
Chapter 4 Must I marry you?

Translator: 549690339

Zhu Qianying's words were so brilliant that Yan Shao couldn't help but applaud!

He hadn't expected that the woman standing in front of him, who had overcome all obstacles to claim victory and dared to call herself his "wife", would not only be proficient in all aspects but also possess such impressive eloquence.

Her piercing speech dramatically equalized their positions, an astonishing feat considering she had been in a passive, disadvantageous position. Even more impressive, her arguments were so sharp and rigorous that he found himself unable to refute them!

"So, you're saying that I have no other choice but to marry you now?"

Yan Shao found the situation amusingly ironic. A game that had initially been under his control had somehow ended with him needing to marry this woman.

Despite his initial assumption, he had to admit this woman's audacity was quite remarkable.

However, he wondered, was she bluffing, or was her arrogance well-founded?

His scrutinizing gaze was so sharp it felt as if he could see right through her clothes.

Yet Zhu Qianying paid no mind to his intimidating gaze, showing no sign of fear.

"Exactly, you have no choice but to marry me!"

Her confidence and certainty were evident on her face. She had delicate features like a beautiful, fragile porcelain doll, yet her expression made her seem as proud as a queen!

Yan Shao squinted his eyes, curiosity and intrigue filled his gaze.

His original intention was to choose a wife, with 'choose' implying that he held the initiative.

Now, however, he felt like he'd been cornered by this woman named Zhu Qianying and had no place to escape.

It had been a long time since Yan Shao had been this blatantly challenged. He should be angry.

Yet, he felt an unidentifiable substance stirring within him. This substance, mixed with his blood, caused a peculiar chemical reaction that excited him.

Interesting indeed!

Yan Shao shifted slightly to make himself more comfortable, his gaze falling on her leisurely.

"You say I have to marry you. Give me your reasons!" His gaze was akin to that of an emperor looking at his concubines.

However, Zhu Qianying seemed to have a filter for malicious glances and she fearlessly returned his stare with a look usually reserved for fools.

"Reasons? You wanted a wife, and I entered the competition. The result is apparent. This is a tacit agreement between both of us. Do we need more reasons?"

Her witty and nimble response won her points in Yan Shao's book. His piercing gaze wandered over her.

If he remembered correctly, there had been ten different bathrobe styles in the bathroom.

However, instead of choosing one of them, she chose to wear a men's white shirt that usually carried an allure of temptation. The long hem was tied into a knot over her abdomen, paired with hot pants, her appearance was refreshing and natural. She gave off a sense of uniqueness rather than the allure that the shirt usually suggested.

Her long, toned legs were especially eye-catching under the hot pants.

Based on appearance alone, if a hundred points were the highest score and twenty points were bonus, her body, face, and outfit could get a hundred points and her straight, long legs would account for the total bonus points.

Yan Shao had seen all sorts of women, but she was the first to have gained full points with a bonus.

At twenty-eight years old, successful in his career, and a perfectly normal man, Yan Shao couldn't help but feel intrigued by her long legs with their healthy wheat skin tone. He wondered, was that her natural skin tone, or a tan? Were her flawless long legs a result of regular exercise, or a surgeon's work?

"Babe, why do you seem so eager to marry me?" Yan Shao was good at playing his cards close to his chest, but he couldn't help but reveal a hint of smugness.

Zhu Qianying ground her teeth secretly. Yes, she is eager, eager to get his one hundred million to save her foolish mother!

While that's what she was thinking, her face was full of sincere, charming smiles.

"Yeah, you're so handsome, of course, I can't wait to marry you!"

The mockery in Zhu Qianying's eyes was crystal clear, and Yan Shao noticed it. But the more blatant she was, the more intrigued he became!

Moreover, whether her words were heartfelt or not didn't matter because they had greatly satisfied his male ego.

However, he seemed to have overlooked the fact that there had been many women - willing to die for him - who couldn't satisfy his vanity. Yet, here he was, captivated by this woman.

"If that's the case, Miss Zhu, go home and rest. As soon as I have made the necessary arrangements, I will formally propose."

Zhu Qianying didn't waste any time. Having received her desired answer, she stood up, saying with a refreshing briskness, "Alright, see you later, Yan Shao."

Her straightforwardness was something Yan Shao appreciated. But he hadn't expected, that he would one day grow to despise this trait of hers.

Of course, that's a story for later.

Zhu Qianying was driven home by Yan Family's chauffeur. It was apparent that the Zhu Family had already received the news. They all gathered again in the living room. Mr. Zhu and the fourth aunt were overjoyed, but the expressions on the faces of the other three aunts varied.

Of course, they were all smiling, but their smiles were insincere, except for her own mother.

Mr. Zhu was genuinely happy, as was expected.

Who wouldn't be happy knowing that Yan Shao, a powerful figure capable of affecting the whole of L City with a mere stomp of his foot, was soon to become his son-in-law? Just like Mr. Zhu, they would be unable to contain their happiness, forgetting their usual austere parental expressions.

"Ying'er, come to daddy."

Mr. Zhu, who usually didn't pay much attention to this daughter of his, unexpectedly welcomed her with an affable face and an open stance.

However, this belated show of paternal affection didn't interest Zhu Qianying.

She pretended not to see his extended palm and, yawning, headed towards the stairs with her backpack, "I'm... So... Tired... Mom, don't call me for dinner, I'm going to sleep till I'm fully rested."

Her words were half-true, half-false.

Telling the truth, after spending days in a state of high tension and experiencing intensive physical and mental exertion, she was indeed exhausted.