
Cut Me As Deep As You Want

**Warning: The Readers Are Advised**[ By The Author: Qaiz] this novel have psychological horror and can go every extreme lengths, the readers are advised for those who have weak heart , mentally weak or emotionally can easily get emotionally disturbed you may not read this novel or can skip thoose chapters. the story goes as a boy who is a Psychopath, who loves to kill people regarding of gander and a boy who who gets kidnapped by the Psychopath,

Qazi_Xds · Horror
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

character information

name: Eric Kenneth(ML)

Role Play: Protagonist and Antagonist at the same time(This can also extend to the creation of an 'anti-hero'.)


Sex/Gander: Male

age: 27-28

Hight: 6.1 feet

Weight: 90kg

birthday: August 6th(Leo)

Personal Status status: metal ill/ psychopath 


Appearance ,Personality ,Sexuality, Mental State ,History ,Plot

**Appearance:** Eric Kenneth, a 27-28 year-old male, stands at a striking height of 6.1 feet, his presence commanding attention in any room. With a well-maintained physique, he carries a weight of 90kg, giving him an imposing yet alluring silhouette. His birthday falls on August 6th, marking him as a Leo, characterized by traits of confidence and strength. Eric's physical features are often described as a captivating blend of sharp and soft, with a chiseled jawline and expressive eyes that can both enchant and unnerve. His appearance exudes an enigmatic charm that conceals the darkness lurking within.

 Eric's eyes are perhaps the most striking aspect of his appearance. Deep-set and intense, they seem to pierce through anyone who meets his gaze. The color is a mesmerizing shade of dark gray often mistake with black, with flecks of darker hues that give them an almost hypnotic quality. They are sharp and predatory, betraying the darkness lurking within his psyche. Despite their unsettling nature, there's an undeniable magnetism to them, drawing others in even as they inspire fear.

Eric's jawline is sharp and defined, giving his face a chiseled appearance. It's a testament to his strength and resilience, a reminder of the power he holds over those who dare to cross him. There's an aura of danger that surrounds him, amplified by the angularity of his jawline.

Eric's lips are thin and tightly pressed, often curled into a menacing smirk that sends chills down the spine of anyone who sees it. His mouth is set in a perpetual line of cruelty, with the corners turned up in a cruel mockery of a smile. There's a predatory gleam in his eyes whenever he speaks, as if he's relishing the fear he instills in others.

Eric's hair is a striking feature that adds to his enigmatic allure. It falls in sleek, jet-black waves, framing his angular face with a dark, almost sinister elegance. Each strand seems to have a mind of its own, cascading in untamed waves that hint at the wildness lurking beneath his composed exterior.Despite its apparent disorder, there's a calculated precision to Eric's hair, as if every strand has been meticulously arranged to convey a sense of controlled chaos. It sweeps across his forehead in a tousled fringe, adding to the air of mystery that surrounds him.

Overall Impression: Taken together, Eric's facial features paint a picture of a man consumed by darkness. His eyes are windows to a soul devoid of empathy, while his mouth twists into a cruel smile that promises only pain and suffering. His sharp jawline and high cheekbones add to the aura of menace that surrounds him, leaving no doubt that he is a force to be reckoned with. In Eric's face, there's a chilling beauty that belies the true horror of the monster lurking within.

** Victims:** Eric, a brutal psychopathic killer, selectively targets individuals he deems deserving of facing justice or those who have taken innocent lives. His moral compass, warped by his mother's inappropriate actions during his teenage years, compels him to believe that all murderers should be eliminated before they can harm more innocent lives. One of his gruesome acts involved taking the life of a lady who had already killed her husband and three children, driven by a twisted sense of retribution.

**Methods of Murdering:** Eric's method of murdering and disposing of evidence reflects the influence of his heartless sociopathic mother. He lures his victims into a facade of softness, portraying himself as a perfect victim. Once ensnared, he ruthlessly butchers them, cooking their flesh and serving it to unsuspecting neighbors. The bones and inner organs are meticulously discarded to leave no trace, ensuring a macabre display of cunning and brutality.

**Personality:** Beneath the veneer of normalcy, Eric conceals a complex and disturbed personality. His outer facade can switch from charming and affable to cold and calculating with disconcerting ease. Eric's interactions are often laced with an air of mystery, leaving those around him uncertain of the true depths of his psyche. His charisma, coupled with an unsettling aura, creates an enigmatic figure, drawing people in while keeping them at arm's length. In the face of the public Eric seemingly to be a charming soft Inman but beneath that face is a monster a blood lusting animal is hiding not only that he is gentle kind and charming in the face of the public word the worst of all he is way more brutal merciless heartless men to the victims simply classifying him as a ruthless and cruel individual who kidnaps his victims just to make them suffer torturing and showing no mercy towards his victims. Eric who is a psychopath with almost having no level of sanity and humanity in him towards his victims takes the pleasure out of the human pain and blood even his psychopathic unless he still has a heart toward the dose he cares a certain desire of loyalty and a certain desire to protect the one who he loves but due to his tortures and brutal childhood age he has issues of trusting people

**Sexuality:** Eric's sexuality is a nuanced aspect of his character. He navigates relationships with an air of detachment, viewing connections through a lens that is both possessive and distant. There are moments of genuine affection, but these are intertwined with darker impulses that hint at a tumultuous internal landscape. His romantic entanglements are often marked by an unsettling blend of tenderness and intensity. 

**Mental State:** The crux of Eric's character lies in his mental state, a precarious balance between genius and psychosis. Classified as mentally ill, Eric grapples with a psychopathic inclination that surfaces in moments of extreme stress or perceived betrayal. His mind is a labyrinth of unresolved traumas, and his actions often echo the scars left by a tumultuous past. Despite his psychopathic tendencies, there are flickers of humanity, particularly in his desire for loyalty and protection, stemming from the tortures of his brutal childhood.

**History:** Born into a complex familial structure, Eric's history is a tapestry woven with threads of abuse, violence, and survival. The narrative of his past unravels in layers, revealing a childhood marked by the twisted dynamics of a dysfunctional family. The shadows of a traumatic upbringing have etched themselves onto his psyche, shaping the contours of his fractured identity. The scars of his past drive him towards a life of darkness and revenge.

**Plot:** Eric's life unfolds in a series of intricate and chilling plots, each chapter exposing the layers of his unraveling sanity. From the haunting echoes of a troubled childhood to the chilling acts of retribution against those who mirror the sins of his past, his story is a descent into darkness. The narrative weaves through moments of horror, vulnerability, and unexpected tenderness, creating a tapestry of a man teetering on the edge of sanity and madness. As the plot progresses, Eric's actions become a symphony of chaos, leaving a trail of fractured lives in his wake. The story explores the twisted motivations behind his brutal acts, unraveling the complexities of his psyche as he descends further into the abyss of his own making.


name: Alex Benjamin(MC)

Role Play:


Sex/Gander: Male( Intersex/ born with female reproductive system)

age: 23-24

Hight: 5.8 feet

Weight: 73kg

birthday: September 28( Libra)

Personal Status status: healthy 


Appearance ,Personality ,Sexuality, History ,Plot

**Appearance:** Alex Benjamin , affectionately known as Benji, stands at a moderate height of 5.8 feet, his well-proportioned weight of 73kg giving him an air of casual athleticism. His light brown hair falls in a mop, occasionally framing his expressive hazel eyes. There's a depth in those eyes that hints at the complex layers of emotions within him. Benji's fashion sense is a testament to his individuality – a white shirt paired with jeans and a jacket, creating a timeless and effortlessly charming appearance.

**Personality:** Benji's personality is a harmonious blend of kindness and resilience, mirroring his Libra roots, as he was born on September 28. Calm and collected, he approaches life with a positive outlook, always seeking balance and fairness in his interactions. Despite his reserved exterior, there's an empathetic core to Benji. He possesses an innate ability to understand and connect with the emotions of those around him, offering a comforting presence to those in need. In the face of challenges, he displays a quiet strength, navigating life's complexities with grace.

**Sexuality:** In matters of romance, Benji approaches relationships with an open heart, yet a cautious mind. His past experiences have instilled in him a sense of careful consideration when it comes to matters of the heart. Appreciating genuine connections, he values mutual respect and approaches relationships with a measured perspective.

**History:** Benjamin's upbringing was marked by challenges and hardships, particularly in his complex relationship with his father. However, instead of succumbing to the scars of his past, Benji used them as a foundation for strength and independence. His history has shaped him into a resilient and understanding individual, capable of navigating the complexities of life with grace.

**Plot:** Benji's journey takes a pivotal turn when he crosses paths with Eric, a meeting that propels both their lives into a narrative of twists and turns. From the tense atmosphere at home to the ominous encounters with Eric's dark past, Benji becomes an unwitting participant in a story that tests his limits.

As the plot unfolds, Benji's character evolves, revealing layers of courage and vulnerability. His interactions with Eric, the tumultuous events, and the unexpected turns of fate shape him into a character who not only survives but thrives in the face of adversity. Beyond being a mere observer, Benji becomes a symbol of resilience, demonstrating that even in the darkest of circumstances, the human spirit can find light.

His experiences with Eric and the unfolding drama contribute to a compelling narrative that explores the complexities of human relationships and the enduring strength of the individual. Benji's role in the story transcends the challenges he faces, highlighting the transformative power of empathy, kindness, and the indomitable spirit that resides within him.