
The wild killing spree

The sound of clicking heels was heard between silence. A girl wearing a black leather jacket walks in the empty halls of an abandoned building, bringing a dagger and a gun with her.

A large man suddenly pops out of nowhere, followed by many more after him. The young woman gave a small smirk. The girl moves swiftly fast as if invisible.

In a matter of seconds the whole hallway is filled with liquid red substance along with the girl's dagger. She licked the blood still dripping from her dagger and immediately spit it out.

"What a waste of my energy...", she sigh.

"Come out you, m*th*rf**k**!!! All of your mens are all gone now.", she said as she lazily, but with great confidence, started to walk towards the last door in the gloomy hallway.

The door then burst open, a smoke bomb exploded. A man started running for his life. Unfortunately for him, the girl was quick to reach.

"Sh*t.", she cursed.

She then jump on a chair, threw her dagger, got hold of a door frame, landed on the man, got back hold of her dagger, and place it right in front of his neck. She was too fast, the man was late to react. He couldn't even understand his situation until the girl started to speak.

"Hello, Mr. Kim. I believe you have something I find worthy with you.", she said in a cold, seductive tone. The poor man could only hold his breath and gritted his teeth, it was game over for him.

"Care to tell me where it is?", the young woman asks "nicely" as she pushed her dagger deeper towards his throat.

"You'll never find it!", said the man as he tried to avoid the sharp blood covered dagger almost piercing to his neck.

"Wrong answer.", said the girl as she push her dagger deeper towards his throat, deep enough for him to feel the pain, but not too deep that it'll kill him instantly. She then let go of the man and started her search of her lost treasure.

She walked down another hallway with flickering lights, the hallway was slightly smaller than the hallway before, about 2 meters wide. At the end of it, she found another room.

She opened the door and walk in as if it was her own home. She then notice something was wrong with the room. She carefully slide down some paths as if there were some invisible threads hanged all around the place.

She then reached the middle of the room. She press down on the floor tile next to her, red lazer lights suddenly revealed itself. She then press on the water dispenser, the red lights disappeared once again.

The young woman then turned on a computer on the coffee table and inserted all the files in her flaskdisk. After, she pluck away her flaskdisk and self-destruct the computer she was just working on.

The girl then ran away from the building, not long after she got out, an explosion happen at the building.

The girl was save away from the exploded building. She was riding a motorbike.

A strike of man blocked her way. They started to shot bullets at her. She dodged every bullets. She then grab her own guns as she adjust her motorbike into auto-drive.

She jumps off her ride, do a triple-backflip, and landed back of her efficient transportation. Just as she landed back, sounds of dead body, falling to the ground was heard. She'd shot every single one of the man that had blocked her was in their fatal spots without fail.

She then drives away, smirking.



"Hey! What gives?!", ask Jungkook when Taehyung turned off the TV.

"Stop watching useless programs on TV.", he said as he walk pass by the younger boy.

"meanie...", pouts the younger boy.

"What did you say?", ask Tae in a cold tone.

"W-what?? Uh, no. What are you saying? Uh-you're just hearing things!", said the poor boy.

"Better stay like that.", said Tae. He then walk out of the house with a smirk on his gorgeous face.

The guy wears monochrome clothes. Black pants, black hoodie, white t-shirt, black and white converse, white mask, and a black hat. Although he was wearing something that a burglar would probably wear, an aura of hansomeness still shines around him. Everyone who'd passed him would have to take a second glance at the young man.

Taehyung then went to Yoongi's house to meet up with him and Namjoon. On he goes! The distance between his and Yoongi's house was not too far, only a walk in the park!

(A/N: Well, he's wayyy too lucky...)

(R/N: I envied him)

Once he went inside, he saw that Namjoon, Yoongi and–a girl?! There's a girl eating a lollipop, sitting beside Yoongi on the couch!!!