parts dangled from his body.

"Ah fuck where even am I?" law leaned on a tree as screws and bolts popped out from his leg. He slapped and hit his legs as a giant screw fell from his leg and bounced on the ground.

"Welp iode it seems I won this battle. sense I'm the winner ill be using your body for repair purposes." he turned towards the giant busted metal corpse and started to dismember iode'sdead body.

Once law was done iode was now a lie of metal and the new parts on him slowly started to turn black. He was taller now and he started to slowly function properly.

Law was now 22 feet tall and had few more abilities than he originally had, of course, the abilities that were taken from iode after repairing himself with his parts.

" now what do I do with the rest of you? OH WAIT I CAN TRY THAT OUT NOW!" law walked up to the pile of scrap that was now iode's dead body.

"I'll use the rest of him to make mini bots" Law had seen mini bots being created before but it was rather tricky as mini bots are sentient life that is obedient yet still basically cybertronians. They take concentration and certain tools to be created.

Thanks to his weapon ability law won't have to worry about the tool part but the concentration will be the hardest part. He got down in front of the pile of scrap and quickly started to get to work.

-3 hours later of loud screening metal noises and buzzing and the deed was finally done-

He used every single piece of iode that was left. He now had a squad of 5 mini bots they only reached the very bottom of his knee which was pretty big considering their mini bots but small back on the planet of Axel, As they should be since they are mini bots.

"Well, now I just gotta find a way to travel with you guys. I'm guessing if this planet is like Earth then there are people. But I don't even know how I'm supposed to hide all of you. I got rid of the cybertronian parts of iode that were left behind but know how am I supposed to hide?" law rubbed his head for a little bit before a screen appeared. A screen he doesn't see often.

[find out how far this world is in its technological advancement.

If it is substantial enough you will be able to find a place to connect to there -international Web- after that search for your preferred vehicle you would like to for transportation.

Selected vehicle and scan.]

"Sometimes I do love you miss system." he looked down at the mini bots and signaled them to follow him.

They started to move through the forest slowly each step they took multiple twigs and sticks cracked under their weight. There was simply no way to try and be stealthy.

One of the mini bots spotted something and signaled to the other bots with a spur of radio noises and clicks.



Tik~ slick~

He pointed past the trees to a base camp that had been set up with a wire fence around it. There were barbs at the top with sharp wire spiraling across the whole fence.

A skinnier hot that had a lot of energy ran up to the fence quickly, even when the bot stood still he jittered back and forth. They inspected the fence for a second before turning his hand into a laser and cutting a portion of the fence off.

This took Law by surprise for a second before he remembered the hot that they were made from. Law pulled the cut fence portion down and he walked through. Now instead of trees, there was grass and dry dirt.

A complete change from the soft dirt and dense forest they was just in. Law waved his hand up and down right below his waist.

"Stay quiet. Don't draw attention, we don't know who is here." law whispered as he crouched down slightly. he would just be short enough that he could hide behind some of the buildings, it seemed they had broken into the back of the base.

As he was walking along the wall he came across an electricity box and hooked up a prong to it from his hand.

Law pushed power into the box and a few seconds after all the lights on the base sparked before blowing out. A chuckle escaped laws mouth before he heard a loud yell.

"What the fuck?! Someone get that power back on!!" law heard this and started to move faster before his body started to shift colors and started cloaking.

'I don't remember being able to do this!' he had thought internally before moving away from the building as a squad of soldiers hit the corner.

All the smaller bots had transformed into items. One transformed into a trash bin and the rest transformed into broken items and hopped inside of the trash bin.

"Don't hurt them." law whispered to them as he jumped on top of a building and scanned over the base. His eyes locked onto a satellite dish, his eyes instantly let off a beam that appeared for a couple of seconds.

[efficient source of network found.

Must connect with dish and satellite.]

The soldiers got the power running as soon as the message vanished from law's sight. They walked away from them angrily and went back into the building they were once in.

"Oi you all connect to that dish." law looked down at the bots as they all transformed back into their original form before turning into drones and floating over to the satellite.

Once Law walked over to the satellite he had three rubes that came out of his chest that hooked onto the satellite along with the mini bots as well. A surge of information was pumped into both him and the mini bots. Information about the world as well as information about random people.

A plethora of new vehicles was being pushed into his mind and it was all to his choosing. As he was going through he had no specific one he wanted but he was going for one that wouldn't make him obvious and he found one.

"Hulking hummer? Damn, that looks nice." it was a big hefty car that had two versions. One with a trunk and one with a truck bed. Law compromised and took both for the same mode, he used it to replace his cybertronian tank form that he never really used that much anyways.

"After a few more minutes the tubes automatically detached from the satellite and the mini bots. Law's robot form began to change to fit parts of the Hummer that he preferred, law was now black and silver and all the window pieces on him were black and tinted.

"Ok, you all need to find a good mode that will benefit not only me but you as well." after stating that law transformed into the hummer and opened its doors. They went inside of law and started to transform. One was now a large speaker, another was a satellite dish that connected to the dashboard, another two transformed into a drone, and the bigger one transformed into a large toolbox.

"Ok well. I guess that will work for now.."

[these minibots have claimed you as their master.

Will you accept or decline their proposal?]

"I accept of course."

Expect a new cover soon

Oaks_ladcreators' thoughts