
Custom Made Eldritch Creature

A traveler wearing a black cloak limps around a ruined world. Being the last of his kind on the planet, he once called Earth, now called the endless footsteps. Eventually, he finds what he’s looking for: a crimson tome. This book had a weird look to it, and opening it, he saw a lot of names. “Sin of Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth.” They all had names under their sin title, but that wasn’t what he was there for. He turned to the last but most significant page… “The Crimson Prince.” Was what that entire page was dedicated to, with ways of summoning him and everything. “CRIMSON PRINCE GET OUT HERE!” The man screamed and suddenly fell due to a change in positioning. He was on gray sand with a massive neon crimson tree in front of him, and right in front of that tree was him… The Crimson Prince! ————————————————- Extra Tags: World Destruction, Death, Jumping, R18(?), SCP, Mindless Slaughter, Omniverse, Overpowered to Disgustingly Overpowered, Crimson, YANDERE!

HopOffMe · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 20 - The Modern World?




My avatar was sitting next to the altar when it suddenly lit up. This time, it had an offering, which was just a small amount of virgin blood. I didn't need the offering, but I did want to see who would try and summon me.

The portal was a mix of white and red as I walked into it. When I opened my eyes, I was in what seemed to be a bedroom, but it had numerous drawings lining the wall and on the floor.

I looked down and noticed a male human kneeling on the ground with a cut on his hand. It appears the virgin blood came from him, as that's why it was in such a small amount. My avatar was still human in appearance, and so when he looked up at me, he was confused.

"Who are you?! You're not The Crimson Prince!" He spoke with sadness and betrayal as if his entire life had been shattered right before his eyes.

"What do you need The Prince for?" I spoke, ignoring his sadness like it didn't matter. The man started crying as he responded back to me. "My mother… She has stage four cancer and will die in a month… She's done everything for me, and I can't even save her!" The anger from his own weakness caused him to grit his teeth.

The man surprised me as usually when people summon you, they want to be all-powerful or something. An impossible-to-see uptilt of my lip was all that was needed to show that I would give this man what he wanted.

"If you're looking for The Prince, then just look forward," I said as my appearance started changing back to what I initially looked like. The man, still kneeling on the ground, looked up with tears still pouring down his eyes with a surprised look.

"Humans usually summon the eldritch for power or greed, yet you had summoned me to save someone you thought deserved to live," I said as I looked at the man, but he could be no older than 20 years old, so his mother must be a younger one. It made sense why he was so angry with himself and how he spoke about his mother. She must have raised him by herself.

I healed his still-bleeding hand while going back into my human form. "Let us go heal your mother then, innocent one. I told him as he had summoned an eldritch creature who could destroy his world all to save one person who meant more than the world to him. It truly was commendable.

"Alright, I'll have to wash this blood off me and get a change of clothes, but then we should be able to get to the hospital she's in!" He spoke to me like I was an Angel that appeared from the heavens to help him. The smile on his face was like a little kid who just got a puppy they would cherish all their life.

It only took him five minutes as he practically jumped down the stairs and appeared before me at the front door. "Are you ready?" I asked him, and he nodded as he opened the door for me.

The outside world was… Modern with no look of anything magical, I knew if this avatar could feel the repulsive forces of this world, I would be pushed out like a tsunami breaking down a small wooden house. As we walked, the homes and buildings looked a bit weird to me as I had only seen them in one place. "What country are we in?" I asked the summoner beside me.

"We're in Japan, your Majesty." When he told me that, it made a lot more sense as to why I had never seen these buildings before. I've never been to Japan in my past life, so this was a new experience for me.

It took us 20 minutes to walk to the hospital, and when we got there, we had to check in at the front desk. The lady working there did try and ask me for my phone number, but I didn't have a phone and didn't want to be bothered with whatever standards of dating this world had. So I ignored her and continued upstairs to the third floor with the summoner whose name I didn't ask for.

We reached a room where he opened the door, and lying on a bed in the room was a woman. She had no hair and looked like she would die in a month or two, and just by looking at her face, she didn't seem comfortable.

"Can you save her?" I heard a whisper to the side of me, and the summoner looked as though he had a stomach ache with how badly he was scrunching his face. "Doubt is natural, but nothing is impossible for me." After saying my piece, I approached the woman and touched her forehead.

All it took was a touch, and the cancer was gone. The face of the lady relaxed as she lay on the bed. I turned to the summoner. "She's healed, and once the regeneration kicks in, her hair, skin color, and health should rise." The summoner looked at me skeptically as all I did was touch her, but how could that heal her?

As someone who can't see abilities nor know of them, he should be confused. I looked his way again and spoke, "Usually, this would require your soul or something, but since all you wanted was to have a family member healed, I'll make the deal something else." His eyes grew wide when he heard I should take his soul, but upon hearing of something else, he calmed down.

"What is it that you want me to do, your Majesty!" He got on one knee while speaking, but even still, I knew he was secretly skeptical, and only time would fix that.

"When your mother wakes up, she's going to be healed. I want you to spread the word of my healing properties and to tell the people to pray to "The Crimson Prince." They should end their prayers with "Praise His Majesty The Crimson Prince" and I shall hear their prayer." Hearing what I had to say, the surprise on his face grew as eldritch creatures usually want sacrifices as he probably read all of the tome detailing different anomalies and creatures.

"I will not betray those that follow me, and the only thing you shall see if you follow me is greatness." The summoner looked at me with even more surprise as he stood up, but before he could open his mouth, I spoke to him again. "I give all my followers the chance to gain powers beyond their wildest dreams… Do you desire to join me as one of my followers?"

Getting a chance to get special powers is something no one in this world has, and because of this, I knew what his response would be. "Yes! I will join you!" The man almost screamed it out as I turned to him.

I bit my finger hard enough to draw blood and made sure to keep biting down till I had a drop of blood on the tip of my left finger. I held my finger above his head as he began kneeling. "Once this drop of blood enters your eye, you shall forever be one of my followers! There is no going back from here!" I told him to make sure he wasn't trying to back out, but his eyes held conviction as he held them open wide.

With his unwavering conviction, I had turned my finger over, allowing gravity to do the work as the droplet hit his eye. I felt something had changed, and so I looked into the paths. The crimson stump had grown a branch, signaling that he had, in fact, been turned into one of my subjects.

"You are now a Subject of Crimson, and I shall give you a jar of my blood as a way to turn any who want to join my cause." The jar of blood was to be used one drop at a time to turn any would-be followers into my subjects. To give him that, we would have to return to his house.


After giving him the drop of blood, I walked around for a bit before deciding to leave a marker on this world and go back to Crawling Dreams, as there was nothing left for me to do here.

When people pray to me, I would be able to heal them from afar, but that is why I had gone with that summoner to heal his mother in person. With one person spreading the word soon enough, I could start giving out titans and having the government try to boost their soldiers with power.

I had the ability to automatically heal anyone who prayed to me so that I didn't have to worry about it. In only a week or so, I should have thousands of titan shifters ready to fight for me. The bonuses to joining me were low-tier regeneration, higher strength, higher speed, more flexibility, the ability to have the perfect figure, and more!

This is all without gaining any titan powers, and who would deny the ability to have ten-pack abs? A smile appeared on my face as I activated the marker and appeared in Nyarla's house. I walked up the stairs and entered Nyarla's room, and it wasn't what I expected.

There were weird charms that were hung up, and on the wall were hundreds of white chalk marks that seemed to be counting something. Nyarla wasn't in the room, though, so I walked out of the door and closed it behind me.

Since it seemed like Nyarla wasn't here, I walked downstairs and out of the house. Closing the door behind me, I looked up to the sky. 'Still no stars.' I thought as I started walking forward down the sidewalk. This world was filled with horrors and monstrosities that no world could ever live with.

The number of creatures that could eat a human was staggeringly high, and because of this, most people would have monsters stalk them without any knowledge of it until they went into a secluded area with one of the creatures.

The streets were filled with people and things pretending to be people. I was walking till I looked into the window of a store called "The Milkshake Bar," and I swear fate or something was pulling me here because inside, I saw Nyarla.


Are the strings being pulled? Nah, he's just overreacting.

The time the people on Webnovel see this chapter, I would have probably made chapter 40 or higher. (Currently writing a new fic.)



(Don't forget the R!)