
Cut Me As Deep As You Want

**Warning: The Readers Are Advised**[ By The Author: Qaiz] this novel have psychological horror and can go every extreme lengths, the readers are advised for those who have weak heart , mentally weak or emotionally can easily get emotionally disturbed you may not read this novel or can skip thoose chapters. the story goes as a boy who is a Psychopath, who loves to kill people regarding of gander and a boy who who gets kidnapped by the Psychopath,

Qazi_Xds · Horror
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32 Chs

Chapter 10

Eric left to procure ingredients for his foot, a moment of unexpected intrusion unfolded. An officer, responding to reports about the mysterious activities within the house, arrived and began banging on the door, demanding entry with the authority of the law. knocking on the door he said'

'' It's the Police! Please open the door!'' 

Inside, Benji, gripped by fear, sought refuge beneath the kitchen cabinet, the weight of uncertainty pressing upon him. Just as the officer was about to peer inside, Eric returned, asking about the commotion. said'

''Excuse me. Why are you here?

The officer confirmed his identity, introducing himself as Officer Leon said'

''Sorry for the sudden appearance my name is officer Leon I'm here to investigate your house''

Eric visibly looking confused looked around and said ''sorry but there must been a mistake you see over the past 10 years'' Eric calmly continue saying ''I've been living here alone and this building is quite popular for its abandons you must might have mistaken''.

Officer Leon said. '' for your clarification I have not mistaken therefore I have been complained that's why I'm here if you are truly innocent then why aren't you letting me investigate your house''

Sensing the tension, Eric, momentarily silent, pulled out his wallet, displaying credentials that vouched for his innocence. After a moment of scrutiny, Officer Leon entered the house, silently observing his surroundings.

While Eric feigned cooperation, Officer Leon, keen-eyed and astute, noted the absence of the ingredients Eric claimed to have gone out to purchase. With timing that seemed calculated, the officer continued his inspection, casually questioning Eric about his personal life.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Officer Leon inquired, attempting to extract information.

Eric, maintaining his composed facade, responded, "Words don't matter. Tell me about yourself."

The officer obliged, revealing details about his own life. "I'm Officer Leon. Both of my parents were murdered when I was very young," he shared, his eyes continuing to scan the surroundings.

Officer Leon looking asked. '' Mr. Kenneth'' as he walks up to Eric, who is sitting on the couch. as Leon asked. '' tell me about yourself''

Eric giggled and said. '' you are very curious but I will help you you see I was 18 when my mother disappeared out of nowhere and my father he cheated on my mother when I was 10 years old so he left and never came back and after all of that I'm living alone''

Officer Leon felt if he is hiding something he sit on the couch and said while in a serious tone ''listen up Mr. Kenneth I am of 35 years old man having over 15 years of my job experience but I don't know why I feel you are lying''

Eric looked a little worried as he smiled and said ''dear officer let me tell you something sometimes when you look at the picture you only see the front face of the picture not the backside of the picture and with that you are investigating me as if I am a murderer''

Officer Leon looking unsatisfied with the answer said ''very well if this is your answer then I shall leave''

As Officer Leon prepared to leave, Eric, concealing his true nature beneath a veneer of normalcy, asked, "Is there anything else you need, Officer?"

For a moment, Officer Leon hesitated, his gaze lingering on the peculiarities within the house. "No, Mr. Kenneth, but if we receive more complaints, we'll be back," he warned before exiting, leaving behind an air of unresolved tension.

As Officer Leon prepared to leave, Eric, maintaining his facade, suggested, "I forgot to mention, you might want to check the cabinet. You never know."

Intrigued and slightly suspicious, Officer Leon approached the kitchen cabinet. Eric, ready to unleash his hidden weapon, tensed, prepared to strike. However, to Eric's shock, when the cabinet was opened, it revealed nothing. No Benji, no evidence of the captive's existence.

The officer, seemingly satisfied, thanked Eric for his cooperation and left.

Eric, concealing his bewilderment, watched as Officer Leon exited the house. Once alone, he ran through the rooms, realizing that Benji had managed to escape.

Panic seized Eric as he bolted out into the street, desperately searching for any trace of the fleeing captive. Frustration and rage built within him as he muttered to himself, realizing that Benji had outsmarted him.

"That little fucker ran away, clawing around like a rat," Eric seethed, the weight of his own failure sinking in. He screamed a warning to anyone who dared cross him, "Don't fuck with me."

In a fit of rage, Eric punched the wall, blood streaming from his injured hand. The realization that Benji had slipped through his fingers fueled his fury. Determined to regain control, Eric rushed home, closing the door behind him.

In the quiet confines of his house, Eric, still shaking from the failed capture, tried to reassure himself. "It's okay. I'll find him, just like the others. I'll kill him, and everything will be fine."

As Eric tried to convince himself that everything would be okay, that he would find Benji and end the unsettling unease within him, a sudden call disrupted his dark contemplations.


The voice, Benji's voice, echoed through the empty house. Relief flooded Eric, and with a swift motion, he collapsed to the floor with a loud thud. Benji's plea for a hug reached him, and Eric, commanding him to hurry, eagerly anticipated the embrace. said: '' B-Benji come here''. Benji looks confused unsure what to do.

"Hurry up!" Eric shouted, his voice a mix of urgency and twisted excitement.

Benji, still shaken and uncertain, hesitated for a moment. The conflicting emotions and the demented reality of their situation swirled around him. Yet, under the commanding insistence of Eric, he approached and embraced him.

As the two bodies entwined, Eric whispered assurances, "We'll live together now."

Confusion clouded Benji's expression, but he simply nodded in agreement. The sinister dance of obedience and dominance continued, a dark bond solidifying between captor and captive.