
Custom Made Eldritch Creature

A traveler wearing a black cloak limps around a ruined world. Being the last of his kind on the planet, he once called Earth, now called the endless footsteps. Eventually, he finds what he’s looking for: a crimson tome. This book had a weird look to it, and opening it, he saw a lot of names. “Sin of Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth.” They all had names under their sin title, but that wasn’t what he was there for. He turned to the last but most significant page… “The Crimson Prince.” Was what that entire page was dedicated to, with ways of summoning him and everything. “CRIMSON PRINCE GET OUT HERE!” The man screamed and suddenly fell due to a change in positioning. He was on gray sand with a massive neon crimson tree in front of him, and right in front of that tree was him… The Crimson Prince! ————————————————- Extra Tags: World Destruction, Death, Jumping, R18(?), SCP, Mindless Slaughter, Omniverse, Overpowered to Disgustingly Overpowered, Crimson, YANDERE!

HopOffMe · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 5 - Is This Jujutsu Kaisen?




I walk through the barren, pitch-black wasteland I now find myself in. Walking in one direction for any competition, I see a strange group.

The weird thing was that this small gathering had to be 500-strong, and they were all working together, with none of them eating each other.

Usually, the ideas would tear each other apart upon meeting as they only understood one word, and that was violence.

'The only way ideas would work together is if they were under someone or something else. But the only way they would gather under anything else in The In-Between was if it was an inheritance holder.'

With this thought, my confusion rose as to why you would gather all these ideas instead of just consolidating them yourself.

It was a stupid move because if you come across an enemy with said group and defeat them, then who would get to consolidate that enemy?

Only the group leader would benefit, and if they did share, the only thing they ruined was their growth, but if they didn't share, the unrest in the group they built could turn into a rebellion.

Depending on who it is and how big the group is, the rebellion could, in fact, easily defeat the leader.

The miniature army seemed to be heading in my direction, and because of this, I stopped walking a few minutes ago to indicate that I wouldn't run.

Only when they were 100 meters away did they stop, and from the looks of it, they didn't have just one inheritance holder but three.

That would explain how they could control the other almost 500 ideas in this group, but why had they worked together like this?

My question was soon answered as one of the inheritance holders spoke up.

"Crimson one, we have come to you for the impossible challenge you impose. They claim all who have challenged you have fallen, and I refuse to believe that."

Ah, so it would seem that the other inheritance holders have been making their groups and speaking to each other like this was some sort of mini-kingdom-building game.

Yet I recognize this specific holder as he was one of the original two I spawned close by.

Shame he chose to die today…

"Challenge? I don't give out challenges. I only give out death to my enemies!" I spoke with the calmness of a father watching his kids have fun while his wife cooked and he sat on the couch watching football.

Yet "Chain Spawn" kept talking as it seemed he wasn't done with whatever "political?" Agenda he would push in exchange for killing me.

"It would seem you do not know.." He spoke with absolute confidence and maybe a bit of arrogance in his tone.

Yet I was not the one to turn down free information and enemies, especially the weak ones who loved hearing themselves speak.

"Oh, do tell me what I don't know." I grew a small smile as I kept him speaking, knowing that whatever he was about to spill was something that would come in handy later.

"Every spawn in this forsaken dimension knows of your exploits! They claim you are an ender of anything in your path and that your strength holds no equal!" The inheritance holder, not seeing my bored look due to the fact he loved his voice a little too much and also due to the fact he currently thought he had the upper hand, kept going.

"I have come to show them all that you are, in fact, killable, just like all other beings! I shall be the one to put you down and show all others how great my might truly is!" Ultimately, it seemed all he wanted to please was his ego while pushing how great he was by killing me using 500 of the In-Between spawns in this "grand" battle.

With all this going on, I could only think of one thing.

'Is this fu*kin jujutsu kaisen or something? Why is he trying to jump me? Well, I guess I am a pretty big target he doesn't think he can take himself. Whatever, let's do this already.'

"Please do show me how killable I am! Show all of the In-Between how this "Crimson One" truly is a weak being!" With my "EX" provocation, that was all needed to start this battle.

Yet they seemed to be underestimating me as he only sent 10 of the weaker ideas to charge at me all at once.

This may be a way for him to "test the waters" and gauge my strength, but still, it would be useless all the same.

As the ideas all came charging at once, I stood there waiting for them to reach me as I had no movements to waste on weaklings while my real prize was right in front of me.

When all the ideas were within 20 feet of me, I moved. Instantly, all ten ideas heads were on the pitch-black ground with nothing being done to me.

I used the system to grab their souls as I knew the second I tried to consolidate them, the spawn army would charge me completely.

Instead, I did something else most devious to only those who would know of what I had done.

Going into the system, I started making a skill, and this skill would not only make this battle a cakewalk but would also help me out in the long run.

The eldritch spawn souls I have were powerful to the point where each one could equal 100 human souls yet would barely give me a point in any of my stats.

I used imaginative mode as I didn't have time and instantly thought of SCP-682. The cap on it was only a thousand human souls, so I didn't expect to get anywhere close to adaptive regeneration, but that's not what I wanted.

I added descriptions like "As Fast As The Naked Eye, Regenerate From A Drop, And Fatal Wound Healing." All into this one ability, and what it granted me wasn't half-bad.

Ultra Speed Regeneration: Allows the user to shrug off most attacks with sheer regeneration speed, turning the user into an unkillable force by regenerating all damage taken before damage can even accumulate. (Fully restores a hand in ten seconds if thoroughly chopped off. Can restore from a drop of blood in five minutes and can heal fatal wounds.)

This was exactly what I needed, yet it was a bit underpowered. I would upgrade it with the eldritch tier souls in front of me, boosting its power more.

With spending the souls and making my ability only taking a few seconds, I fully turned my attention to the victims ahead of me.

They seemed shocked as the baseline for the spawn was set at 50 in at least one stat, so all of those spawns had at least something going for them.

Yet they didn't know that I when spawned, specialized in speed and had over four times the base speed of any baseline speed idea.

They must have expected me to deal with them slowly over a miniature battle and emerge the victor, yet with scratches and some damage.

This was not a fairy tale, and when you confront me, I will not take my time with you if I don't care. There was only one course of action for me as the strongest of the In-Between…


I looked at all of them with a crazed smile while wondering if I was given good luck for finding these many sacrifices!


I might start a Pa*reon as I was going to start making a bunch of chapters (like 14 a week.), and I was just wondering if you guys would have any interest.

This story will stay free for all my broke brothers and (some?) sisters out there! So don't worry, as I know the feeling of not being able to read a story you like, and I don't wish that upon anyone.

If any of you are interested in unlocking future chapters, giving ideas that may change the story's direction, or want to push a world you want to see to the forefront of the crowd, then maybe check it out. (I'll link it when I have enough chapters for you to munch on.)

