
Cute little Angel

Alex, a 29-year-old loner facing isolation due to neglect from his parents and job loss, works as a cashier in a convenience store. His life takes an unexpected turn when Lily, a lively 6-year-old neighbor, enters the scene. Despite the challenges, their friendship brings laughter and joy to Alex's once mundane days. This is a heartwarming story about the transformative power of an unexpected connection in the midst of loneliness.

Ash_thirumuru · Realistic
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88 Chs


As Alex woke up with a start from his nightmare, beads of sweat on his forehead, he found himself in Emma's room. Confusion lingered in his eyes as he tried to piece together the fragments of his dream with the reality of Emma's bedroom.

"Alex, what happened?" Emma's voice, filled with concern, reached his ears. She was sitting beside him, her gaze fixed on his face.

"Where am I?" Alex's question hung in the air, the remnants of his dream still playing tricks on his perception.

"You slept here; we had a drink last night," Emma calmly explained, hoping to anchor him back to the present.

"Oh! I forgot. You're right," Alex acknowledged, slowly grasping the context of the situation.

They both headed to the kitchen, where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. As they sipped their coffee, Alex couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling from his nightmare.

"Hey, Emma, how about going shopping today, along with Lily and Issable?" Alex proposed, trying to shift the focus to a more cheerful activity.

"No, I can't come with you today," Emma explained, a hint of regret in her voice.

"How about you take them both and have a good time today?" she suggested, offering an alternative that would still bring joy to Lily and Issable.

"Good idea," Alex agreed, contemplating the plan for a day filled with shopping and fun with the two girls.

In the morning sunlight, Lily, with her eyes still heavy with sleep, emerged from her room and made her way to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Lily!" Alex greeted her with a warm smile.

"Good morning, papa!" Lily replied, stretching and yawning as she adjusted to the waking world.

As they chatted, Emma joined them in the kitchen. "Alex will take you to the mall today!" Emma announced, a glimmer of excitement in her eyes.

"Really?" Lily's eyes lit up with joy.

"Yes, really!" Alex confirmed, matching Lily's enthusiasm.

"Thank you, papa!" Lily exclaimed, her excitement bubbling over with gratitude.

"Be ready and eat breakfast; I'll be ready!" Alex declared, and Lily's excitement only grew.

"Okay!" Lily responded eagerly.

Alex then made his way to his home next door and opened the door. As he stepped into the kitchen, he found Issable already busy cooking breakfast.

"Good morning, brother!" Issable greeted him with a warm smile.

"Morning!" Alex replied, reciprocating the smile.

"Brush your teeth. Breakfast will be ready in 10 minutes," she instructed him, adding a touch of sisterly care.

"I've been thinking about taking you shopping today!" Alex shared the exciting news, his eyes reflecting genuine enthusiasm.

"Really?" Issable's eyes sparkled with surprise and delight.

"Yes, let's go to the mall!" Alex confirmed, amplifying the excitement.

"Thank you, brother!" Issable expressed her gratitude with a heartfelt hug, appreciating the thoughtful gesture.

"I'll be ready, and let's go after having breakfast," Alex suggested, already looking forward to a day filled with laughter and shared moments.

"Okay!" Issable replied, agreeing to the plan, and they continued their morning routine, preparing for an enjoyable day of shopping together.

Entering the mall, the trio embarked on their shopping adventure. Lily, full of excitement, immediately expressed her desire for ice cream.

"Papa, I want ice cream!" Lily exclaimed with enthusiasm.

"We will eat it after shopping!" Alex promised, guiding them toward the cloth store.

Issable, eager to explore the clothing options, couldn't contain her enthusiasm. "Brother, let's go!" She eagerly dragged Alex towards the clothing store, setting the tone for a day of fashion exploration.

In the clothing store, Issable delved into the racks, picking out various outfits to try. She moved swiftly through the aisles, grabbing dresses, skirts, and tops of different styles and colors.

"Lily, come here! Let's find some cute dresses for you," Issable called, coaxing Lily into the world of fashion.

Lily, ever the adorable fashionista in the making, giggled and joined the fun. Issable helped her pick out dresses with vibrant colors and playful patterns, creating a mini fashion show right in the store.

As for Alex, he found himself reluctantly drawn into the whirlwind of fashion. Issable, with a mischievous grin, convinced him to try on a few outfits. Reluctantly, he stood in front of the mirror, experimenting with styles that were a departure from his usual attire.

"You're not getting away without trying something!" Issable teased, holding up a shirt that challenged Alex's comfort zone.

Lily, finding the entire scene amusing, giggled at her Alex's fashion exploration. The trio continued to enjoy the shopping spree, creating memories and sharing laughter amidst the aisles of clothing and accessories.

After the fashion escapade, the trio decided to venture into the gaming zone of the mall. Lily's eyes lit up with excitement at the sight of colorful arcade machines and interactive games.

"Papa, can we play some games?" Lily pleaded, tugging at Alex's sleeve.

"Of course, Lily! Let's have some fun," Alex replied, matching Lily's enthusiasm.

They immersed themselves in various games – racing, shooting, and even a friendly dance competition. Issable, although not as keen on gaming, joined in the laughter and cheer, adding her own playful banter to the mix.

The gaming zone echoed with the sounds of excitement, tokens jingling, and occasional bursts of laughter. Alex, Lily, and Issable shared moments of joy, forgetting the outside world as they embraced the simple pleasures of the arcade.

After the exhilarating gaming session, the trio decided to treat themselves to some delicious ice cream at the food court. They strolled through the mall, Lily skipping with joy and Issable sharing a playful banter with Alex.

"Papa, I want strawberry ice cream!" Lily declared, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Strawberry it is, then!" Alex chuckled, leading the way to the ice cream stand.

Issable chose a classic chocolate cone, and Alex opted for a mix of flavors. With their ice creams in hand, they found a cozy spot in the food court. Laughter and conversation filled the air as they enjoyed the sweet delights.

As the day at the mall came to an end, they made their way back home, the shopping bags filled with newfound treasures. The warmth of the shared experiences lingered in the air as they stepped through the doorway.

"Papa, today was the best day ever! Thank you!" Lily exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with happiness as she hugged Alex.

Issable, equally appreciative, joined the embrace. "Thanks, brother. I had a wonderful time. It's been ages since we had such a carefree day."

Alex, feeling the genuine gratitude and happiness radiating from them, smiled warmly. "I'm glad you both enjoyed it. We should do this more often."