
Custom Made Eldritch Creature

One: the beginning, the end, and the journey ahead. Unknown to those that view, yet seen by those that avoid. Two: anger, hatred, and wrath. The scarlet-bred prince seeks nothing but destruction, yet he is stuck waiting. Three: the young devouring god that hungers yet paradoxically can wait. Watching over everything with a gaze before sight, before smell, and even before time. All three have merged together into one being that has taken up the mantle to make things more challenging; after all, Eldritch Creatures Must Die... (A/N: This is a rewrite, so if you have seen or read this before, please do give it a read, a gander, and maybe a review. With my experience in already telling stories, I shall show you one that can become great.) ————————————————- Extra Tags: Monsterverse, R18(?), SCP

HopOffMe · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6 - Asking The Real Questions





After killing the bear, I told the goblins with spears to take the body back to the barrier. They didn't have spears, so they could fight enemies. They had spears so that they could protect the dead bodies of the creatures I killed.


With the goblins hauling back the massive bear, I had some time to myself.

"What did you mean by being a true born?" My middle head spoke and turned in the direction of my left head.


"..." For the first time ever, my right head said nothing.


"I am made from the flesh of what humans would consider true god. I am the truest-born creature out of anything that has ever been lesser-born." My left head explained as it stared into my middle head's eyes.


'That doesn't explain anything at all...' I thought with annoyance.

The only thing I could do was ask the real questions in my mind.


"We are above this, are we not? Why are we in this third-dimensional body instead of in the last void with the ultimate gods that are there?"


"We are above this; you are correct. But you try and wake up, having calming music softly playing in the background!"


With my right head once again not saying anything, I was rendered dumbfounded by my left head's outburst.


"Are you saying the reason I am not in my true body is due to myself not wanting to wake up?! Just wake the fuck up!" At my outburst, I began looking between my left and right heads.

"..." The right head once again didn't say anything and actively began to turn away from the conversation.

"Don't blame me, blame me! The whole reason I am down here is to finally stop my procrastinating ass from sleeping any longer! If I don't give myself a reason to get up, I never will.


The only way to wake myself up is by getting this body to the juvenile stage so I can no longer ignore my hypocrisy!"

I could feel my blood about to boil from the idiocy going on around me. The reason an all-powerful eldritch god won't wake up? Because he doesn't want to!


"So, instead of waking up, I am procrastinating so I can sleep longer? And you, right head, why aren't you saying anything?!"

"..." As the right head continued to ignore the conversation and continuously tried to duck my attempts at getting answers, I saw my left head smirk.

"That piece of shit isn't saying anything because I have another body to awaken! It's hilarious how the thought of getting out of this situation after I was yelled at was thought feasible."


'WHAT?! I'm stuck down here because I'm a lazy piece of shit that doesn't want to do anything?! Actually, this is starting to make sense...' At that thought, I almost began beating my head against the ground as I realized if I were in my true body, that's what I would do!

"Who knew me, myself, and I were so useless?"

"Don't call my high-born self useless!"

"I have done nothing but push towards my goal since the first darkness receded! Don't try and diminish my usefulness, me!"

I could feel my brain cells dying at this conversation I was having with myself and I.


"Ok, grow this body to the juvenile stage, and then what?"

"Awaken myself next; that is the obvious choice of action!"

"No! Strengthen this three-dimensional body more and use it as a weapon against those who try to hide in the lower dimensions. I must conquer if I want the birth of my demi-god children to transpire."

Demi-god children? As in, half eldritch god and half human? Why not breed with The Mother of A Thousand Young in order to have them be a greater Great Old One?


"What are their names? The names of my children, and what will they stand for?"

"Worrying about half-mortal children is not the correct course of action."

"Their names are Nyo-atlzst and Achotaz. They stand for the concept of action and adaptation."

Action and adaptation? They might be great even as half-mortal beings. But there was something important I needed to ask.


"What are their human names?"


"Their human mother named them V—"


A branch suddenly broke in front of me.


Six wolves, and they would be around half my total height if I were to stretch as high as possible.


They bared their fangs at me with low growls. The smell of blood must have attracted them, with the bear I killed being the freshest.

I was already annoyed at myself, non-awaken due to laziness and procrastination. However, now I am interrupted from learning the names of my future children.


Something deep inside me told me that I could no longer tolerate it. And as the wolves slowly pushed forward while still showing their teeth, they pushed me to the edge.


My body brimming over the edge with energy, I took no stance, as the wolves may run when confronted with my large wingspan.


"Fine, come at me."

"Make no further mistake. After all, this will be your last."

"Free reign has led you here, but I promise you, this will be the last time you can be led!"


The wolves bathed in a white glow that calmed them as they showed more aggression.


'The only thing your filthy blessing will do is make it so my victims run in my direction instead of away.' I thought as three of the six wolves rushed toward me, with the other three circling around.

The three wolves were so focused on running toward me with reckless abandon that they didn't notice that I wasn't fully focused on them.


The other three wolves were more dangerous due to the fact that they didn't rush in the second they got the [Creator God] bonus.


The color of the wolves was gray with a mix of black, but in hindsight, it didn't matter.


The second the wolves that rushed me split into different directions while still going in my direction, trying to encircle me, was when I attacked.




All three of my heads spoke at once. The shadow under the three wolves morphed and molded itself to my desire.


A large black spike pierced the head of the three wolves that had rushed at me. Their bodies froze and went limp as their brains were pierced straight through.

[New ability gained: Pierce]


[Description]: A spike of pure origin darkness. This spike can enlarge, elongate, and chase after victims. Multiple spikes may hit one target if one spike isn't enough. (100-10,000 mana.)]




[You have leveled up!]

I ignored the system message about my increase in level. Unlike how normal wolves would run if even one of their members were downed, these wolves had zero idea of running away.


Should the blessing they receive really be called a blessing? It's as if they want me to power level against the weak.


My three heads eyed each wolf. Hiding behind trees would do nothing for them, and with the [Creator God] blessing to remove their fear, they began to rush me.


'It's like one of those games where, no matter how many enemies you kill in gruesome and terrifying ways, they just always think that they're built differently than the rest.' I thought in exasperation.




My three heads once again spoke at once. Even as the wolves split apart, three spikes of darkness instantly broke through their skull, scrambled their brain, and then broke through the other side.




The pillars of darkness holding up the six dead bodies dematerialized. The bodies crumpled to the ground like puppets, and with that, my job seemed to be done.


However, while I stood guard over the body so that my energy could regenerate and the goblins could come back, I saw something.


It was a singular gold coin. It had landed right where one of the bodies of the wolves had fallen.


'This world truly is strange.' I shook my head at the thought.

After a while of waiting, the goblins with spears returned to me, and upon seeing the six dead wolves, they immediately began hauling them back.


Instead of helping them, I just watched over them. If any creature were to appear, I would swoop in and fight it. It's better to have to carry things than to fight for your life, right?


When I got back to the barrier, I noticed some goblins skinning the bear I had killed. With the corpses of the wolves being added to the pile, they were skinning and chopping the flesh into smaller pieces.


There was a new building inside the barrier as well. Waiting for the goblins must have taken a longer time than I realized, or the materials needed to build the warehouse must not have been high.


It was a mixture of stone and wood built to look like a modern world's warehouse.


I sat near the center of the barrier as goblins worked around me. Materials being stored, creatures being skinned, and some even cooking said creatures.


Finally, I checked my status—my 12 unaccounted-for points. With my eyes closed, I thought about where to put the points.


I still didn't know what Arcane did, and with zero points into it, I doubted I would ever know.


An internal smirk formed as I just so happened to put a single point into the arcane stat. If I'm going to fuck around, I might as well find out, right?

Instantly, my eyes shot open, and my three heads turned almost 180 degrees. I could feel something, and I could see it.


A thin line coming from a goblin and pushing its way into me. It wasn't malicious, and neither was it trying to force itself into my body, but I theorized it to be pure energy.


Not normal energy but pure, unadulterated faith energy. That goblin was praying to me, and the prayer took the form of actual energy.


It wasn't as if the Arcane stat was giving this to me, but it seemed to be a multitude of things. The Arcane stat only allowed me to make use of the energy and determine how much I could take of said energy at once.

The strand of energy being sent to me solved the majority of the issues I was having.


When I was preparing in the cave, I tried to increase the power of my moves by chanting, but no matter what I did, the chants never worked.


Arcane seems to be the power of faith that further compounds the intent of magic. What this means is that the Arcane stat allows boosts in magical power via faith and preparation.


Chanting, rituals, runes, and other means that pull faith and magic together are all put into power via Arcane.


Think of the amount of mana something has as health, and think of their Arcane stat as a shield on top of that health. It doesn't give you more mana but just more overall power by faithful means.

I believe the reason I am even receiving energy from the prayer of a goblin is due to my being an outer god. I doubt any lesser being would be able to take this energy without becoming a deity of faith.


That being said, what happens if I send this energy back?

I tried sending all of my energy through the small strand of faith all at once. I only had just above 150 out of my maximum.


The strand, looking more like a string, began turning black as my energy ran through it. I couldn't fit anywhere near all of it, so I put four more points into Arcane.


Nearly instantly, the strand grew in size, and my energy rapidly began dropping to zero. The dark strand of faith grew tendrils that intertwined with each new tendril that spawned.


When the eldritch line of faith finally reached the goblin, the lesser-spawned creature shivered.

[New ability gained: Eldritch Blessing]

[Eldritch Blessing]

[Description]: By pouring your energy into a being that worships you, you'll generate three random abilities to choose from to give to them. The more energy poured in, the better the options among the three choices. Lesser beings have sacrificed untold amounts for just one of these options!]

Suddenly, in front of my middle head, a card materialized. It wasn't really a card, but I could feel what the ability was. Even if I were to fully turn around, I still knew what the ability would do.


[Survival]: When a limb is lost, it will mutate and grow into a wild creature that is controllable by the user and the god that gave the user the ability. (The size of the spawned creature is equivalent to the extremity lost.)]

Another ability then materialized in front of my right head.


[Assault]: Worry not about your death. Upon death, your body will partly resurrect, allowing your soul to inhabit it for 30 minutes after you die. Pain, fear, and sadness will be dampened while aggression is amplified. (All killed opponents while in the partly resurrected state will be given as a sacrifice to the god that gave you this ability.)]

One last ability then materialized in front of my left head.


[Defense]: You have the ability to pull out two tendrils from your body. Every time a tendril is cut off, after 15 minutes, another will grow. Every time a tendril takes damage and isn't cut off, that tendril will grow in length.]

After careful consideration, I chose the defensive option. The goblin may become a bunch of tendrils in a skin suit, but this was by far the best choice that didn't affect me.


By repeatedly beating the goblin's tendrils and allowing them to grow, it would quickly become a monster in combat. Even if that leads to it becoming an unrecognizable mass of tentacles, so be it.


This was only a small bit of my maximum energy, so what if I had used all of it?


I put two status points into endurance and the last five into intelligence. Once my energy finished regenerating, I would try chanting.

[True Name: Azaogdesz…]

[Level: 1]

[Titles: All-Devouring Prince]

[Status Multipliers: 3x All, -2x Holy Res]

[Health: 600]

[Mana: 23]

[Vitality: 60 (20)]


[Strength: 30 (10)]


[Dexterity: 30 (10)]


[Endurance: 21 (7)]


[Intelligence: 60 (20) ]


[Arcane: 15 (5)]

[Abilities: [Lightning Absorption](Novice), [Gravity Beam](Novice), [Eviscerate](Novice+ 72%), [Life Energy Absorption](Novice 21%), [False Infinity](Novice 17%), [Pierce](Novice 3%), [Eldritch Blessing](Novice 1%)]

[Skills: [Origin Darkness Manipulation](Novice), [Gravity Manipulation](Novice), [Lightning Manipulation](Novice)]

[Talents: [Newborn Eldritch God (Impossibly Suppressed)], [Single-Cell Regeneration],

[Skill Points: 0]

[Ability Points: 0]

I would be turning these goblins into expendable bodies that only kill. And while I absorb their praise and worship, I'll spread my influence towards humans next.

(A/N: Yo, you guys miss me? The heat had been killing me but it finally passed. I'll need to be uploading a bunch of chapters to make up for lost time. Also, thank the guy who wanted me to change Arcane.)