

Seeing the pits of angels all around, Dante Virgil and Nero subconsciously stood back to back together, raising their guns on guard.

However, this kind of action naturally aroused dissatisfaction among the angels, and the angels around them immediately surrounded them with weapons in their hands, looking eager to try.

"Hello, what's the situation?" Dante raised his head and saw the Osiris Sky Dragon behind the golden light curtain high in the sky. Knowing that Roy must be on it, he quickly shouted.

"..." Roy didn't say a word, and gave him a speechless look condescendingly to let him experience it for himself.

Back in the heavens, Badr finally felt more secure. Although he looked very embarrassed, he still calmly said to Dante and them: "Don't struggle, can't you see the strength of this enchantment? Your father And those **** demons, you can't attack them now..."

"How could this be..." Nero swallowed a cold sweat on his forehead and looked into the distance. Sure enough, through the huge light film, he saw the dense army of demons outside.

"I really admire you. Who gave you the courage to follow me into the gates of heaven?" Badr held Beyonita in his arms, and a mocking smile appeared on his face: "You are disgusted Can't you die by yourself?"

Dante didn't say a word. The current situation didn't allow him to make more provocations, so he had to temporarily put away his usual cynicism.

However, while observing the surroundings, Dante couldn't help but raised his head again and glanced at Roy outside the light curtain, then he was stunned.

Because of the long distance, he didn't see too clearly. He seemed to see Roy doing a downward pressure on him...

At this moment, Dante Fu was so spiritual that he understood the meaning of Roy's move, and suddenly reacted, Roy told them not to act rashly!

Yes, in this situation, whether it's their old Spartan or Osiris, distant waters can't save the near fire, and they can't help them at all. If they are facing so many enemies, they have to try to resist. If that is the case, it is really dead! It's better to catch it temporarily and save your life.

Thinking of this, Dante threw the magic sword in his hand to the ground and said, "Well, Badr, you won this round..."

Virgil and Nero also reacted at once. Although they were unwilling, they still followed Dante, dropped their weapons and gave up resistance.

"...A very clever choice!" After being silent for a while, Badr nodded and said: "I originally thought you would choose to be purified by the Holy Light..."

The surrounding angels swarmed up and held down Dante and the three of them. The golden light formed shackles on their limbs, locking them all up, while Badr turned his head to a seraphim beside him and said: "Al Master Crando, fortunately, I have brought back the left eye of darkness!"

This seraph named Alclando is a mighty looking angel. He is wearing a golden armor and a scarlet cloak behind him. Six wings of golden flames are slightly floating behind him. However, what is strange is that his body is like a headless horseman, no head can be seen!

He held the holy sword in his right hand, and in his left hand a shield with a pattern like the sun. On the shield, a human face appeared. That was Alclando's face...

After hearing Badr's words, Alclando lifted the shield in his hand slightly, bringing the human face to the position of the neck, and then saw the human face showing a happy expression, grinning: "Good job Badr, without further ado, start awakening Julius immediately!"

Badr nodded, and the seven seraphs led him to the location of the statue of Julius. When he left, Badr glanced high in the sky, only to find that the long dragon swimming high did not know. When is it gone!

Roy left. After instructing Dante and them to surrender first, he has realized that Julius's resurrection may be a foregone conclusion, so it's useless to stay here. The devil must now consider how to deal with it. So Roy left.

Dante and the three of them also noticed this, but they didn't know when Roy left, so they could only secretly secretly talk ruthlessly, while being escorted by angels to the location where the Julius statue was.

Yes, after the return of Badr, the confident angels are now fearless. They are looking forward to Julius waking up and leading them to victory, so before that, they plan to let these three A forbidden son, also feels the majesty of Julius, the goddess of light, up close...

When they came under the trunk of the Kabbalah Tree, Dante and the others finally saw the appearance of the so-called Goddess Julius. For this majestic statue, they could only look up.

A large number of angels gathered here, but only seven Seraphs and Badr could approach the statue.

When the ceremony of resurrection began, Badr stood in front of the statue with Bayonita in his arms. He didn't see any movement, his body exuded magical radiance, and the whole person slowly floated up, when he floated to Jupiler. When the face of the silk statue was near, the'right eye of light' on his chest burst into a strong light.

A group of colorful lights and shadows appeared. It was the Mark of Mobius that he had received in Guangming's right eye. After it appeared, the Mark of Mobius slowly flew towards Julius's eyebrows, and then Incorporated into the statue.

Under the gaze of countless lights, after a brief period of calm, the statue of Julius suddenly began to tremble slightly, and the amplitude of this tremor gradually became larger and larger, and at the same time, the statue was once again at a speed visible to the naked eye. The height of growth has grown from about 12 meters to about 20 meters!

"It works! It works!" Seraphim Arclando looked at the statue excitedly.

In fact, when Julius first fell into long sleep, the statue incarnate was at this height. However, as the soul decayed, the statue became smaller. For this phenomenon, Alclando and the others studied it for a long time. It is possible to draw a conclusion that it is that Julius' soul was damaged, and at the same time, the godhead was also damaged, so that her soul could not heal itself, and this time the godhead brought back by Badr was to make up and repair Julius's original godhead.

When Julius's statue returned to its original height, in the perception of the angels, Julius's soul also began to gradually grow, which showed that everything they did was useful.

"Quickly, Badr!" Alclando said loudly, "Fuse the Eye of the World quickly and let the goddess completely wake up!"

Badr lowered his head and looked at Beyonita in his arms, and after a slight sigh, he tossed Beyonita gently.

Beyonita's body exudes a black light, which is the brilliance of the dark left eye in front of her chest. After her whole body slowly floats to the left eye of the statue, it begins to blend into the left side of the statue. In the eyes.

On the other hand, Badr himself radiated a white light, and the right eye of light was activated, and he dived into the right eye of the statue.

The eyeballs that were originally stone statues suddenly turned into a transparent color after Baldr and Beyonita blended in. The original stone suddenly turned into a watery texture. Badr and Beyonita calmed down. Standing quietly among the eyes of the statue, the light radiating from them made the eyes of the statue look black and white, very strange.

"Come back, Archangel Jupiles crowned!" The seraphs, including countless ancient angels on the periphery, were all bowed down on one knee and worshipped the statue. : "In the name of the Holy Light, the glory of heaven will bloom because of you!!!"

Om————A subtle voice came from the inside of the statue. In Julius's statue, the bright right eye on Badr's chest and the dark left eye on Beyonita's chest resonated in unison at this moment, endless The brilliance filled the whole body of the statue at this moment, the light became stronger and stronger, and finally formed a dazzling light beam directly into the sky!

The beam of light passed all the way through the dense and bright leaves of the Kabbalah Tree, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com finally hit the barrier light curtain of the dome, and then continued to bombard the light curtain.

Kacha, a slight sound came, and the barrier that countless demons could not penetrate before, unexpectedly cracked a gap under the impact of this beam!

The angels also heard the sound of the fragmentation of the enchantment, but they did not panic, because it was already in their expectations. When the eyes of the world merge, they need to vent energy. This huge energy is bound to come from within. It broke the whole barrier, but since Julius is resurrected, it doesn't matter to the angels whether there is a barrier...

In the endless brilliance, the statue of Julius actually moved. She slowly closed her eyes. At the moment when her eyes closed, both Badr and Beyonita were in her eyes. Disappeared.

The moment Julius opened her eyes again, all the rock layers on the surface of the statue collapsed, a graceful tall body broke out of the statue, and a lazy mutter echoed through the entire heaven. ...

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