
Chapter 38

“He is a pimp! He cannot talk to a man’s wife like that!”

“Yes, but he knows I’m not a traditional wife. He’ll claim that fact to excuse his boldness. Damnation, Cut, many take liberties with me they wouldn’t dare with a woman.”

He turned to face me squarely, and I read the thoughts behind those magnificent eyes.

“It cannot be helped,” I said, spreading my hands and shrugging. “I am who I am, and I behave according to my nature.”

He relented. “And I would have you no other way. So, what do we do about Lodge Pole?”

“Ignore him. That will injure him more than anything. But this is only his opening salvo. He may begin starting rumors.”

My outraged love breathed dragon’s fire. “I’ll kill him if he does!”

“We’ll figure out what to do when the time comes. Just promise me one thing. Don’t let him drive a wedge between us.”

“No one will ever do that!” my mate cried, clutching my shoulders and drawing me to his breast. As there were others within sight, he released me quickly.