
Cute enough to Kiss!!

*Currently the chapters are being edited.*** Xie Mei was called the Demon Empress of the Qin Empire. Once she yielded her thunder Spear she was unstoppable on the battlefield. She was like a killing machine, slashing her enemies' throats ruthlessly. She stared right through her enemy's eyes as if the goddess of death herself had descended to claim their lives. Fear. That was evident in their eyes as death closed in on them, but they couldn't do anything apart from begging and pleading to spare them. However, none were spared. Even though she guarded the Qin empire and its citizens with her life, people called her cruel. After all, she was a woman. She was cruel indeed, but not heartless. Just like any ordinary girl, she too had a loving family, doting parents, and brothers who pampered her to the core. But fate played a cruel game, and she lost it all in one night. After her family's and her three-year-old son's deaths, she went on a killing spree to avenge them. That was the night when people saw the Demon Empress in action, about whom they had only heard stories. In the end, she was stabbed by the person to whom she bared her heart. Looking into his eyes, all she could find was hatred and disgust; that was a heavy blow to her heart. With a few breaths left, she killed the adulterous pair and burned the entire palace. When death knocked on her door, there was a mocking smile on her lips, as if she were laughing at her stupidity. Her heart was in turmoil when she remembered the faces of her loved ones and her little one smiling at her warmly. "Yu'er, mother loves you," she whispered with her last dying breath. She thought that was her end; however, fate had a different plan for her as her soul reincarnated. She became the Young Miss of the Tang family in the 21st century. This time, she vowed to never give herself a chance to fall in love. And she did avoid it for some time. Until... she met 'Him'. She stared at him as if looking at a lunatic. "What are you talking about??" She roared. "Marry me!!" He repeated firmly. 'Seems like this person has something wrong with his mental constitution,' she thought to herself. She took a deep breath to calm herself and sighed. "Did you lose a few balls or something??" She seriously questioned him. 'Balls??' The blue-eyed man was stunned by her choice of words. "How can you propose to someone whom you have only met once, and it was not even a proper meeting? Did you hit your head somewhere??" "My head is fine. But you are right; let's get to know each other. En? My name is Han Zhixin." He introduced himself politely. No matter how badly she berates him, he wouldn't mind if it meant he could stay with her.  "Let go, you lunatic!! I don't care if your name is Han Zhixin or Li Zhixin!!! I will never marry you, you idiotic bastard." She sneered, trying to break free once again.  'Lunatic? Bastard?' the man gasped. He was appalled by the image she had of him.  When she finally broke free, she did a backflip to get out of his range. Without looking back, she vanished into the cloudless night. Han Zhixin came out of his reverie and stared in the direction she leaped off. His eyes were full of doting smiles for her. 'Who cares if she calls him a lunatic? For her, he was ready to become one.' "It seems like it's decided, my love. it's definitely going to be you and only you!!! My darling wife!!" he whispered. ------------------------------------ Peach_mist: Instagram: @Peach_mist30 * The story is original and not a translation. * ***The cover photo does not belong to me. All credits to the owner. This is a romance novel with a lot of fluff and mystery. I hope you guys enjoy reading it. Please feel free to leave comments and reviews.

Peach_mist · Urban
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36 Chs

Chapter 9 - Mother looks more beautiful!!

In the middle of a cold night, a woman was sitting on the roof of a two-story house.

She looked ethereal while gazing at the sky with moonlight shining upon her.

Her slim frame was covered in a white satin spaghetti-strap nightgown.

The dress highlighted all her curves, and she looked very appealing with her dark tresses dancing along the wind.

Even though she was dressed thinly in this cold weather, it seemed like she couldn't even feel the cold wind caressing her porcelain skin.

Her eyes looked cold and empty, as if they were just empty vassals.

The wine bottle dangling in her hand was almost empty.

A sad smile was playing on her lips.

When she remembered the words that the man told her, a mocking smile appeared on her face.

How could her heart not be swayed by words like those?? She was just like every other woman out there.

But what was the price she had to pay the last time because of her wishful thinking??

What is the price she'll pay this time if she plays along???

In this life, she only has her little bun and her father; she wouldn't be able to forgive herself if anything were to happen to either one of them because of her mistakes.

Life has already taught her a lesson that she will never forget.

Then how can she still have the courage to walk on that path, which will only take her to her awaiting doom??

Tang Li Mei felt that the heavens were always testing her.

And every time, she would be the one to suffer.

She sighed.

Why was she thinking about him??

They just met twice.

So what if his words felt sweet to her ears??

So what if he can make her heart skip a beat??

So what if he can make her forget about everything around her???

So what if she felt there was something between them that was more than just physical attraction?? 

The price—can she afford to pay the second time??

She sighed again.

Standing up, she jumped off the roof towards her balcony. 


After taking a warm bath, she felt a little clear-headed.

She opened the door to the little one's room to check on him.

Staring at the four-year-old boy who was in a deep slumber, slightly snoring, with his legs dangling from the bed, she smiled.

'This right here was her entire world.'

Adjusting his legs and tucking him in cozily, she placed a kiss on his forehead and turned around to head back.


In the middle of a beautiful garden, a woman was sitting on a chair, elegantly sipping her tea while observing the three-year-old boy playing around with the chrysanthemums and roses.

The dark blue robe made the three-year-old look rather adorable, with his auburn eyes shining with happiness, his dark hair lightly fluttering along the wind, and his flushed cheeks adding colour to his form.

Xie Mei's grey eyes were full of smiles, and her long, dark tresses were neatly pinned up with a beautiful peach blossom hairpin.

Her cheeks had a hint of colour in them, making her look more appealing.

"Mother!!" The little one quickly ran towards the woman in a red robe and jumped into her arms.

Xie Mei laughed and sat him on her lap.

"Now what have you got there?" she playfully asked the little bun.

"This is for you." The little boy shyly gave her a bunch of flowers he had picked.

"Yu'er, they are beautiful!! Thank you!!" She warmly smiled and kissed his cheeks to express her gratitude.

The little boy's heart was full of joy as he smiled at his mother and hugged her tightly.

"Mother looks more beautiful," he declared.

Xie Mei looked at this little son of hers and laughed.

"Now where did you learn that from, little one?" she asked with a smile playing on her lips.

The little boy was confused at first, but then his eyes sparkled.

"That's what maternal grandfather says to maternal grandmother," he seriously said.

Xie Mei gaped at him.

What were her parents teaching her three-year-old? Before she could explain, a servant came in.

"Your Highness, concubine Ye, has asked for your presence at the lotus pavilion," the servant respectfully relayed the message.

Xie Mei looked at the servant, then at her son, and sighed.

"Alright. You stay here until Mother comes back, okay??" She quietly said that, and the little one nodded his head obediently.

"Don't worry, Mother; Yu'er will stay in the courtyard and wait for Mother," he adorably replied, looking very serious.

Her child was rather smart for a three-year-old.

He was so smart that sometimes his smartness would surprise her too.

Xie Mei patted his head lightly and walked out towards the Lotus Pavillion.

A woman in her late forties wearing a bamboo green robe sat in the middle of the pavilion with her servants tending to her needs.

She gave them a grateful smile and occasionally rewarded them for their work.

Xie Mei looked at the woman as a smile graced her lips.

She was the only person other than her best friend whom she could trust in this huge palace.

"Mother, this daughter-in-law greets you." Xie Mei bowed and smiled. Concubine Ye looked at her and waved her hands.

"How many times have I told you to forget these customs when we are alone?" she chided her playfully.

Xie Mei smiled as she walked towards her and sat on the empty seat beside the woman.

"Is anything troubling you, mother?" she quietly asked the woman, who looked rather quiet today.


"Mei'er... you must have heard that Qiao Lin is expecting.

Although I don't approve of her, it was his royal highness decree, and my hands are tied," she explained politely, but her eyes gave out the internal struggle she was going through.

Xie Mei's heart felt like it was being squeezed tightly, but she didn't let it show on her face.

Which woman would not feel this way when her husband brought another woman home and shared a bed with her?

Their relationship was already going through ups and downs; he wouldn't even take a look at her.

How could her heart not be troubled?

She held Concubine Ye's hand lightly and encouraged her to speak.

The woman's gaze was filled with pity for her daughter-in-law.

"I may not live long, but you and Yu'er will have to stay with Feng'er. You should mend your relationship with him now. It's not too late... I want to help you, so I asked one of my servants to get medicines that will help during pregnancy. I'm not asking you to smile and accept her with open arms. Just think about Yu'er; in the future, his position won't look favorable. At a time like this, you should forget about your feelings and pave a path for your son. You have to start somewhere, so why not that day be today?" she gently explained.

Xie Mei understood her intentions, but her heart was not ready to accept the fact that her husband had slept with another woman.

But if the child being born is a son, then her son's future would not look favorable.

For her son, she was ready to go through heaven and earth.

"Mother shouldn't say such things. If Mother thinks keeping a good relationship with sister Lin will help Yu'er in the future, then I will listen to Mother." She calmly replied.

Concubine Ye smiled warmly at her and gave her the pouch filled with medicines.

Xie Mei thanked her mother-in-law and left to look for Concubine Qiao.

As she reached the bedchamber, she could see all the servants standing outside with flushed faces.

As she went further, she felt her heart stop, and tears filled her eyes.

The servants looked at her with pity. Listening to her husband pleasuring another woman, which woman would not feel the heartbreaking pain?? She stood there, unable to move or utter a word.

A few minutes later, the door opened, and a man wearing a purple robe walked out.

He had a tall frame with a charming face; the most beautiful feature was his almond-shaped auburn eyes.

His long, dark hair, tied up messily, gave out the facts of the activities he had just done.

He coldly glared at the woman standing in front of him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked her in a hoarse voice.

Xie Mei looked at him with cold and clear eyes.

This rather surprised the purple-robed man, and somewhere in his heart, it pricked badly.

"I came to meet Sister Lin; I brought some medicines that are good for pregnancy," she replied in a barely audible voice.

The man glared at her one more time before he walked past her.

Xie Mei quickly calmed herself and walked towards the door.

Inside the bed chamber, she saw a beautiful woman with an hourglass figure trying to tidy herself up.

The loose robe revealed the love marks, and her flushed skin enhanced her beauty, making Xie Mei's heart twist in pain.

When Qiao Lin saw a silhouette in red walk in, she smiled.

"Sister Mei, you are here!!" She excitedly pulled her in.

Her bubbly personality made Xie Mei feel uncomfortable.

She stared at her face and looked at the hands pulling her in.

"Sister Lin I heard that you are expecting, so I brought some medicines that are favorable during pregnancy," she explained while handing the pouch to the woman.

Qiao Lin stared at Xie Mei and smiled.

"Thank you, sister Mei; I will use these then." She happily thanked her.

Xie Mei lightly smiled and turned around to go back to her courtyard.

She didn't want to stay a second longer in this filthy place.

"Sister Mei, you are leaving?? You just came here; stay for some tea." Qiao Lin requested.

"I'm sorry, Yu'er is all alone, so I have to go back. The next time I visit, I will stay a bit longer." She politely declined.

Qiao Lin nodded her head and walked her out.

The moment Xie Mei reached her courtyard, she quietly walked to her bed chambers and broke down.

The servants in her courtyard had already heard about the things that happened.

They pitied her for having a husband like that. He loved one while ignoring the other, and she was the main wife.

The little one also saw his mother come in, so he quickly ran to her chamber and knocked on the door.


Xie Mei quickly tidied herself, wiping her tears, and opened the door with a smile.

"Mother!!" The little boy jumped into her arms.

Xie Mei hugged him closely, taking in all the warmth.

That's right, she was only here for him; otherwise, she would have left this place a long time ago, and nobody could have stopped her.

She took him in and closed the door.

After an hour or so, the servants in her courtyard heard the commotion outside.

Many servants were running around the palace in a frenzy. One of them was stopped by the servant.

"What's going on??"

The servant looked at them with a sneer.

"What's going on?? Why don't you ask your mistress what's going on? It was because of the medicine she gave that concubine Qiao had a miscarriage!!" she snarled.

All the servants in the courtyard went stiff. This...

Soon they saw Qin Feng walking into the courtyard with soldiers following behind him.

They had a feeling something bad was about to happen.

Hey guys!!! Here is a new chapter.

This chapter is dedicated to Shiny_Star5683 and lilmisslemonpie for always encouraging me to do my best!! Thank you guys!! You don't know how happy it makes me feel reading your comments.

I'll be back tomorrow with one more chapter!!!

Peach_mistcreators' thoughts