
Cute boyfriend

Hey i am Kiki in this you'll get to my dream boyfriend and more about my real ♡

Vibina_Williams · Teen
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4 Chs

him !

he comes and stand near teacher he's very tall and his voice was like very sweet his cheeks are blushing and it makes my mind dirty ...

he introduces him

" hello my classmates I am stefen I am from Liverpool now I am here in Birmingham as my parents are transferred for work purposes "

and the class teacher said " children can you all introduce yourselves cuz many new heads are there "

and there it starts from the first bench

the first girl says " I am Katie and I am from Leicester and I am interested on the new student"

.....A Great silence ...

me like "she was so direct "

and many introduced themselves and it's emily's turn and she said "I am Emily and I wish to be the enemy of Katie "

Omg !!!!!!

....Another great silence.....

I am like "omg I have a damn crush on this boy but it's like my 8 year friendship or the one day boy so I just had a sudden silence "

and for a moment I was in another world thinking 🤔

And Emily " kikkkkkkkki it's your turnnnn.... "

and i am like in mood swings

an angry voice "this ughhh introduction "

I thought I was speaking in mind but I spoke damn it was very harsh and everybody started laughing "I am so embarrassed 😳" but I saw a cute smile from stefen it made my heart chills

and the teacher said "stop your nonsense all of you it is not an space to propose or being angry "and in harsh voice "Kiki introduce "

In my sweet voice

"Hello everyone I am kamila. I am from India and got to Birmingham at the age of 6 and I am studying here for more than 6 years and My hobby is being a gamer and now I stopped my hobby because of studies so friends please don't call me out to play and sorry for harsh words before . thankyou "

me on mind while speaking " why everyone is so quiet till now there was a sound but now no sound nothing everyone listening like i am singing lullaby omg???"

and when I stopped my intro boys from backbenchers like "proo proo free fire proo "

me hand signing them to "be quiet "

Then teacher "Be silent 🔕 "

"Finally I heard something like an intro but what Kiki everyone murmuring about games "

me "mam no mam I am not playing now "

And he looked me in his sexy glance and My cheeks turned red

And Emily like "kikii what made your cheeks red"

she in her wrecked eyes 👀 like "Is your secret crush is here or what who is he?? "

And Bell 🔔 Rang


And I went down with class teacher to submit some notes of our summer vacation

And I saw stefen in teachers room waiting for getting his uniform and books and I was also there and mam said me to take him to stationary room and asked me to show him our school

me "mam can I ask any boys to show him cuz he'll feel more comfortable with them "

mam "no darlin other boys cannot be trusted soon he is very good boy don't make him go and join those boys "

me "ok mam "