
Chapter 6: Calling me a thug? Telling me to leave?

Translator: 549690339

The next day, early in the morning, Zhu Qianying, who was still wrapped in her quilt, was incessantly disturbed by the ringing of the phone. She had hoped it would automatically stop if she ignored it, but it was more stubborn than her. Just when it would finally pause for a second or two, it would once again persevere and ring incessantly.

Eventually, Zhu Qianying, who was defeated by the persistent ringing, stretched her hand out of the quilt, grabbed aimlessly on the bedside cabinet, pulled the phone inside the quilt and answered the call.

"Hello? Who is this? Is there no respect for someone trying to sleep early in the morning?" Her tone was as explosive as if she had swallowed a load of gunpowder, fully embodying her grumpiness upon being woken up.

"I might not let you sleep, but you have to let me!" The man's lazy, deep voice rang irritatingly in Zhu Qianying's ear.

Disturbing someone's peaceful dream early in the morning was already a capital offence!

Added to that was his apparent suggestive tone, which was like adding a bucket of fuel to Zhu Qianying's already burning rage.

"Where did this filthy-mouthed hooligan come from, scram!"

The furious Zhu Qianying cursed, and without disconnecting, she threw her phone straight out of the quilt.

On the other end of the phone, after being cussed as filthy and being roared to scram, the calm face of Young Master Yan immediately dropped. Before he even had the opportunity to react, there was a loud bang followed by the busy tone.

How was this justified, daring to swear at him?

In all his years, countless people have had to fawn over him, addressing him as 'Master', but there was only one who dared to call him a hooligan.

If he married this woman, wouldn't she dare to even pee or excrete on his head?

Upon seeing the young master's endearingly anger-filled face, Qin Xiu, the indispensable special assistant, reluctantly agreed to once again intercede.

"Mr. Zhu, I am Young Master Yan's special assistant, Qin Xiu. Can you please locate your fifth daughter for us?"

In the Zhu household, the younger generation have been numbered according to their gender. Zhu Qianying is old Master Zhu's fifth daughter, and so, outsiders would typically address her as 'Miss Zhu Number Five'.

Zhu Qianying finally enjoyed some peace and quiet for a while, until she heard the sound of the door.

"Ying'er, get up quickly. Young Master Yan's driver will be here to collect you in half an hour."

The peaceful sleep that Zhu Qianying was longing for was rudely interrupted by an unknown caller. Her father's shouting only fuelled her inner desire to scream "scram" back at the door.

But she was a wise one, currently, only one person has allowed her to have this level of audacity in the Zhu house, it was Young Master Yan.

"I understand..."

Before she has her chips firmly in hand, no matter what Young Master Yan demanded her to do, she just had to tolerate it!

In Zhu Qianying's opinion, even if it was hell, ultimately, it would be slightly better than living in this family.

Besides, although Young Master Yan can be somewhat unreasonable, he can provide her with many things. A little tolerance wouldn't hurt. Besides, didn't she already develop a similar "endurance" skill, after her stay in the Zhu household?

Young Master Yan's driver was as punctual as him. Half an hour later, the driver was already respectfully standing in the hall of the Zhu family house.

"Mr. Zhu, Young Master Yan has instructed me to pick up Miss Zhu Number Five, who is also the future young mistress, and take her for a ride. I will bring her back by this evening."

It was said that even the dogs of wealthy families were more honorable than commoners. It seemed true. The driver was not looking for any negotiation, he was stating a fact. His words were clear, whether the Zhu family was willing or not, he had to take Miss Zhu Number Five away.

Master Zhu, of course, would not resist. In fact, he personally escorted Zhu Qianying to the car, he made sure to loudly remind Zhu Qianying before closing the door "Ying'er, if it's too late, it's okay not to come back, your father is not old-fashioned!"

"Oh, I understand!" Zhu Qianying nodded obediently, though inwardly she rolled her eyes. It seemed like he was hoping that Young Master Yan would keep her tonight, that way, he could permanently secure his position as a respected father-in-law.

The car had already left Zhu family's courtyard before Master Zhu turned around to return to his house with a big grin on his face.

Seeing the car leave the gate, Zhu Qianying finally couldn't help but voice out her doubts, "Big brother, what is Young Master Yan having me over for?"

Based on Young Master Yan's performance yesterday, he didn't seem to like her much. It wasn't hard to guess that he was another "tragic" case of being forced into marriage by his elders.

Moreover, he was clearly stated before he left, that she should wait at home for him to come and propose.

He hasn't proposed yet, so why is he inviting me over so early?

"To report to Miss Zhu, I'm not quite clear."

The house rules of the Yan's were extremely strict, the servants would not utter a word that they were not supposed to.

After understanding this, Zhu Qianying decided to put on her earphones and close her eyes to rest for the journey. She only opened her eyes when the car drove into the large garden in Yan's residence, which was nothing short of a forest park.

Zhu Qianying was led into the door by the driver. In the distance, she could see her future 'benefactor' sitting on the sofa. In front of him was a small table with a laptop on it.

Her 'benefactor' was intently looking at the screen while his fingers were rapidly typing away.

Oh, so it turns out this guy also works? She originally thought he was a prodigal son who relied on his family legacy and led a luxurious life!

"Young Master Yan, didn't you say to wait for you at home yesterday, why have you had me come over so early this morning?"

Zhu Qianying's voice was not loud, but her tone was slightly resentful.

After climbing out of the canyon yesterday, her physical energy was significantly depleted. When she returned home and saw those helpless faces of her aunts and her mother, she was in a huff as well as feeling heartache, she decided to skip dinner and go to sleep. When she woke up, she went to the kitchen to find something to eat, only to find half a bowl of porridge left. Regardless of her complaints, she wolfed it down and went back to sleep. This morning, she was woken up by an unknown call. Until now, she hadn't eaten anything.

Her stomach had been empty all night. Anybody would be in a bad mood in this situation.

However, her bad mood counted for nothing as Young Master Yan was even more irritable.

His handsome face, now hoisted, was darker than Bailiff Bao. His face was cold, just like a big chunk of ice freshly hacked out from an ice-cellar.

A fierce gaze shot at her, "Are you calling me a rascal? Did you tell me to scram?"

Zhu Qianying, famished and feeling faint, her mind severely short-circuited. Added to this was his random line of questioning, resulting in an innocent and confused expression on her face.


Seeing the young master about to go into a rage, the indispensable assistant quickly leaned towards Zhu Qianying and whispered in her ear, "Miss Zhu, Young Master Yan called you earlier..."

Zhu Qianying's eyes twinkled, her brain began to return to normal, consequently, she acted surprised. Even though the special assistant had already reminded her, knowingly, she asked anyway, "Who was that person, Young Master Yan?"

Young Master Yan ignored her! He didn't even bother to grunt an answer, he just turned his face and started looking at the screen again.

"Oh, wasn't that just because I hadn't woken up yet? I was feeling grumpy! As soon as I saw it was an unknown number, telling him to scram, doesn't Young Master Yan want me casually having a flirty conservation with a stranger?"