
Cyberknight: One Path (original novel)

In the dystopic world of 2072 ravaged by a ruthless war, Mike is a cyberknight fighting for a regime which promises justice and reforms to a broken world. However, virtue is a fragile concept, especially for an empire built on lies. Eventually, corrupt minds filled with delusion and madness will reveal themselves. When the masks drop, will there still be peace or a future? Blessed are those who can dream, condemned are those who remain in reality. In the dark, resolve is the only path forward. Ps. This story is a combination of fantasy and sci-fi which defy the normal trope of the dystopic future genre.

Minute_Sniper · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Opening a Can of Worms

The water droplets fell like an intense rain upon Kadyn's back from the shower sprinkler. There is nothing but a livid expression inside Kadyn's eyes. Just as things couldn't get any worse, a demon suddenly appeared and used Mike's skin to torture her without reason or remorse. She thought Arthur was the only personality to inhabit Mike's shattered mind but how wrong she was.

Just as she finally made a movement after an hour in the shower, knocks abruptly broke the silence in her room. In distress, Kadyn recoiled back and curled up into a ball inside her shower. She was overcome with such terror that she went into a state of catatonic shock thinking that the one knocking was Jagger.

[Dane] - "Kadyn! Yeh alright in there? "

Yelled Dane in a concerned voice.

Despite hearing Dane's voice, Kadyn was still having flashbacks of the nights when Jagger violated her. As Dane knocked harder on the door, Kadyn began to cry with her head pressed against her knees.

When it's day, Arthur will usually be the one in control of the body but when night comes around and Arthur starts drinking, Jagger will usually take control of the body. One thing is for sure, Arthur is the dominant personality while Jagger is an alternative personality that only comes out when Arthur becomes mentally impaired. On another note, Arthur does not seem to be aware of Jagger's existence.

Due to Arthur's excessive drinking, Jagger often gets the opportunity to satisfy his psychotic needs by mercilessly abusing Kadyn. To Jagger's sick mind, seeing people in their most miserable state is the peak of his fantasy and Kadyn is a perfect and sustained target that is both easy and enjoyable to abuse.

Dane finally used his access card to unlock Kadyn's room before a powerful stench of unwashed laundry and bedsheets burned through his nostrils. With an arm around his nose and mouth, Dane walked into the room and began looking for Kadyn. Not long after approaching the bathroom, Dane abruptly heard sobbing noises alongside the sound of the shower.

[Dane] - "Kadyn! Are you alright in there? "

Said Dane as he gently knocked on the bathroom door.

[Kadyn] - "Go away! Stop doing this to me, stop, I beg you! "

Screamed Kadyn while sobbing.

[Dane] - "Who's doing what? What happened? "

[Kadyn] - "Go away, you bloody monster! "

[Dane] - "What are you talking about? It's me, Dane! "

Kadyn finally raised her head after she confirmed in her head that it was indeed Dane's voice. With a trembling hand, she turned off the shower.

[Kadyn] - "Give me a second. "

After wiping the water off her body and hair, Kadyn exited the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her waist and chest.

[Kadyn] - "What is it, Dane? Why did you want to see me? "

Said Kadyn in a defeated voice.

[Dane] - "Huh? Where are you? "

Said Dane in a surprised voice.

[Kadyn] - "I'm right here! What do you mean where am I? "

[Dane] - "Here? But there is nothing here! "

Kadyn looked confusingly at Dane before waving her hand in front of his eyes, to which he didn't react. Kadyn then gently knocked on Dane's helmet before he finally became aware of her presence.

[Kadyn] - "Are you okay, Dane? Did something happen to your eyes? "

[Dane] - "Heck no! I should be the one askin' ye where ye were hiding. "

[Kadyn] - "I was standing right here, in front of you, at this exact same location this whole time! "

[Dane] - "Well... I don't get what happened but let's focus on the important things. I truly believe it would do you some good to come out of your room. It's been a whole gosh darn month. I hear ya spend yer days crying. Look, I'm concerned for you. "

Said Dane as he put a hand on Kadyn's shoulder.

[Kadyn] - "I appreciate your concern. But I... "

[Dane] - "Let's go take a small walk. "

Kadyn relented but upon Dane's insistence, she agreed to take a well-needed stroll outside of her room. After a small walk and a few fresh breaths of air by the hangar's opening, Kadyn's mood seemed to improve by a little.

[Kadyn] - "So much has changed. I wonder where are Senju and McCree. "

[Dane] - "They are in sector F. Want to go say hi to them after a month? "

Kadyn hesitated but decided to follow Dane once he started walking.

After a short walk through the crowded hallway where a lot of people seemed to bump into Kadyn without seeing her, the two made it to sector F of the facility. Dane and Kadyn walked into the dinner area but only saw McCree sitting by himself.

[Dane] - "Howdy, partner, how are ya doing? Have yah seen your pal Senju? "

Said Dane as he shook hands with McCree.

[McCree] - "Senju? Oh, he's up for another cybernetic enhancement. He should be back in a couple of minutes. "

[Dane] - "I'm here with an old friend of ours. "

[McCree] - "Huh! Where is that friend though? "

Said McCree with a confused look on his face.

[Dane] - "Huh? Where did she go? "

Said Dane with an equally confused look on his face.

[Kadyn] - "Huh? What the hell are you guys playing? I'm right here! "

[Dane] - "I hear you talk but I can't see you! Can you stop hiding? "

Kadyn stared at McCree and Dane with an annoyed look before giving them both a tap on the cheek. This seemed to awaken them as they were immediately able to spot her.

[McCree] - "Oh! Where did you pop out from? "

[Kadyn] - "I was right here! RIGHT FUCKING HERE! "

Yelled Kadyn in a frustrated voice.

[McCree] - "Well that's strange! Anyways, how was your little month of vacation? "

McCree's usage of words sparked a boiling anger inside Kadyn's heart but she didn't show it on her face.

[Kadyn] - "I'm fine! You didn't need to ask! "

[Senju] - "Here I am. What do you think of my new modifications? "

Said Senju as he sat by the chair beside McCree.

[McCree] - "God damn it, Senju! You didn't just switch your perfectly fine spine for a Conagher MK.5! You do fucking realize that shit can kill you! "

[Senju] - "I'm willing to take the risk. I mean Kadyn was equipped with a Conagher MK.7M. "

[McCree] - "Because she has a nervous system capable of handling that crap, dummy! "

[Senju] - "By the way, where is she? "

[Kadyn] - "I'm here! "

Senju jumped up in surprise.

[Senju] - "Huh? Who's talking? "

[Kadyn] - "Eh... Me? "

[Senju] - "Do you guys hear that? "

[McCree] - "Dane, have you seen Kadyn? Where did she go? "

Dane looked around before shrugging his shoulders at McCree.

At this point, Kadyn was fed up with the situation.

[Kadyn] - "HA. HA. Very fucking funny! I knew I shouldn't have exited my room! You people are such assholes! "

Yelled Kadyn before storming off in tears.

As Kadyn ran through the many windows that aligned the hallways, she gradually noticed the glow coming from her chest, She stopped in front of a window and carefully observed the glowing crystal that remained inactive for so long. This made her understand why they couldn't see her earlier. To test her theory, she stood in front of a soldier walking through the hall and as expected, he ran into her and was left confused as to what hit him.

She finally acquired an ability after so long. Although this would have filled her with excitement in a normal circumstance, with her current situation, she struggled to even harbour any joyful thoughts. With a depressed look on her face, Kadyn avoided the crowded hallways before returning to her room like a lost puppy.

Although her situation would not change, she now possessed an ability that could maybe allow her some respite from Jagger's abuse. This leverage boosted Kadyn with some much-needed confidence in this titanic struggle but as the reassuring feeling washed away her fear, the crystal's glow gradually dimmed as a result.

Meanwhile, in Arthur's private quarter, after downing a few bottles of strong liquor, Arthur found himself limped over a chair. With a blur that lingered in his vision, he finally closed his eyes before immediately opening them with a different expression on his face. With a sadistic grin, Jagger stabilized himself using his ability before heading out of his room, hungry for misery.

Soon after making it inside her room, Kadyn suddenly felt a nauseous feeling wash over her before she bent over the toilet and let whatever it was escape her stomach. This never happened before. Kadyn didn't understand why she had nausea although she hadn't eaten much throughout the day.

As she walked out of the bathroom, she suddenly noticed the ominous figure standing by her doorstep. Kadyn immediately went into a frenzied panic but quickly told herself to calm down. Confident in her ability, Kadyn instead stood strong in front of Jagger's vexing stare.

[Jagger] - "Well, this is different. Usually, you would just run away or freeze in terror. "

Kadyn didn't speak as she didn't understand why her ability didn't activate.

[Jagger] - "What's wrong? Has the cat got your tongue? "

Said Jagger as he pinched Kadyn by the chin.

Kadyn's hands began to tremble in fear as the confident look in her eyes faded away into an expression of fright. Jagger smiled before approaching his mouth to Kadyn's ear.

[Jagger] - "So, my little fox, it seems like whatever you have planned for me failed. "

Jagger suddenly smashed Kadyn's head against the side of her nightstand which caused a huge cut to form on her neck. While Kadyn groaned in pain, Jagger pushed Kadyn against the wall and unzipped his pants.

[Jagger] - "Ah, yes, show me that face of despair! "

While the deed happens, Kadyn can simply cry in silence. She was betrayed by her own ability and now, she had to suffer more abuse than what she normally has to endure.

[Jagger] - "Ah, don't you know how much I love you! I love you so much! "

Taunted Jagger while making sure he inflicted the maximum pain on Kadyn.

The voice sounded exactly like Mike's voice and Jagger used it to its maximal efficiency to inflict the most amount of mental damage to Kadyn.

[Jagger] - "You know what makes you so precious to me? You are like a toy that cannot be broken. No matter what I do, you'll always reward me with so much pleasure. Nothing in the world can top the despair displayed by a victim whose sole source of despair is tied to her abuser. "

With a final grunt, Jagger pushed against Kadyn before letting her drop to the floor.

[Jagger] - "You can't escape this fate. Let me be honest with you, Mike is still lingering somewhere in here. And let's just say he's not at peace in that dark sombre night. "

[Kadyn] - "You're lying! "

Said Kadyn all of a sudden.

[Jagger] - "Do you know better than me? I'm still him, technically. "

[Kadyn] - "I won't take this anymore! There is nothing that reminds me of Mike about you! "

[Jagger] - "Oh, then kill me! Make me pay for all the crimes I committed against you! "

Said Jagger with his arms wide open.

As much as Kadyn wanted to stab Jagger through the heart, her hands simply wouldn't obey her mind.

[Jagger] - "You don't have what it takes to act on your anger. You can't escape either because without Mike, what are you? A lost, worthless demi-human incapable of anything on her own without people's help. "

Jagger suddenly bashed Kadyn's head against the wall; knocking her out in the process.

[Jagger] - "Just like Mike, don't go gentle into that dark and sombre night. "

Said Jagger before leaving the room.

After losing consciousness, Kadyn woke up in a dream. She opened her eyes to see a park filled with people and families. She found herself inside Mike's warm embrace while children ran past them. Kadyn's eyes widened when she saw the same fox ears as hers on the children's head. Suddenly, Kadyn began to shed tears of sorrow.

[Mike] - "Hey, what's wrong, my little fox? "

Said Mike in a concerned voice.

[Kadyn] - "I know this is a dream. I know this isn't real. "

Said Kadyn while trying to hold back her sobs.

[Mike] - "Maybe this isn't real but it could be a possibility. "

Kadyn was shocked to realize that the imaginary Mike was aware of her situation.

[Mike] - "I could never express how sorry I am. I broke my promise to you. All this should've been our future but fate took the both of us on different paths. "

[Kadyn] - "You are still alive somewhere out there, aren't you, Mike? "

[Mike] - "I wish I was. You can't always linger on the past, my dear little fox. You need to advance forward, pave your own path and fight your own war. You can't keep fighting a losing battle inside a war I lost. "

[Kadyn] - "I know but I'm scared. "

Mike wrapped his arms around Kadyn's waist.

[Mike] - "Just know that I'll always be watching over you. There will come a day when you will have to make difficult decisions. By then, don't be afraid to do what you have to do. "

Kadyn nodded before a little girl suddenly appeared in front of her.

[Girl] - "Mom, this is for you. "

Said the girl while handing Kadyn a small fistful of white flowers.

Kadyn smiled as she took the flowers from her daughter.

[Kadyn] - "They're beautiful, dear. "

Kadyn suddenly woke up from her dream. She shivered as she slept with almost no piece of clothing on her body. Suddenly, another wave of nausea urged her to puke in a garbage bin nearby.

[Kadyn] - "What the hell is happening with me? "

Grunted Kadyn as she grabbed her glasses and limped into the bathroom.

The holographic display from her glasses projected on the mirror as she did a full body analysis. When the results came back, Kadyn simply couldn't believe her eyes. She was two weeks into her pregnancy. Jagger isn't Mike but what she's carrying is well and truly from Mike's body.

[Kadyn] - "I suppose this is how you saved me from myself. You knew I couldn't let it go. If I remained, that bastard who has control of your body will eventually break me. "

That night, Kadyn packed her bags and snuck out of her room. Thanks to her ability, no one noticed her presence as she walked out of the facility. A new adventure lay ahead of her as she looked back one last time at the place where all her miseries started before departing onto an unknown road.

[Kadyn] - "Goodbye, Mike. Thank you for all the memories. "

To be continued...

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