
First Mission

So the next day, Mizu and the rest of Bangtan gathered together at Mizu's house. Or to be exact, mansion. The boys are amaze by the sight.

"Yo, Mizu! This is where you live?!", ask Namjoon. He wears a casual grey t-shirt and black pants.

"Ne, it is.", the young woman answered him shortly.

"Noona! I heard that you dumped Jimin-hyung!", said Jungkook.

"Yah!!!", yelled Jimin furiously.

"There, there Kookie~ Let's talk about it another time. Noona promise you, ok~?<3", replied Mizu with her aegyo.

"Not again, close your eyes!!!", yelled J-Hope. Some of the boys closed their eyes, but for the rest, it's too late...

"Eh- Oops... Aigoo... Mianhae oppa...", said Mizu to the remaining of the boys (Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jimin).

"Yah, Jiminie. How do you know she'll kill you?", ask Hoseok.

"I've been there a lot of times. That girl is dinamite I say.", he gave Mizu a deadly glare.

"There-there~ Let's just come inside and discuss the plan. Don't worry about them, the maids will bring them in my room.", said Mizu as she happily gallope into her house.

The boys gain their consiousness and started to make their plan.


"Get ready, in 3. 3. 2. 1!", instructed Namjoon. He was in Mizu's house, looking at the surveillance system Mizu and him had hacked into.

In the first picture, Jungkook and Jimin is runnning toward a white room. In the other, Taehyung and Jin was sneaking into a surveillance room. Another one shows Yoongi and Hoseok hiding from the securities.

Mizu was nowhere to be seen. She'd been hiding from every gaze, even the CCTV Namjoon was supposed to use to watch over the team.

Her slim body allows her to move swiftly between walls and she had a very rapid speed. To be honest, the big boss could've ask her to do this mission alone, but instead he give this chance for the unsocial girl to socialize with others.

Right, way from that, Mizu was sneaking her way in to the big room with the super computer. She tried hacking into the server. The computer had a three-wall password. Once single mistake would risk their mission to fail. Luckily her hands were flexible, yet swift enough to break the code in time before the guards came in.

"Work's done. Out, now!", she informed Namjoon.

Namjoon who was on the other side of the line was shocked, this girl finished the mission on her own, and it even ended faster then when they had did it together. Luckily, he gain conscious and manage to inform the boys to came back to the main base(Mizu's house).


They all gathered back into Mizu's house. All of them, except the girl herself.

"Where's Mizu?", ask JHope.

"I thought she's with you guys?!", replied Jin.

"Uh, no? I thought she was with YOU guys...", continue Hoseok.

"*sigh* So, none of you brought Mizu back?!", yelled Namjoon. The boys all looked down to the ground in regret.

Not long after Namjoon started to nag at them, the sound of a high-speed motorbike was heard. On it, was a girl in leather jacket, her black hair swaying against the wind.

The motor stoped right in front of them. The mysterious rider opened up her helmet, showing a beautiful girl with white-fair skin and dark-black hair.

"Sh*t! Did you guys seriously just left me there alone?!", the young women yelled.

" Sorry... We forgot noona...", pouts Jungkook apologizing to the girl with a deadly glare.

"No, not you Kookie... Your hyungs.", she said a s she glares at them.

"S-sorry?", said Taehyung.

"Yeah, sure, but there will be punishments...", she smirked.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?...", said Jin, panicking.

"Do a random-dance challenge, girlgroup edition, for 30 minutes, then do an eagyo infront of me, Kookie, and RM.", she smirked.

"Yay! Mizu! You're best!", said J-Hope happily. The girl was kinda fond of him, so she set up an easy punishment for him.

They were all, except JHope, were tired for dancing non-stop for 30 minutes covering songs, that even some of them didn't knew the lyrics of.

"Aegyo time!", said Jungkook smirking.

J-Hope did 3 aegyos, all making his cute poses with cute sound effects.

Finally, the punishments are over... Mizu decided to take pity on the, but not after a long silence cold glare being pointed right at them.

"So mean...", pouts Taehyung.