
cybernetic: alien reincarnation

law was originally called Lary, he died in a fire that killed only him. he never lived long enough to get a girlfriend for himself. now he was a robotic alien that can transform into vehicles and have almost never-ending supply of weapons and gadgets. he finds his new life hard, fun, and stressful as both monsters and people see him as an threat, but not an enemy. He starts off on his planet originally hit a war quickly brings his home world to it's end. Sending them to another world.

Oaks_lad · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


"Transformation is something that comes naturally this is truly the only way for you to learn," the lady said through a floating box-shaped speaker that was following the bots around as they ran around the track.

Law could hear muttering coming from a few bots behind him that made him speed up. He didn't feel like getting caught in any more commotion. He cut a corner and the bot from before slid by him with a slight twirl before facing him.

"I see your showing off your speed but how will that truly help you in battle?!" the hot smirked before slamming his hand on the chest plate of Law. Law has shoved off the track by the force and he tumbled into a pillar.

"Let me give you the answer. It simply won't help you at all." the cybertronian said as he looked down at law before joining back into the race.

Law rubbed his head before looking at the ground and standing up, he moved back onto the race track and looked at everyone ahead of him.

"I'll have to catch up somehow. These damn spectators see all this but they won't say anything or stop them huh! I guess that's because the stronger they are the better they will be for this world later on." law was pretty mad as he clenched his fist. He began to run once more wondering why he couldn't just walk away now.

"They will probably get rid of me personally if I was to back down from training over something like this." he sped past people quickly before running and kicking the bot that made him fall over in the back before jumping off his head as he fell down.



The body of the bot slamming onto the hard metal ground as he fell was like music to his ears as he took back the first place. Law's feeling of triumph was soon washed away by an odd buzzing noise behind him.

When law took a look behind himself he saw a missile coming at him he quickly ducked his head and turned his whole body around and looked in the direction the missile had come from. The bit he had pushed over had a missile cannon propped on his shoulder.

Everyone that was running came to a standstill as the bot got up off the ground as another missile started to get loaded on his shoulder. Some of the cybertronians started to back away from the two as they felt their lives were in danger.

"Do you think this is a game!? You damn drifter!" a small laser pointed at his chest from the rocket. Law gets he gets turning as parts of his body started to shift around before he turned into a sleek narrow fast car it could only be described as a futuristic-looking Hennessey venom.



Law had shot away like a rocket as he drove on the track and drove to the destination. As he was driving away he heard a small explosion signaling the other not to attempt to fire at him after he transformed.

He was completely jet black with lights at the sides and spikes at the back of his vehicle mode. He drifted around a curve before he saw a building that the track stopped inside of. There was a new bot standing inside the building waiting for him to arrive

As soon as he got to the building he slowed down and transformed and looked at the bot. This cybertronian had a big and sturdy build and from the treads, on its back, it was pretty easy to see what he would turn into.

"Nice to meet you. Usually, drifters learn pretty quickly and that was a life-or-death situation so it wasn't too hard to t expect a transformation from you then. But I wonder what your other two forms are." the big bot said he had a sturdy voice and his face had a mask over the mouth part so you couldn't see what his mouth looked like but his eyes were very stern.

"Don't worry if he would have launched that attack and you didn't transform we would have stepped in so don't worry you were truly never in any actual trouble?" he said as you could hear the large foot thunderous footsteps of the other bots slowly coming to the end.

"Well, law I want you to step into the office on the left while I train these idiots a little more. The sense you can transform you will find it a lot easier to transform into your other two forms we just need to scan your components and see what's the basic outline of your other two forms." he lifted his hand swiftly to the left and pointed at a big steel door that stood about 60 feet tall.

"I'm guessing sometimes we get some pretty massive robots don't we?" law said as he turned in the direction of the door after nodding slightly. "you don't even know how big some of these guys get sometimes. "

Law opened the door and there was a desk with a projection screen embedded into the table along with a robot with 4 skinny arms typing into a computer that was on the wall.

"Sit down," it said quickly and its voice was gritty. It sounded like it was a smoker that doesn't wanna stop smoking. It twirled its body in a 360 before spinning its torso back in half and looking at law before typing some more on its computer.

"Excellent!" it twirled its hand before clicking its fingers together and grabbing a USB that was being created by this printer Light was beaming around the room as sparks were shot all around the place as a block of metal was being molded to create this small USB.

"Almost done" the bot swiveled its body before moving to the table and inserting the USB into the side of the table. Three projections came up from the desk and they were a line that beamed down toward a projected image of Law's body.

All the projections were very detailed and didn't leave anything looking plain it was as if he was looking at actual vehicles that were truly there.

The first one was the black car he had turned into earlier with its sleek design looking like it was made for speed.

The second was definitely some sort of aircraft it had these skinny spikes for its wings, two spikes poked out horizontally at an angle on both sides. Two on one side, two on the other.

It was very streamlined and it was more or less built like a needle.

The last one was the oddest looking out for them all. It was a small tank but it was more boxed shaped and instead of a cannon it had a small turret on top and no treads. Just wheels that could turn in every direction.

"Oh these look nice!" law was excited to see the other designs but what he was ready for now was his trait he wanted to know his ability and what it would do.

"Oh and what about my trait?" law looked at the skinny bot. It looked at him and made an odd scuffing sound with its insect-like mouth before pressing a button on the computer and grabbing another USB.

"Let's find out so you can get out of here why don't we," it said as its body shook before ripping out the other USB and placing the new one in. The bot made a clicking sound before closing a patch on the desk before some wording was projected upwards in front of them both.

"Oh very interesting." the bot said before making a hand gesture for law to come around and read it.

Once law got to the other side he reads two words that got him excited about his new life.

[magnetism manipulation]