
cyber-drifters(live fast die young)

Well, currently, I am in the process of making a manga / webtoons. I currently have the first few pages done, but the first volume should be out within the next few months. Also, currently releasing the spainsh, Japanese and Korean versions of this lite novel.well, here is a small intro into the story. Enjoy In the neon-lit streets of a sprawling metropolis, Héctor is a skilled drag racer who races for the thrill of the adrenaline rush. He lives in a world where high-speed races are not just a hobby but a way of life, a world where the fastest and most daring drivers are respected and feared. But Héctor's life takes a dark turn when he becomes embroiled in a dangerous world of underground street racing, run by a ruthless and mysterious organization known only as The Syndicate. The syndicate controls every aspect of the street racing scene, from the cars to the racers, and they will stop at nothing to maintain their grip on the underground world. Héctor's closest friends, Brandon and Sage, are also involved in the street racing scene, but they are not as deeply entrenched in it as he is. Together, they navigate the treacherous world of illegal racing, trying to stay one step ahead of The Syndicate's reach. As Héctor climbs the ranks of the street racing world, he begins to uncover the dark secrets that lurk beneath the flashy exterior. He discovers that The Syndicate is not just involved in illegal racing but also in a range of criminal activities, from drug trafficking to arms dealing. Héctor and his friends find themselves caught up in a dangerous game of cat and mouse with The Syndicate, as they try to bring down the criminal organization from within. But as they delve deeper into The Syndicate's world, they realize that their own lives are at stake. In the end, Héctor must make a choice between his love of racing and his loyalty to his friends, as he faces his ultimate challenge: a high-speed race against The Syndicate's best driver, with his own life and the lives of his friends hanging in the balance.

kami0712 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

chapter 5-7

Chapter 5 {P}:

Days passed, and Hector couldn't shake the feeling that something was off with Sage. He tried to brush it off, thinking he was just being paranoid, but the nagging feeling wouldn't go away.

One night, as Hector was leaving the garage, he saw Sage talking to a group of shady-looking men in a dark alleyway. Hector's curiosity got the best of him, and he decided to follow Sage.

He followed Sage and the men to a rundown building on the outskirts of the city. Hector watched from a distance as Sage disappeared inside, and the men stood guard outside.

Hours passed, and Sage still hadn't come out of the building. Hector was getting worried and was about to call the police when he heard a loud explosion. He ran towards the building and saw a plume of smoke rising from the roof.

As he got closer, he saw Sage stumbling out of the building, bloodied and bruised. Hector rushed to his side and helped him to his feet. "What happened? Who did this to you?" Hector asked.

Sage looked at Hector with a pained expression. "It's complicated," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Just get me out of here."

Hector helped Sage to his car and drove him to the garage, where he patched him up as best he could. As he tended to Sage's injuries, Hector couldn't help but think about what he had seen in the alleyway.

The next day, Hector went to visit Sage at his home, hoping to get some answers. Sage was reluctant to talk at first, but eventually, he opened up to Hector.

He told Hector about his past as a member of a street gang and how he had gotten involved in illegal racing to make money. He also confessed to working for a dangerous gangster named "The Boss," who had been using him to carry out illegal activities.

"I tried to leave that life behind, but The Boss wouldn't let me," Sage said, his voice shaking. "He threatened to kill me and my family if I didn't do what he asked."

Hector listened in horror as Sage told him about the dangerous underworld of illegal racing and organized crime. He realized that Sage's skills on the track had come at a great cost, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for unknowingly being a part of it.

As Hector left Sage's house, he knew that he had to do something to help his friend. He also knew that it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to make things right.

The next few days were a blur of activity as Hector worked to gather information about The Boss and his illegal activities. He also reached out to some of his contacts in the racing community, hoping to get their help in taking down The Boss.

Finally, the day of the big race arrived, and Hector and his team were ready. They had a plan in place, and they were determined to succeed.

As Hector's car took off down the street, he felt a sense of purpose and determination he had never felt before. He knew that this was more than just a race; it was a chance to make a difference.

The race was intense, with cars weaving in and out of traffic at breakneck speeds. Hector's skills were put to the test as he tried to keep up with the other racers.

In the end, Hector crossed the finish line first, winning the race and a substantial cash prize. But the victory was bittersweet; Hector knew that the real battle was yet to come.

As Hector and his team celebrated their win, he couldn't help but think about Sage and the dangerous world he had been caught up in. He knew that taking down The Boss wouldn't be easy, but he was ready

After the race, Hector and his team went to celebrate at a nearby bar. But as they were leaving, they were ambushed by a group of men with guns. Hector's team fought back, but they were outnumbered.

Hector was hit in the shoulder, and as he fell to the ground, he saw Sage appear out of nowhere, taking down the men one by one with his martial arts skills. Sage had come to their rescue, and Hector was grateful for his friend's bravery.

But the attack had shaken them all, and Hector knew that they couldn't keep living in fear. They needed to take down The Boss once and for all.

With Sage's help, Hector was able to gather more information about The Boss's operations. They discovered that he was planning a major heist on a high-security facility, and Hector knew that this was their chance to catch him in the act.

Hector and his team formulated a plan to intercept The Boss's team during the heist. They would ambush them and turn them over to the police.

But things didn't go as planned. The Boss was one step ahead, and he had a mole on Hector's team. The ambush turned into a full-blown gunfight, with Hector and his team fighting for their lives.

In the chaos, Sage was captured by The Boss's men, and Hector was left to watch helplessly as they drove away with his friend.

Chapter 6 {A}:

Hector and his team spent the next few days preparing for their attack on The Boss's operations. They gathered as much intel as they could, trying to anticipate any moves The Boss might make.

As they were putting the finishing touches on their plan, Hector received a call from Sage's sister, Marisol. She sounded panicked and told him that they were planning on killing Sage .

Hector's heart sank.

He immediately called his team and told them to get ready. They were going to take down The Boss once and for all.

As they drove to The Boss's headquarters, Hector couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He felt a sense of dread that he couldn't explain.

When they arrived at the building, they saw that it was heavily guarded. Hector and his team parked a few blocks away and made their way on foot, trying to avoid detection.

As they approached the building, they saw that the entrance was guarded by several armed men. Hector signaled to his team, and they moved into position.

The plan was simple: they would distract the guards, allowing Hector to sneak in and rescue Sage. They had done this kind of operation before, and Hector was confident it would work.

But as soon as they began their attack, everything went wrong.

The guards were more heavily armed than they had anticipated, and they were quickly overwhelmed. Hector's team fought bravely, but they were outnumbered and outgunned.

Hector saw one of his team members go down, blood gushing from a gunshot wound. He felt a surge of anger and sadness as he realized that this fight was costing them dearly.

He pressed on, determined to find Sage. He ran through the corridors of the building, taking out any guards who got in his way.

As he reached the top floor, he saw a door with "The Boss" written on it. He kicked it open and burst into the room, gun drawn.

The Boss was sitting behind a desk, calmly smoking a cigar. Sage was tied up in a chair next to him, his face swollen and bruised.

Hector felt a wave of anger and disgust as he looked at The Boss. He knew that this man was responsible for all the pain and suffering Sage had endured.

"You're finished," Hector said, his voice cold and steady.

The Boss laughed. "You think you can take me down? You're just a kid playing with fire."

Hector felt a surge of adrenaline as he pulled the trigger. The bullet hit The Boss in the chest, and he slumped forward, dead.

Hector rushed over to Sage, untying him from the chair. Sage was barely conscious, but he managed to whisper something to Hector.

"The money...it's in the safe...take it...use it for good."

Hector nodded, tears streaming down his face. He lifted Sage onto his shoulders and began to make his way out of the building.

As he descended the stairs, he heard sirens in the distance. He knew that they had to get out of there fast.

They made it to the ground floor, but as they were about to leave, they were met with a hail of gunfire. Hector felt a searing pain in his side and stumbled forward, dropping Sage.

He saw one of The Boss's men standing in front of him, gun still smoking.

Hector felt his strength leaving him. He knew that this was it.

As he lay there, bleeding and fading, he thought about everything that had led him to this moment. He thought about Sage and his family, about the darkness and corruption that had consumed their lives.

He felt a sense of sadness and regret, knowing that he had failed to make a real difference in the world.

But as his vision

began to fade, he saw a figure emerge from the shadows. It was Brandon, one of Hector's closest friends and a fellow member of the vigilante group.

Brandon quickly took out the man who had shot Hector and lifted him up. Hector felt his body go limp as he was carried out of the building and into a waiting car.

The next thing Hector knew, he was waking up in a hospital bed, his wounds bandaged but still in excruciating pain. He tried to move, but his body felt heavy and unresponsive.

Beside him, he saw Sage lying in a bed, still unconscious. Hector felt a sense of relief knowing that Sage was safe, but he also felt a deep sadness at the cost of their mission.

Brandon sat beside Hector, looking solemn. "You took a bullet for Sage," he said. "You're a hero, man."

Hector shook his head. "I'm not a hero. We failed. The Boss may be dead, but his legacy lives on. The city is still full of corruption and violence."

Brandon looked at Hector with a sad expression. "We did what we could, man. We made a difference, even if it was just a small one."

Hector nodded, knowing that Brandon was right. They had fought for something they believed in, even if the outcome wasn't what they had hoped for.

Days turned into weeks as Hector and Sage recovered in the hospital. They were visited by Marisol and other members of their team, all of them expressing their gratitude for what they had done.

Chapter 7 {I}

Hector lay in the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling. He couldn't move much, and his wounds still hurt terribly. Every breath he took was painful, and he wondered how long he could endure the agony.

As he lay there, his mind drifted back to the past. He remembered the day he had joined the gang, filled with hope and determination. He had believed that he could make a difference, that he could help his community and make things better.

But that hope had been crushed under the weight of reality. He had seen too much violence, too much corruption, too much pain. He had lost too many friends and family members to the gang life.

And now, lying in a hospital bed, he wondered if it had all been for nothing. He had tried to make a difference, but had he really succeeded? Had he made any real impact on the world around him?

He couldn't answer that question, and it filled him with a sense of hopelessness.

Brandon walked into the hospital room, looking tired and worn out. He had saved Hector's life, but he had lost several of his own men in the process.

Hector tried to speak, but his voice was weak and raspy.

"How is Sage?" he managed to whisper.

Brandon shook his head. "He's still in a coma. The doctors say they don't know if he'll wake up."

Hector felt a lump form in his throat. He couldn't bear the thought of losing Sage, too.

"Did we...did we make any difference?" he asked, his voice barely audible.

Brandon sighed. "I don't know. We took down The Boss's operation, but there are others out there. It's a never-ending cycle, Hector. It feels like we're just fighting for nothing."

Hector closed his eyes, feeling a sense of despair wash over him. Was this all there was to life? A never-ending cycle of violence and pain, with no hope for a better future?

He didn't know what the future held, but he knew one thing for sure: he didn't want to die without making a real difference. He didn't want his life to be in vain.

As he lay there, he made a vow to himself. He would keep fighting, no matter what. He would keep striving for a better world, for himself and for those he loved.

He didn't know if he would ever succeed, but he knew that he had to try.

Days turned into weeks, and Hector slowly recovered from his injuries. But his spirit was still broken, and he felt like he was living in a never-ending nightmare.

Sage remained in a coma, and Hector visited him every day. He would sit by his friend's side, holding his hand and whispering words of encouragement. But there was no response, no sign that Sage could hear him.

Hector started to feel like he was losing his mind. He couldn't shake off the feeling that everything he had fought for was meaningless, that he was just a pawn in a game he could never win.

One night, he couldn't take it anymore. He got out of bed, still weak and in pain, and walked out of the hospital room. He stumbled down the hallway, his mind foggy with exhaustion and despair.

He found himself outside, staring up at the night sky. It was a clear night, and the stars shone bright above him. But he couldn't appreciate their beauty. All he could feel was the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see Brandon standing behind him, his eyes filled with concern.

"What are you doing out here, man? You're supposed to be resting," Brandon said.

Hector shook his head, tears streaming down his face. "I can't do this anymore, Brandon. I can't keep fighting. It's all for nothing. Sage is in a coma, and The Boss is still dead but he is going to be replaced with someone else out there. What's the point?"

Brandon put his arm around Hector's shoulder. "I know it feels hopeless, Hector. But you can't give up. You're stronger than this. You've fought so hard for what you believe in. Don't let it all go to waste."

Hector looked up at Brandon, his eyes filled with tears. "What's the point, though? I've lost everything. My family, my friends, my hope. It's all gone."

Brandon pulled him into a hug. "You haven't lost me, Hector. I'm still here, and I'll always be here for you. We'll get through this together. We'll keep fighting, even if it feels like it's for nothing."

Hector cried into Brandon's shoulder,feeling a sense of comfort and warmth in his friend's embrace. But even as he cried, a part of him wondered if he was truly strong enough to keep going.

Days turned into weeks, and Sage remained in a coma. Hector continued to visit him every day, but he felt like he was just going through the motions. He had lost his sense of purpose, and he couldn't see a way out of the darkness that consumed him.

One day, as Hector was sitting by Sage's bedside, he noticed something strange. Sage's hand twitched, ever so slightly. At first, Hector thought it was just his imagination, but then it happened again.

He called for a nurse, who came in to check on Sage. After examining him, the nurse confirmed that Sage was showing signs of coming out of his coma.

Hector couldn't believe it. After all this time, there was finally a glimmer of hope. He sat by Sage's bedside, watching and waiting as his friend slowly emerged from his long sleep.

But as Sage started to regain consciousness, he began to act strangely. He would stare off into space, as if lost in thought, and he didn't seem to recognize Hector or anyone else who came to visit him.

Hector was worried. What had happened to his friend while he was in the coma? What had he seen or experienced that had changed him so drastically?

As the days passed, Hector tried to get through to Sage, to find out what was going on inside his head. But Sage remained distant, lost in his own thoughts.

And then, one day, Sage suddenly disappeared from the hospital. No one knew where he had gone or why he had left.

Hector was devastated. He had lost his friend once again, just when he thought he had him back. And he couldn't shake off the feeling that something terrible was about to happen