
Cyberknight: One Path (original novel)

In the dystopic world of 2072 ravaged by a ruthless war, Mike is a cyberknight fighting for a regime which promises justice and reforms to a broken world. However, virtue is a fragile concept, especially for an empire built on lies. Eventually, corrupt minds filled with delusion and madness will reveal themselves. When the masks drop, will there still be peace or a future? Blessed are those who can dream, condemned are those who remain in reality. In the dark, resolve is the only path forward. Ps. This story is a combination of fantasy and sci-fi which defy the normal trope of the dystopic future genre.

Minute_Sniper · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Running For a Dream

A consequence cannot result from the absence of an action. That goes the same for Death's failed conquest of the world. Although it is believed that time won against him, the truth is that everything that occurred after his awakening was the result of his previous actions. 

The crystals were a secret only known to the cave people but somehow its secret was spilled to the human world before Death and his comrades' awakening. In the 2000s, as a group of miners entered the cave looking to establish a mining site, they discovered the history of the cave people and the secrets of the crystals carved into the walls of the inner cave. The discovery was not made public as the mining company was owned by the Gilberto mafia family. 

As they looked to experiment with the crystals, many private scientists lost their lives due to the unstable nature of the crystals. The final result, with the help of doctor Ethan Conagher, was obtained in the year 2025. For the first time in 500 years, the power of the crystals was harvested and used but this time, by humans. The first test subject, Sniper showed power unlike anyone else. 

When Death woke up from his slumber to reclaim the world, the battle was already over for him. But despite all the setbacks, Death managed to survive until now. Maybe he was defeated on multiple occasions but his power can still rival that of CR-455 and other crystal users. Until he returns again, the world will be temporarily safe from his demonic powers. 

*Present day in the story

The people lined up for the counter at the bank. Kadyn walked in behind an old lady with her red purse. The atmosphere was silent and serious inside the bank as heavily armed security guards patrolled around the crowd with their assault rifles. The woman behind Kadyn discreetly applied some makeup with a small mirror but she accidentally dropped the mirror. Upon seeing the knife-like mirror on the floor, the guards immediately surrounded her with their rifles raised to her head.

[Guard] - "Drop to the ground! Now! "

The woman, shocked by the number of rifles pointed at her, complied instantly with the guard's demand. Two guards immediately tackled her like a maximum security prisoner before escorting her away in handcuffs. Kadyn and the rest of the crowd didn't dare make a sound or movement as a dense atmosphere set in after the arrest. 

Kadyn wasn't expecting this kind of overreaction and brutality from the guards over such an insignificant affair. Life in the normal world is still very strange to her. Upon seeing how no one in the crowd protested against the act, she assumed it was a normal reaction in the confines of society. 

But she would soon understand why the guards reacted this way to such a small thing. When she finally arrived at the reception desk, she asked for a withdrawal of a few thousand dollars when suddenly, a van busted through the bank's main doors. The crowd scattered as the guards moved in with their rifles. As the 15 guards blasted the van with a hell storm of bullets, a slender and masked figure stepped out of the van. 

With a shock of electricity through her nerves, time slowed to a stop as she accelerated her perception and movement. As if the guards were frozen films, the dark figure moved through the bullets before putting a bullet behind the skull of every single guard. But for Kadyn, she could see the figure move as her instincts forced her to activate her boost. For the briefest of moments, the unknown figure showed a look of surprise as Kadyn's eyes followed her movement. 

As soon as all the guards collapsed to the ground, the van's doors busted open before a group of eight men jumped out of the vehicle with all kinds of weapons and body modifications. They are clearly career criminal considering all their cybernetics were combat-oriented modifications inaccessible to the public at large. 

The few armed with guns and blades ordered the civilians to the ground while a group of three carrying a large canister crashed through the bulletproof window before taking all the workers hostage. The one armed with a mantis blade in his arm forced the director into the vault room before pushing him against the vault door. 

[Punk] - "Open the damn door, now! "

[Director] - "I can't! This door requires the permission of- "

Before the director could finish his sentence, the punk stabbed his blade into his skull. 

[Punk] - "Burst it open! "

The two other robbers charged in with the huge canister before one of them connected his arm to the canister using a long tube. In a flash, a massive beam of plasma shot through his palm into the vault door which cut through its metallic structure like butter. Not long after, the third robber smashed the door using his massive fists which caused the door to fly into the vault. 

Meanwhile, outside, on the roof of a building adjacent to the bank, a group of two masked robbers observed the streets using binoculars before spotting a convoy of heavily armed police vehicles approaching. 

[Observer] - "We are running out of time! They are arriving! "

Inside the vault, the punk picked up his call while shoving bars of gold onto a cart. 

[Punk] - "Delay these fuckers then! The boss hired your sorry asses for a reason! "

[Observer] - "Show us some respect. We could be leaving you to be dealt with by the police. "

The punk shoved his phone into his pocket before resuming his work. With an annoyed sigh, the observers loaded a hammerhead-shaped cannon before firing at the street from where the police forces were coming from. The massive projectile landed on the road before immediately erecting a massive energy barrier into which the police cars smashed themselves into pieces. 

[Observer] - "Bought us an extra 4 minutes. Make it quick! "

[Leader] - "Roger that! Keep watch for any airborne attack! "

Said the leader before turning her attention to Kadyn. 

With her pistol pointed at Kadyn's head, she signalled to her to get on the ground. Left without much of a choice and not wanting to get herself involved, Kadyn obliged. 

[Leader] - "You have a Sandevistan too? "

[Kadyn] - "A Conagher system. "

Said Kadyn while trying to avoid eye contact with the leader of the robbery. 

[Leader] - "Heh! That old system is way less efficient than a Sandevistan. In fact, I was once the user of a Conagher MK.7. "

[Kadyn] - "You and your punks came all the way from Night City I see. Look, take what you need. I don't want to get involved in anything. "

[Leader] - "Not so fast, darling! What would a regular civilian be doing with a Conagher system? That thing is only accessible to the military. The only reason I can think of is that you are an agent working with the Allied forces. "

[Kadyn] - "I don't want any trouble. "

[Leader] - "Oh! But you are trouble! "

Said the leader as she stumped Kadyn on her back. 

[Leader] - "Who knows what kind of modification you have on you? Besides, the fact that you know we are from Night City makes the whole situation very troubling, don't you think? "

"Me and my damn mouth! "

Thought Kadyn in frustration. 

The leader pulled Kadyn's coat down to reveal a part of her external spine. 

[Leader] - "Ha! I didn't know there exists a Conagher MK.7M. "

The leader quickly reloaded her weapon before pointing the barrel at Kadyn's head.

[Leader] - "I'm sure you don't mind sharing. This thing could be sold for a pretty penny. "

Visions of the kids sparked a maternal urge in Kadyn to defend them at all costs. In an instant, Kadyn's blade sliced through the leader's pistol, chest and face. When the leader realized what had just happened, her pistol was broken in half as well as her mask. When the pain reached her brain, blood was already gushing out of her deep wound before Kadyn kicked her in the abdomen and sent her flying into a pot of plants. 

Before the other criminals could even fully raise their guns, they all felt abrupt pain in their abdomen before their intestines fell into a pile on the floor. 

[Kadyn] - "Don't you bloody wankers ever dare threaten my children! You all have no idea what I have been through! I'll kill every single one of you piss-drinking mongrels! "

Yelled Kadyn in a blind rage. 

As the robbers all screamed in pain and horror, Kadyn approached the leader who slowly came back to her senses. 

[Kadyn] - "Should've kept your Conagher system, you bloody asshole! "

After taking a good look at Kadyn and her wrist blade, the leader's eyes dilated in shock. 

[KD-554] - "Little sister? "

Kadyn shot a confused look in the leader's direction.

[KD-554] - "KD-555, it's me KD-554! "

[Observer] - "Gunships incoming! 30 seconds left until evacuation! "

[KD-554] - "Look, let's forget everything here. I need to run. "

After overcoming the initial hesitation, Kadyn raised her blade in anger. 

[Kadyn] - "You are going nowhere! You'll pay for putting a gun to my head! "

Yelled Kadyn in anger. 

[KD-554] - "Too late, I'm already gone. "

A massive cloud of smoke suddenly engulfed Kadyn before she blindly stabbed the wall with her blade. Kadyn altered her eye colour between green and black but all forms of vision were useless inside a smokescreen produced by red phosphorous. 

As Kadyn struggled to find her direction, she could only hear the sound of cartwheels rolling before the sound of screeching tires filled the bank. When Kadyn walked out of the smoke, the van was already far gone. Not wanting to attract any attention, Kadyn quickly slipped out of the building into the crowd of fleeing commoners. 

After slamming the door behind her, Kadyn left her dust-littered clothes by the door before heading toward the shower. The experience left Kadyn somewhat more awake to the fact that life isn't the sunshine and rainbow she expected. Inside the shower, Kadyn gently caressed her still unnoticeable belly. She breathed a sigh of relief as, at least, her babies were still safely growing inside of her. 

After the shower, Kadyn walked into the living room and took a seat on her armchair. The television was running its news programs as usual until Kadyn suddenly saw the footage of her inside the bank fighting against the robbers. A sensation of fear immediately gripped her heart as she instantly thought of Jagger. He's surely looking for her and the news report provided the exact city in which she was hiding. 

Without a second thought, Kadyn got up, packed up a few essentials and shoved a random set of clothes into her baggage. In 10 minutes, Kadyn stood at the door of her apartment with a single baggage and her purse. She put on Mike's coat and regrettably gave a last look at her newly renovated apartment before leaving for the airport. 

If she wants to survive with her children, she has to hide and keep on moving. There must be no hesitation when it comes to a decision as every second determines what kind of future awaits her. The world is a dark and cruel place, especially when you are trying to conquer it alone. 

To be continued...

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