

Judging from what Roy currently understands, he has already realized a situation, that is: Do not split the soul at will to create a self-conscious clone.

The devils of the abyss seem to like to split their souls, either to make weapons or to make clones as a helper. Fortunately, to make weapons, soul fragments are trapped in non-living bodies, and it is generally difficult to generate self-consciousness. But if it is placed in a living body, it is likely to gradually become a new individual demon over time.

The will of this new individual demon will not be consistent with the ontology. They will not think that they are part of the ontology, nor will they have the idea of ​​returning to the ontology. Sometimes they will even think that they are talented. It is the ontology, and the ontology is the clone.

And this situation is not only reflected in the demons, but also in the angels.

This is the situation for Julie now. She has stayed by Samael since she had consciousness and memory. As there is no previous memory, she has never sought out where she came from. She has only one identity. , That is the fallen angel Julie. If Roy tells her at this time that she used to be the goddess of light Julie, perhaps her first reaction is: how is this possible? ?

If she is in Juliet's perspective, then she definitely wants to take back her missing soul, but she is not the same when she is in Julie's perspective. She will never want to merge with the body again. You would think that I, Julie, is Julie, and which onion is Julie?

You don't need to think about it. If Julie merges the soul back, then there will be no more Julie in this world, and all her consciousness will be completely gone. How could Julie be willing?

Roy doesn't know if there will be a connection between the body and the avatar when they meet. If there is such a connection, then Julie may find her where she is at the moment she meets Julie. So Roy feels that it's better not to let Julie see Julius...

So, what if the other way round?

There should be a part of the soul in Julius's body. This part of the soul is still the sacred soul of the angels. If Roy can take this part of Julius's soul, contaminate it, and complete the transformation, then Can it be used to help Julil complete the soul?

This is equivalent to completely inverting the main body and the clone, making Julie's clone the main body in turn.

Even if Juliet has more soul parts, Roy can try to separate them and fuse Julie little by little. This operation is theoretically completely feasible.

And referring to Sparta's situation, we can know that once the soul is fully replenished, Julie's strength will take a huge leap over time.

By then, there will no longer be the goddess of light Juliet in this world, there will only be the fallen angel Julie... The significance of this operation is absolutely huge for the devil. By analogy, it is equivalent to making Gabriel or The avatar of the archangel like Michael has fallen.

When he thought of this, Roy couldn't help his heart beating fiercely. He was shocked by his own thoughts: rounding up, it means that the abyss world will have one more Lucifer!

Of course, an archangel like Julius, although the rank is also an archangel, it is definitely inferior to an archangel like Gabriel Michael, and it is definitely not comparable to Lucifer. But in any case, it is absolutely possible for Julie to be promoted to the Demon King...

Roy's eyes flickered, and he began to calculate carefully.

To be honest, even he himself did not expect that he left the abyss and entered the world this time. The biggest opportunity for him was not in the world of Devil May Cry, but in the world of the Bayonetta. If it can be operated properly, not only Julie can Promoted to the Demon Lord level, Roy himself also has great hopes to become the real Demon Lord Osiris...

Don't forget, there is also a "God" in Badr. In addition, the so-called "Eye of the World" is a good thing. If you can get these two things, Roy Come to these two worlds, even if it is complete.

"You must get it!" Roy gritted his teeth, showing the sharp teeth of the devil, clenched his fist fiercely, and his eyes were full of murderous intent: "Any blocker is my enemy!"

Thinking like this in his heart, Roy waved his right hand forward, and Rafallo, who was connected to him at his feet, immediately let out a huge roar, twisting his long body, and flew to the front battlefield with teeth and claws murderously. .

Roy is ready to join the war himself!

After approaching the battlefield, a huge amount of magic power was injected into Rafalo's body from Roy's feet, and Rafalo opened his terrifying jaws, exposing his hideous dragon teeth facing the front of the battlefield. A huge black ball of light was formed in his huge mouth. The black ball of light was filled with extremely powerful lightning power and frost power. While the black ball of light was blazing with lightning, the outer layer actually showed A circle of strange multi-faceted crystal light.

This is Roy's first attempt to integrate the powers of Dark Thunder and Darkest Cold. He now has seven elemental powers, but among these elemental powers, except for the dark element, it blends well with other elements. In addition, the rest of the elemental powers are quite distinct from each other. This has always been Roy's biggest heart disease, so he has been trying to integrate the elemental powers he has mastered again.

The dark thunder and the darkest cold are the two powers that are the easiest to merge in his mind. The cold and darkest cold possessed by the dark thunder can be said to complement each other...

Through the augmentation effect possessed by the Osiris Sky Dragon by Rafallo, this black ball of light just appeared, attracting the attention of many powerful angels and demons on the battlefield, because the more powerful the angels and demons, The more I can feel how terrifying the power contained in this black ball of light is!

With the size of the black ball of light, it swelled in Rafalo's mouth, and the palpitating magic pressure of terror spread to the entire battlefield. The high-ranking angels on the opposite realized that they could not let this terrible The black light ball was charged up, so he broke through the battle line desperately, trying to rush towards Roy and Rafalo.

However, they were quickly blocked by the strong on the side of the devil. Madame Styx and the group of demon lords realized that Roy was ready to release the ultimate move. Of course, they had to help Roy withstand it, so they all shot. All kinds of powerful magic shoot at high-level angels like money.

The one who shot together was also Junia. She had appeared many times during this war. Once Julie and Bainia had finished cooling off the earrings, they directly summoned Junia to rush. After all, such a tragic battlefield. , Even the upper demons can only be regarded as stronger cannon fodder, so they can only let Junia come out to help.

A large number of demons followed the demon lords, blocking the charge of the high-ranking angels, and keeping them firmly in the periphery, while Roy and Rafallo patiently completed their energy accumulation without being disturbed. .

When the charge was almost complete, Roy roared: "Dodge all!"

Hearing his shouts, Junia and Madam Styx directly ignored their rivals and quickly hid two or three kilometers away.

And as soon as they moved away, the black ball of light in Rafalo's mouth also exploded!

"Helium flash!!"

The black ball of light that has expanded to nearly a hundred meters instantly turned into a huge beam of light, and flew towards the densest place of angels in front. At the moment when the beam of light bursts out, the holy light that originally permeated the entire universe, As if all had flinched at this moment, a dark light filled the entire space!

The surrounding companions are gone, and the enemy is gone. Whether it's an angel or a devil, only the huge black beam is left in the field of vision at this moment. They just stared blankly, forgetting even blinking, and staring at the black. The beam of light flew into the front where the angels were.

A high-ranking angel was very unlucky to block the path of the beam, so he was the first unlucky person to be hit. When the beam hit him, all the accumulated power was directly in the huge thunder. Broke out.

In the next second, a super thunderstorm spreading over nearly 100 square kilometers appeared! Hundreds of millions of fragmented lightning flooded this huge area. These lightnings were intertwined into a big net. No angel could escape from it. All the angels in this area were all lightning added at this moment.

However, UU reading www. What's strange about uukanshu.com is that they were not turned into coke by these lightning, instead they turned into countless fine crystal particles, which are magnificent and regular frost crystals! Every cell in their body was frozen into tiny crystals at this moment!

Death came quietly in this magnificent crystal powder. With the help of the huge area covered by the super thunderstorm, Roy used his frost power to the fullest. Such a killing effect is not comparable to a huge blizzard. .

Both angels and demons opened their mouths at this moment and couldn't close them for a long time. No one knows how many angels were killed in the strike just now, and how many demons were affected, but the original dense battlefield In the space, a huge hole appeared in an instant, as if it had been bitten off.

Before they came back to their senses, another burst of heart-pounding magic pressure appeared. After seeing the familiar black ball of light appeared in Rafalo's mouth again, the angels were finally shivered!

"Retreat! Retreat! Back to Asa City!!"

The high-ranking commanders on the angel side screamed loudly...

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