
Custom Made Eldritch Creature

A traveler wearing a black cloak limps around a ruined world. Being the last of his kind on the planet, he once called Earth, now called the endless footsteps. Eventually, he finds what he’s looking for: a crimson tome. This book had a weird look to it, and opening it, he saw a lot of names. “Sin of Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth.” They all had names under their sin title, but that wasn’t what he was there for. He turned to the last but most significant page… “The Crimson Prince.” Was what that entire page was dedicated to, with ways of summoning him and everything. “CRIMSON PRINCE GET OUT HERE!” The man screamed and suddenly fell due to a change in positioning. He was on gray sand with a massive neon crimson tree in front of him, and right in front of that tree was him… The Crimson Prince! ————————————————- Extra Tags: World Destruction, Death, Jumping, R18(?), SCP, Mindless Slaughter, Omniverse, Overpowered to Disgustingly Overpowered, Crimson, YANDERE!

HopOffMe · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 3 - Battle Royale




Charging toward my first target, a non-inheritance spawn, I immediately dodged the scythe-like hand approaching me.

This spawn was like a centipede with multiple legs, a long body, and the upper body having two scythe-like hands on each side.

Eren knew that some spawn would be watching this fight as it was an estimation of his abilities, so he decided to go all out.

Upon dodging, Eren struck out with one of the tendrils and hit the creature across the eyes. The tendril was like a whip across the eyes as it slashed.

Black blood splattered in the darkness as the creature roared in pain of losing its eyes. It seemed undeterred by the loss of sight as it kept trying to attack Eren.

The scythes were moving extremely fast, yet with the 29 points in speed; it was like comparing a human jogger versus a cheetah at full speed.

The spawn was thirteen feet in height, yet it made no difference as Eren jumped on his scythe-like hands, which were three meters in length.

The attack was quick and efficient. Using two tendrils to cut off the creature's primary two weapons, as with the scythes gone, there was only one thing to do.

A kick to the head came to the creature as it realized its primary weapons were gone, and with that kick, it was discombobulated. By the time the creature could shake off the attack it had just received, it was already too late.

The tendrils from Eren had split into more now, making it 16 in number, but the number wasn't the main reason the creature was in shock.

Each of the tendrils had fists on the end of them, being about three-fourths of a meter in size. The creature last heard Eren whispering, "It's useless." As a punch hit, then a second and a third, only for a barrage to come out in a flash.

Fifteen, thirty-five, fifty, and more kept coming; all the while, Eren stood still with his arms crossed and a smile on his face.

As the barrage ended, Eren formed all his tendrils around his left arm for one final hit. The tendrils formed into a long knife as Eren whispered again, "It's totally useless."

The knife stabbed into the creature's chest; once the blade was lodged deep, it transformed again inside the creature, turning into many long spikes.

Killing the creature instantly, Eren then started to absorb the dead body along with the soul, as this was the whole reason for staying in The In-Between.

The other spawns watching the battle immediately turned to each other and started fighting. Seeing as Eren had taken out his enemy without taking a hit or a scratch on his body, the others evaluated the fight and deemed him something that they should not mess with.

When in The In-Between, you are able to absorb the souls and bodies of the other spawns to raise yourself further. You cannot do this anywhere else, and because of that, you must make the most of your time here because once you leave, you can't come back.

The consuming process only takes a maximum of thirty seconds. However, it does not make you vulnerable and still allows you to defend yourself, so the other spawns didn't try to attack him because he wouldn't be weaker even if they did attack.

It only took ten seconds to absorb both the soul and body of the creature. The time it takes is based on the enemy's strength compared to you.

Eren, who had finished absorbing his dead enemy, felt a warmth spread throughout his body. It felt like a lover cuddling your cold body under the covers, but his whole body had the feeling.

The feeling had faded in only two seconds, and with that, Eren turned to look at the spawn fighting. The two nearby spawns with inheritance seemed to be winning their fights, with the one with the chains using them to bind and rip his enemies apart while the female one was using what appeared to be a summon.

Eren saw two other spawns fighting. They were both bloody and seemed barely standing with the last of their strength. The only reason they were still fighting was due to the prospect of absorbing their dead enemy and being able to recover their strength.

Eren, seeing this, had his face go from neutral to full-blown sadistic because there is only one thing any living being hates when in a battle royale… Being third partied.

Having both your enemies being so close to finishing their fight with both being low only to take the win out of BOTH of their hands at the last minute. Nothing was more sadistic and funny when done to an enemy successfully.

Knowing you're getting third partied has to be one of the worst feelings imaginable, yet Eren knew he would do it to them.

As both spawns were in a heated battle and locked in combat, Eren sped over as quickly as possible. Due to them being tired, hurt, and having tunnel vision from the battle they were experiencing, they charged at each other again. Being only a foot away, Eren made himself known.

The instant he appeared, he attacked with tendrils going into the one behind him while he punched a hole deep into the chest of the second one, earning himself two free wins.

Eren then had to take time to absorb both their bodies and souls, which took a total of sixteen seconds. Looking at his stats again, he saw a noticeable change.

Name: Eren

Race: Eldritch

Bloodline: Two Very Powerful Ones

Eldritch Name: Urdal Amhuthatl Shub-Cxarru Taallist Cnyggdotl… Azaogdesz

Form: Newborn (Perfectly Born)

Hierarchy: Bottom Of The Lesser Spawn

Attribute: Chaos

Strength: 19

Speed: 33

Magic Energy: 22

Activity: 24

Loaded Materials: None

Skills: None

Talent Ability 1: Eldritch Spawn

Explanation: Being an eldritch spawn, you can do a lot of things, but the basics are seeing souls, being able to travel to The Outside, Understanding resistance, and many other minor effects.

Talent Ability 2: Eldritch Blood

Explanation: The eldritch are a race of chaos and destruction, and it is very easy for them to destroy their surroundings just by their presence. Eldritch Blood gives you a better affinity with disorder, death, and destruction.

Talent Ability 3: Chaos Addiction

Explanation: The eldritch are bringers of chaos, disorder, and depravity. The eldritch are attracted to chaos so much to the point that they actively seek it.

Items: None

Number Of Souls In Possession: 0

'The numbers did go up, but you can only get so many points from one eldritch creature as the stat points spread out thin rather than all in one or two stats.

It might have to do with the attunement of the enemies you kill, but either way, it was something. No wonder there were so many creatures that spawned here.'

Eren stopped wondering and sped over to his next target, noticing he was faster than before. An even more feral smile appeared on his face.

He appeared before another "idea" spawn; before it could even attack him, he formed some of his tendrils around his arm, forming a twelve-inch-long knife, and stabbed the creature.

The knife dug deep, but the second it reached as deep as it could go, he pulled as hard as he could, ripping the knife out only to stab in different spots. The stabbing was so quick that the creature couldn't even react as Eren reformed the blade into a reverse grip to continue stabbing and only finished his assault with a stab through the throat.

The creature had no time to use any means of defense against the assault and died in confusion as to how it could be defeated so quickly, being its last thought.

It took Eren eight seconds to fully absorb it, but once that was done, he was already looking for his next target.

Another fight, but this time with five opponents, all trying to kill each other. All Eren saw was free meals waddling into the meat grinder as he ran as fast as he could over to the fight.


More info will be given in the future, but know that we are going for the long victory.

I am going to have to cook harder, but most of the fights against the ideas are easy due to them not having any way to know how to fight as they haven't watched someone else fight in their inheritance. They primarily run on instinct, so they'll do whatever it is they want.