

He even stuttered at the beginning of the first sentence, as the people below began to discuss softly.

"Heh, Ling Yun began to give up on himself? "Find such a person." Lei Yunze sneered.

Qiao Meng, who was standing below the stage, was as nervous as Qin An. Her palms were sweating while Qiao You, who was standing to the side, had a calm expression. It was as though he was not disturbed by Qin An's terrible performance.

"Thank you everyone." If there was one good point about Qin An city, it was that the angle of his bows was the deepest among the fifteen people. Every time he bowed, he wished he could stick close to his lap.

Qin An City walked off the stage while trembling. Qiao Meng took out a tissue from her pocket and wiped the sweat off his face. "It's been hard on you, An Cheng." She looked at Qin An City with a pained expression.